Guidelines for Reflection Assessment

CIED 3263                  Spring 2005                 F. Bowles, Instructor



One-page minimum, two-page maximum, typed using the APA format (12 point, Times

New Roman).



1 & 2, 5 & 6, 9 & 10, 13 & 14



Part One: a summary of chapter readings.

Part Two: discussion of your response and analysis.


Responses and analyses focus on:


&     knowledge gained:  What did I learn that was new?


&     implications:  What difference does it make to students, educators, the educational process?


&     significance:  How did the information impact me? What do I still want to know?


In the first part, summarize the chapter readings. Briefly explain the main ideas of each chapter.  Do NOT give details.  Do not use quotations in this section.


In the second part, discuss what you have learned (knowledge gained—response), what difference the topic can make to students, educators, and the educational process (implication--analysis), and how the information impacted you (significance).  You may have further questions, or you may have ideas that you will try in your own classroom. You may use quotations in this section, but make sure you follow the APA guidelines.


Grading Rubric for Personal Response

Summary:  Thorough recall of chapter reading                                               10 points

Response: Well stated explanation of new information                                   20 points

Analysis: Thoughtful application of information to all parties                          20 points

Significance:  Insightful connection to self                                                     20 points

Format:  Follows APA format                                                                      5 points

Total:                                                                                                         75 points