
Sixth Day of October

— The Monarch in Flight —
For Repast, She Visits the Garden.
• • •
The Rural Ozark Highlands of Western Arkansas
5 October 2024

Beau Bosko's painting of the wings and body of a Monarch butterfly in flight while flitting from one lantana flower to another at the Welcome Garden of 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of western Arkansas on 5 October 2024

Journey of a Migrant

Long is the course.  Food oft scarce.
pausing at a welcoming waystation,
she dines on nectar-laden flowers of the Lantana,
powering another leg
of a determined Monarch's relentless migrant's flight.

Now at the edge of Arkansas,
soon o'er eastern Oklahoma,
all the way high above Texas,
to rest,
at the last,
in the warmth of Old Mexico.

Two Monarchs visited yesterday.
We wonder:  Are they mated?
Fare thee well, you high flying beauties!
May your continuing journey be safe and eventful.

a Monarch butterfly sipping nectar from a lantana flower at the Welcome Garden of 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of western Arkansas on 5 October 2024

Fourth Day of October

The Directions Man
Turned Around, We Asked for Help.
He obliged.
Rural Pennsylvania near State Hwy 92
13 August 2009

leaving Worlds End State Park onto Pennsylvania Highway 92 me 'n Godzilla the Atomic Road Lizard got turned around and stopped at a frienddly man's house to ask for directions and he was kind enough to oblige on 13 August 2009

Caught between Worlds End & Millview

like the riot squad
we need somewhere to go

on the road with Godzilla the Atomic Road Lizard we met a friendly stranger who gave directions to Millview on Penn 92 on 13 August 2009

First Day of October

Autumn Leaf & Bandana
Tulip Poplar outside Corvus Studio
in the
Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
30 September 2024

leaf of a tulip poplar tree in early autumn 2024 in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

Clone with Confidence

“We also offer solutions for automation, site-directed mutagenesis, as well as your favorite restriction enzyme, ligase or competent cell products.  When you are looking to clone with confidence, think of NEB.”

Woe be to those of us with incompetent cell products.


Twenty-Sixth Day of September

A Brothel

Saigon South Viet Nam

Ho Chi Minh City
Socialist Republic of Vietnam

a brothel on a street in South Viet Nam in 1970 with a family making it through the war a gathering of whores at a brothel on a street in South Viet Nam in 1970

It was war.  One had to make her way.  Family above all else.


Sixteenth Day of September

The Rape of Orithyia

Swept Away by Boreas
In a Fit of Icy-Cold Passion

Marshville in Missouri USA
20 May 2017

Our painting of Boreas and Orithyia is based on weathered boards observed in a rickety structure in the town of Marshfield Missouri USA on 20 May 2017 and painted in early autumn 2024 by Bosko Bowles of Corvus Studio in the rural Ozark Highlands of western Arkansas

There is no rime nor is there reason.
Hear the ringing of the chimes?
The raging of the waves?
All is lost.  All is lost.
Gone forever.


Eighth Day of September

The Wedding Party
Somewhere Blue on the Summer Equinox

The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
8 September 2024

The groom Marcus David Dylan Alexander B. stands next to photographer Taylor Johnson on the afternoon of his wedding come the summer equinox in 2024 a thin orange line stretches beneath and below

Fourth Day of September

Some Say
The Crushed Fragments
Draw Cosmic Energy
Into the Busy Soil.

The Paramagnetic Rock
Bonds Deep.
The Industry Went Outta Biz.

The Rural Ozark Highlands
4 August 2024

a label on a 5 pound sack of ParaMagnetic Rock sold by Nitron Industries of Arkansas some time ago


this crow has zero magnetic parts

This is the moment.
All we have.
Could be worse.

a geometric figure that began as a set of traingles and transformed into a set of wavy lines

Twenty-Seventh Day of August

Time Inserts a Stopping Point
• Like the Mayfly •
00 | ? | Back Then


Nothing Lasts.  Nothing Lasts at All.


Twenty-Sixth Day of August

Crow with 5 Boxes
The Ozark Highlands of Western Arkansas
26 August 2024

5 boxes and a crow

Sixteenth Day of August

We Hoot You Down!

Strega La Vecchia
Be Released upon the Foe.
Central Europe  |  August 2024

the Associated Press wrote this text as published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on 4 August 2024 an ancient symbol for Saturn From Prison

The Old Religion

She was purported  to be
“one of the blackest sorceresses of all time”  • • •  but she is long gone, existing as a work of art, purloined & printed on a Holy Tarot card.
her practitioners remain.

