Study Guide Seven

World War I

Exam Two


NOTE: If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, you should do well on this section of the first exam.  The material below consists of important material from the lecture.  Questions on the test will be largely taken from this material.


Terms (definition and significance):


British Blockade


Lusitania, 1916


Sussex, 1916


Unrestricted Submarine Warfare


Charles Evans Hughes


Zimmerman Telegram


Armistice, 11 November 1918


Fourteen Points


Treaty of Versailles




War Guilt Clause




Henry Cabot Lodge


League of Nations



Questions to Think About:


How did Americans view World War I?  Did they take sides?  Did they want to get involved?


How did World War I affect the American economy?


What were the circumstances that lead to American entry into World War I?


How did the American military perform during World War I?


What was Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI?  What were the other allies’ plans for peace and how did they conflict with Wilson’s?