University of Arkansas, College of Education and Health Professions

Curriculum and Instruction


Summer 2005


Program Affiliation:   Childhood Education


Course Number and Title:    

CIED 3263

Language Development for Educators

Catalog Description:

Nature of speech-language development in preschool and school-aged children, including cognitive prerequisites, social contexts, and relationships between language acquisition and literacy.  Language differences (dialectal, bilingual, ELL) and speech-language disorders are explored.  The role of the educator in facilitating language acquisition is emphasized.

Prerequisites / Co-requisites:


Required Text:

Naremore, R. C. & Hopper, R. (1997). Children learning language:  A practical introduction to communication development (3rd ed).  San Diego: Singular Publishing Group.


Freddie Bowles

Peabody Hall 115

Office: 575-2667 / Main Office: 575-4209

Website: / Planet Vox / Planet Gnosis / Language Development

Class Time:   

M-TH  9:10-10:30 a.m. Peabody 106

Office Hours: 


Tu-Th  8:00-9:00 a.m.

or by appointment



The goal of the course is to provide classroom teachers with information concerning childhood language acquisition.  In addition, students will learn ways to adapt the learning environment to encourage language and literacy development.



Upon completion of this course, students will be able to

v     describe the normal processes of language acquisition,

v     trace the development of language from infancy to maturity of language use,

v     recognize the characteristics of common communication disorders,

v     increase student awareness of the needs of English Language Learners,

v     develop an understanding of language diversity,

v     discuss needs of and possible interventions for students with communication disorders,

v     recognize the relationship between speech and literacy, and

v     be able to research and write competently about language development issues.


Enduring Understandings:

Ø      Language is a sequential developmental process.

Ø      Every human has the potential to develop language.

Ø      Every infant action from birth to the first word is preparation for speech.

Ø      An infant’s efforts in sound production and syntax are preparation and practice for the standard language of the community.

Ø      Language helps shape and organize our representation of reality.


Knowledge and Skills:

Ø      Four levels of communication

Ø      Stages of linguistic acquisition

Ø      Relation of environment to language acquisition

Ø      Recognition of “normal” language acquisition

Ø      Awareness of potential speech disorders

Ø      Influence of speech on literacy and writing


Required Material:

ü      The course textbook, Children Learning Language

ü      White 3 ½ x 5 index cards


Required Activity:

ü      Attendance—you have to be present to win!  All assignments are due in class on the due date.  Hard copies only.  No electronic submissions.  Failure to meet this requirement results in a zero for that assignment.


Required Assessment:

Four article summaries on your topic (EDOKs)                           10 pts. each                40 pts.

Six homework assignments                                                         10 pts. each                60 pts.

Reading Groups                                                                            5 pts. each                50 pts.

Presentation                                                                                                                  50 pts.

Mid-Term (Chapters 2-7)                                                                                             50 pts.

Final     (Chapters 8, 11-14)                                                                                         50 pts. 

Total points possible                                                                                                300 pts.                                                

Grading scale:

A         90-100

B          80-89              

C         70-79

D         60-69

F          59 and below Please keep all papers and grades and bring them with you to conferences.


Class Schedule:

We will meet four days per week—Monday through Thursday.  Friday is reserved to conduct research for your presentation.  Because we only meet four days per week, I expect total commitment to this class.  Any work or due dates that you miss cannot be made up.  Please make it a priority to be in class.


Class Communication:

In an effort to reach every student, I will use two electronic resources:  WebCT and  WebCT is hosted through the University and is a prioritized course shell with restricted access to the instructor and the students.  I will use this format to communicate with you via E-mail.  I will also use the calendar and course content to keep you apprised of homework and assignments. is a public access non-commercial website that I own and use for the purpose of creating a virtual learning community.  This site is five years old and hosts several academic subsides.  Your site is under the Planet Vox consortium and dwells in the Planet Gnosis sub site under Language Development.  This site is used for information about class topics and chapters. One of your graded components is the Reading Group.  Every student will have an assigned role in a group for each chapter.  The information you gather for your role will be compiled and posted on the Language Development sub site of  The purpose of the Reading Group is to generate discussion and review of the chapter.  The information that you contribute to the website will be used for the Mid-Term and Final Exams.


Academic Honesty:

Academic honesty involves acts, which subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process at the University of Arkansas.  Included is an act by which a student gains or attempts to gain an academic advantage for himself or herself or another by misrepresenting his or her or another’s work or by interfering with the completion, submission, or evaluation of work.


The application of the University of Arkansas Academic Honesty Policy, as stated in the 2004-2005 Undergraduate Studies Catalog, will be fully adhered to

in this course.  Grades and degrees earned by dishonest means devalue those earned by all students; therefore, it is important that students are aware of the University of Arkansas Academic Honesty Policy.  Academic dishonesty involves acts, which may subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process.