When doth the Black Art become the White Art?  Can we condemn the sorcery of technology when she repels aerial attacks from the invader?  Why not salute the brave La Vecchia and her youthful acolyte practitioners?  Spell, repel, it all be the same.

When?  Ever?
Mother Goddess shall protect her own. 

 • • • 
The in-between exists as The Grey Illusion.
 • • • 

an ancient symbol representing Aldaboram

A Merciless Legion's drones are driven down to the soil & fall, dehorned, upon the wastelands of the village,
and not as many die there,
& let be it known
the drones fail & flounder
by way of power from an Old Religion,
the anti-missiles, replenished by Anaka, Spirit of Necessity,
[ maybe some other Familiar or 2 ]
must alway' be an instrument of the Black Art, drowning eternally in the blood of Humankind.

So be it.  Work, Bucha Witches.  Work hard to protect those precious things you believe are worth your blood.  Repel your invader.

a thoughtful crow pledges to dodge with alacrity all incoming drones

Lady M of Saint Louis,
Strega La Vecchia,
sends a txt, tells us [ here at the Hacienda ] THAT her Art is a learned family thing, goin’ way back afar than the meddlesome drones.  The drones.  Drones be damned.  The Olden Times are Now. 

Alhayhoah the Goat Star as discovered from an ancient source and recreated at Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 16 August 2024

Tenth Day of August

All Stop

‘We Are Not Going Back’

Yonkers, New York  |  1 May 2016

two men and a woman on a street in Yonkers New York on 1 May 2024

Fifth Day of August

A Great Tower
Manhattan NYC USA  |  10 August 2016

the tallest skyscraper in the city of New York

First Day of August

The Direction Home

Here Once Lived
the Powerful & the Rich

Broken Bow in Oklahoma U S A  |  13 May 2008

a street sign in Broken Bow Oklahoma designates the intersection of Dierks and E. Third Streets

The Argument against Equal Income

the young man wished life could be a non-stop movie show and he the changeling celluloid hero
if everyone were a star there would be no stars and if each citizen earned equal income then ladders to the heavens would fall strivers would have no ascending rungs to climb and therefore when the fried chicken dinner was served with mashed potatoes and white gravy too
the wishbone was nowhere to be found no wishes were snapped and the city lights hid the first stars none of the twinklers appeared to the desperate wishers
the land became a mist without wishes & the young man's undiscovered soul & his shattered innocence became a terrible intertwined force it strangled his sense of hope SO THAT solitude encroached enveloped erased & he wondered:
Why should I be among the legion of survivors?

Dierks a word on a street sign in Broken Bow Oklahoma

Twenty-Sixth Day of July

•  Watchers of the Damned  •
yes but
Who Shall They Watch Tonight?

Corvus Studio  |  The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

inspired by a Warner Bros movie of 1928 titled The Crowd

The Crowd   |   1928   |   Warner Bros


Twenty-Third Day of July

The End Is Nigh
[ so they say ]
So Comes the Rule
Zero One Zero One Zero One
The Ozark Highlands  |  Twenty-Twenty Four
0 1 

at the end of the 1933 movie State Fair the filmmakers displayed The End on a strange background that harkened to the present-day hysteria over the advent of artificial intelligence and upon further study we spy from left to right a cow and a race horse and a bulldog

State Fair  |  1933
[  now showing in bytes ’n bits  ]
cow • race horse • bulldog
strange times


Twenty-First Day of July

3 Deckhands at Rest
The Bow of the Cyril A Bahr
[ a workboat ]
On The Cumberland River
Tennessee in the Summertime  |  1978

3 deckhands on the bow of the Moter Vessel Cyril A Bahr on the Cumberland River in port at Nashville Tennessee in the year 1978 a snake crawls to te left

A Letter Arives from the River

September 1
On the Tennessee, wide & calm, headin’ for Cairo » » »
off watch, stuck in a deckhand's deck-side room, the odors raunchy & the fears insecure, having just dropped eight barges from the tow at Paducah before rearranging the others, having eaten Little Bill's greasy fries ’n puppies ’n fish in a steamy galley, & having sat in the pilot house as Cap’n Thomas Albert Strong steered her through Lock 53 » »»
Admiring the colors ’n shapes of the lights on the wavy water before walking down below, far from the pilot house, I sought to snatch [ on the water's edge ] a few hours sleep afore dawn.

