Study Guide Thirteen

Northern Society and Economy

Prior to the Civil War

Exam Two


NOTE: If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, you should do well on this section of the second exam.  The material below consists of important material from the lecture.  Questions on the test will be largely taken from this material.


Terms (definition and significance):


Old Northeast


Old Northwest


Charles Goodyear


Elias Howe


Isaac Singer


Merchant capitalists


Industrial capitalists


truck farming


staple farming


Cyrus McCormick


Jerome I. Case


Native America Party


Know Nothings


Stephen Douglas




Samuel F. B. Morse



Questions to Think About:


What was the economic specialty of the Old Northeast?


What was the economic specialty of the Old Northwest?


What was the economic specialty of the South?


What is the relationship between the economy and the political culture of the Northeast and the Northwest?


Describe the trend of the growth of American manufactures from 1840-1860?


What was the distribution of manufacturing in pre-Civil War America?


Describe the growth of inventions and patents from 1840-1860.


What was the shift from merchant capitalism to industrial capitalism from 1840-1860?


Describe the changes in agriculture in the Old Northeast.


What were the conditions of work in early industrial America?


What was the economic relationship between the Old Northeast and the Old Northwest?


Describe the mechanization of agriculture.


What were forces that unified and divided the US prior to the Civil War?




