CIED 5253 Multicultural Issues

Mid-Term Assignment

Due in class March 10


Objective:       To find out how your school rates on multicultural education


Materials:       Appendix D: A Multicultural Education Evaluation Checklist, your textbook, handout from James Banks’ An Introduction to Multicultural Education—chapter 9, glossary, and Appendix A


Content:         Rate your school using the 17 criteria questions on Appendix D.  Write up your results as a report with an introduction, body, and conclusion.  Include a cover page

and a reference page. Use the APA 5th ed. guidelines for writing research.  Your reference page should include at least two sources: your text and the handout information.




Cover page

Introduction:   Name of project, purpose, and justification

Body:              Rating results with justification and supporting evidence from text,

handouts, and your experience in the school

Conclusion:     Summary of results, your overall opinion of the results including surprises or disappointments, and how this project helps you as an emerging professional

Reference page


Academic Language:

Your report should be written in academic language with appropriate vocabulary, syntax, and discourse markers that reflect your status as a master level candidate.



Due Date:       The week of March 10-14




50-45 points


44-35 points


34 and below



A target paper includes all the information in the description above: all criteria questions are answered with justification based on the information in your textbook, handouts, and personal experience.  Explanations are well-developed with supporting information that informs the reader clearly why you awarded your rating to each question.





The paper follows APA style and includes a cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.  The paper will contain no more than 5 errors in formatting.




Academic Language:

The assignment will have no more than 5 errors in spelling, usage, mechanics, and syntax.



Due date:

The assignment is turned in on the due date.



An acceptable paper

includes most of the information in the description above: all criteria questions are answered with limited justification based on the information in your textbook, handouts, and / or personal experience.  Explanations are somewhat developed with supporting information that partially informs the reader why you awarded your rating to each question.



The paper somewhat  follows APA style and includes a cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.  The paper will contain no more than 10 errors in formatting.



Academic Language:

The assignment will have no more than 10 errors in spelling, usage, mechanics, and syntax.



Due date:

The assignment is turned in one day late.




An unacceptable paper does not include the information in the description above.  Not all criteria questions are answered.  The justifications are based narrowly or not at all on the information from your textbook, handouts, and / or experiences.  Explanations are minimally developed and the reader has questions about why you awarded your rating to each question.



The paper does not follow APA style and may have missing pages.  The paper contains more than 10 errors in formatting.






Academic Language:

The assignment contains more than 10 errors in spelling, usage, mechanics, and syntax.



Due date:

The assignment is more than one day late.















































Name   ___________________________________  Score _____________________