Fog forced us yesterday to tie-off 4 hours in darkness, and while tied to a tree on the right bank, we tossed a half-dozen sacks of stinking garbage into the river at Cap’n Strong’s suggestion.  Then, with naught else to do, we [ some of us ] gathered in the pilot house to talk.

Cap’n told a tale of his pilot’s license exam at the office of the Coast Guard when, having successfully passed all but one part, he heard the tester ask about the last part:  “If you saw one of your men throwing garbage into the river, or pumping the bilge water into the river, would you report him?”

yes it's a fish alright

“No, I sure wouldn't.”

Coast Guard tester:
“You mean you wouldn't report an obvious violation?”

“Now what kind of feller do you think I'd be, reportin' my own man?  Naw, I wouldn't tell.  I'm no snitch.”

Tester sez:
“Well, I can't pass you.  You’ll have to come back and take the test again.”

Another Coast Guard tester in the exam room, an acquaintance of the Cap’n, sez:
“Aw, I know he’d tell, wouldn't you, Mr. Strong?

“Naw, I wouldn't tell.”

Other tester:
“Aw yea you'd tell.”

“Aw, allright.  I'd probably report it.  I'd get on the phone and call you right up.”

First tester:
“Will you swear on it?”

“Well, hell no.  I don't swear on nothin.  What you mean, swear on it!”

Second tester:
“But he'd report it.  I know he would.”

First tester:
“Alright.  I'll pass him.”

a fish of several colours lucky baby

Fifteenth Day of July

Warrior Crow
10 July 2024

To us she is a warrior crow but to the graphics designer of the movie The Raven ... well, she's a raven as displayed on Turner Classic Movies in summer 2024

Roger Corman's Gothic Bird

The Raven  |  Universal Pictures  |  1963


Eighth Day of July

A Dime for Your Thoughts

[ 1 9 4 3 ]

The obverse side of a dime minted in 1943 by the United States of America shows a torch and an oak branch and an olive branch. You have to take the year at my word.

one is a torch & one is a branch of the oak tree & one is a branch of the olive tree didn't know 'till we looked it up and then on second glance we spy a pair of stars hallelujah!

That's Our Rocks

We have no sea,
no crashing waves,
     and yet
we remember.
p a u s e
We stand & walk
on the ragged bed of an ancient sea,
She  • • the Sea • •  leaves to us
p a u s e
signs 'n symbols,
imprints in stone
of aqatic creatures  [ from long ago ]
p a u s e
I love it!


Fifth Day of July

Szovjet Tankok!
Fly Away!
So Demanded the Dreamy Doves
of the
Alliance of Free Democrats
° ° °
So Long Ago
° ° °
Györ in Magyar Land  |  November 1990

a campaign button for Szabad Demokratak political party in Gyor Hungary 1990

This is a long piece.
Too long to read for sure.
Give up now.
Szovjet Tankok couldn't fly — we knew that — but, nonetheless, they
one day
rumbled on worn tracks all the way home to Mother Russia.
Give up now.

This crow flies west toward Vienna

“So,” he reports, “the day has begun.
A resounding exclamation.”

The Visitor

Having witnessed Éthosz és Pátosz at the Györ Ballet, the Visitor raises the two hands of approval for the Artist Markó & joins a resounding rhythmic applause from the hardened hands of patrons  • • • in a full house  • • • on a cold night  • • •  applause for the creation of a tale by dancers and musicians, stagehands, too — everyone making it up, all verve and vigilance and sureity
the Visitor bemoans Markó’s messages:  the firmly entrenched spirit of submission, the dead-on-arrival aspiration to experience just one realization of a mystery the Magyars call freedom
s z a b a d sá g
the ultimate escape from the Oppressor.

Hunched over, unwilling to fill-in the hole, all too ready to gloss over the Void with coats of fresh, old, familiar dyes


cut out the Red Star to reveal a mere hole.  Cut it out!  Nothing there but another wall.

“They will do nothing with freedom," the Visitor, cynical, said.  "They'll become, instead, consumers and materialists.”

