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García, E. (2002).
Student cultural diversity: Understanding and meeting the challenge (3rd ed.).
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Grant, C. A. (1995).
Educating for diversity: An anthology of multicultural voices.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Kellough, R. D. (2003).
A resource guide for teaching: K-12 (4th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Nel, J. (1994).
Preventing school failure: The Native American child.
Clearing House, 67(3). Retrieved September 28, 2004, from Ebsco Host database.

Sleeter, C. (1993).
Multicultural education: Five views.
Education Digest, 58(7), 53-58.

Young, R. L. (1995).
Multicultural education in the United States from a historical and social perspective.
Multicultural Education Journal, 13(1), 12–20.

*This is the next step toward THE One World Language.
Step Six: *Your lesson plan on remote control.