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For Exam
of October 18


Instructor will pick one question at random. Questions should be answered based on what you have learned from the Bucholz and Key textbook, Antonia Fraser’s Wives of Henry VIII, the class lectures, and essays posted on the class website.

1.  The reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII are quite different in the way governmental power developed and was organized. Describe these differences and what historical circumstances caused them. Be sure to compare and contrast Henry VII and Henry VIII as kings but do not dwell on that aspect alone as events and institutions did not simply depend on them.

2.  Describe the role that foreign policy played in the reigns or regimes of Henry VII, Henry VIII, the Lord Protector Somerset, the Duke of Northumberland, and Mary Tudor. What was the basic international situation between 1485 and 1559? How did various Tudor rulers manipulate foreign policy to reach their goals and how did foreign policy problems delay or prevent them from reaching their goals?

3.  Besides Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell, Tudor England produced a number of other significant rulers. Describe the careers of Thomas Wolsey; Thomas More; Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset; John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland; Queen Mary I; and Reginald Pole. Include both their accomplishments and failures. Pick the one you think was the greatest leader and defend your choice.

4.  Describe the causes and course of the Reformation in England, both at the governmental and popular levels. Be sure to discuss the roles of Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell, Stephen Gardiner, Edward VI, the Lord Protector Somerset, the Duke of Northumberland, Thomas Cranmer, and Mary I in this process.


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