We see
the mature Ballet Master, a comrade of good standing,
turning the crank again,
the crank which grinds with a weary elegance.
We see
Markó's worn and practiced form, & we absolve [ to see ] the electricity firing through his muscle and bone … Markó, ignited again to create an episode in the tired march of collectivist history, & the recycling refrain, o'er & oe'r & oe'r, the refrain »  individual fate  »  individual fate
[ some such thing they repeat themselves all the time how did we ever get here? ].

the Red Star of a Hungarian/Soviet Union military medal in Gyor Hungary in 1990

The Visitor
wanted enthusiastic resolution of the moment
N O W damit
wanted a portal into the Risen Promise, the New Land of Great Adventures in Revolution,
freshly won.
Wasn't the Soviet encampment nearby? the Stern Doorman whispered.  When would the garrison roll away?  Not yet, all whisper.  But soon.  Soon. 
i n s t e a d
Markó, callous, hands to the Visitor a severed Self,
displayed on a plate of thick,
cracked ceramic. [ the East Germans, Károly said, make outstanding ceramics ]

a Red Star in honor of an Hungarian soldier in service to the Soviet Union Gyor Hungary 1990

The curtain of iron dissolves in the acids of bodies, dead and mangled in the heights above the Blue Danube all the way back in ’56 — o'er 3 decades of socialist dissolution would pass afore the Magyars, a dozen million strong, decide to step out of the hole left by the Red Star and enter into partnership with a seductive new entity named The West. [ that's a lot of wind, lotta wind ]

After the Curtain of Iron dissolves
[ shaka when the walls fell ]
another curtain, massive, swaying slowly, ever wavering, scarlet in hue, rises up to claim the Void, and it becomes, this NEW CURTAIN,
swaddle for necktied politicians,
purpose for uniformed enforcers, especially those recruited from within the tribe,
the whorish dolls with their collaborative jewels and corrupt jowls,
and the Slavic conquerors in their hats of trophy fur, their jack boots and their grubbing manners,
and everyone's hopeful intellectual apologist with they justifications, and they refined vodkas, and they heaving hot breath.

At the end, as in the beginning, are the dancers, hunched over strands of peoples, shuffling with practiced grace toward the light at the end of the tunnel.

That's true.  The Visitor witnessed it.  Károly was watching nearby, taking his mental notes.  “Seriously, though,” the Matron say.  » » » Who is watching who doesn't matter most days.  The tunnel is just ahead.  Markó's Stage Mæstroes are projecting it onto the curved wall, a yellow light shown a’comin´ from the far end. Yeth, it works, dis old canard:  The Light at the End of the Tunnel.

a crow flies straight ahead into infinity

Judit Gombár scenic designer

a ticket from February 27 1991 for a ride on the famous Hungarian Ciklaman Express from Gyor to Budapest and return

The Visitor Writes a Letter

Dear After The Change,

My hope WAS THAT Markó conceived and wrote down Éthosz és Pátosz before the slipping away of the Old System.

She, my true love, and I, her true love, discussed impressions WHICH the creator's artistry had seared on wet plates, like a beam, a beam, & we came to tentative conclusions:  Markó's ballet is a post-revolution statement about a great Magyar tribe too weary to dance in joyous celebration, a people too familiar with The Oppressor's shadow TO BE ABLE to race away into warm rays of freedom.  O man that's so much bulls**t.  & sometimes bulls**t is true.

Instead, we have an elevated survivor, for whom the vanquished Old System built a palace in Györ for the propagation of his Art  • • •  Markó, standing alone ’neath the spotlight  • • •  dredges of the old ways swirling in murky eddies 'round the dancing man's gifted feet.

Was it an accident that Markó left one of his dancing shoes on the stage?  The shoe rested askew in the shadows as the old master drifted, minus a slipper, into the dark dénouement.

a poster printed in 1990 by the nascent Alliance of Free Democrats aka Szabad Demokratak Szovetsege a political party active in the formation of Hungary's first freely elected parliament

Was it the Gnostic masque of dissimulation THAT ALLOWED HIM to prosper under Occupation, or was it Markó’s raw talent rising above it all • • • or was it shrewd and cynical collaboration?

But there he danced, the mature warrior, solitary, alone, mocking, mocking and somber.

On one level of a many-layered work of Art, Markó encapsulated the history of his tribe — submission, brief flights of freedom, violent suppression, incendiary refusal to assimilate — so much, too much for a visitor from way away to witness without falling into passion and bewilderment.  Wasn't Markó showing the Oppressor a display of contempt Rossisky could not comprehend?

There at the end, Markó, like his thirty-three Magyar dancers on stage, struck an unbowed, heart-broken stance amidst the diminishing applause. The Dance was done on the Györ stage.  In the year nineteen ninety, winter just ahead.  With the enemy retreating.  The time of After The Change begins.

With L.V.X., I remain,
your most humble   • • • • £

a news clip regarding the passing of Hungarian Ballet Master Ivan Marko in Spring 2022 at age 75

Sixth Day of May

A Boy Dreams of a Prize

One Quarter Wagered
At the Tonka Dragline Arcade

Arkansas State Fair  |  Little Rock
October 1971

at the Arkansas State Fair in October 1971 a boy was spied cranking the crane of the Tonka Dragline Arcade Game hoping to win a prize for 25 cents in Little Rock

Fifth Day of May

4-Leaf Clover with Circles
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
Rural Washington County Arkansas
3 May 2024

a 4-leaf clover picked undcer Grandpa Oak at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas and resting atop a surgical sock from the Veterans Administration Hospital

The am fades away
fades I broke
   [ as in ]
ain't got no money
I broke
am away
away am doo fly
   [ T. S. ]


Twenty-Third Day of April

Erté and the Petunia
One Wards Away Evil Spirits,
Opening a Gateway 4 Butterflies 'n Bees.
As for the Other Stylish Other,
It Be Said … He Made BeJazz Moderne.
[ a beautiful thing ]
Corvus Studio  |  Today in the U.S.A.

A red 'n white petunia given the cultivar name Dreams Red Picotee painted in front of a book about the Art Nouveau master Erte as captured by pixels at the Planting Station in Corvus Studio at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

Dreams™ Red Picotee

A Creation of the Botanists
at Pan American Seed
Acquired at a Garden Nursery in the City
Given an Identity Way Back in 1803
Antoine Laurent de Jussieu.

Unfortunately this crow ne'r learned to read so he shan't respond at all at all Please Respond Within 10 Days

Eighteenth Day of April

Psyche on the Sugarberry
Ridin' the Breeze of Zephyrus,
She Flies due East toward Shy Eros.
[ Big Trouble Is Dead Ahead ]

a sawn sliver of a Sugarberry Tree Celtris laevigata riven with fungus lines

In League with Anthropomorphism

We spy a self in the heartwood
the spalted grain draws a tale
of a woman caught in the snares of love

ridin' the West Wind to Paradise
[ or to a living hell ]
Celtris laevigata

this here crow prefers roasted chicken to limes a package of Susie Organic Limes from Mexico through Mission Texas purchased from Whole Foods in Fayetteville Arkansas on Friday April 12 2024 and transformed into an image on 22 April 2024 at Corvus Studio 3 Dog Acres rural Washington County Arkansas the Ozark Highlands USA the limes are covered with one or the other substance identified elsewhere

Certified All-’round
Coated with Vegetable-and/or LAC-Resin Based Wax.
wunst u get 2 it » it b tasty


Twenty-Ninth Day of March

Chobani with Bandana
Strawberry  •  Banana  •  Dog Bones
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands

a bottle of Chobana with a bandana at Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands of rural Arkansas not far from the Oklahoma border on 29 March 2024

The Art of Dropping Knives

“Junior was a wheeler-dealer.  He lived to buy cheap and turn a profit.  And he took many victims that way, including his sons and other family members.  But they just couldn't tell him no.  Dropping knives was something he practiced to acquire more knives from his friends and family.  He loved everyone and was loved by all, including those nephews with minor cuts to their toes.”

yes, they were: real sweet onions

Twenty-Sixth Day of March

The Dioxygen Generation
[ a - tom - o - city indivisible absolutely ]
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands
26 March 2024

an Orange Crush bottle on an outdoor work table next to the side of a wooden box with O2 and NC written on it at Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas in March 2024 micro crow dingbat

We ought to stick to our plans — the museum, the movie, the riverboat — ride the crest of an age nearing extinction & bellowing in a continuous clatter
Room!  Room!  More room!

A man walks up, says Pardon me chap Save me a seat When I return & get back let’s converse, speak about the obvious it's the only way … the Great Masses, by in large mind you, THEY use their talk as THEY use their precious planet:
C R U D E L Y .

“Think I ought to flash those workers out there?” say she.  “Moon ’em?”
Workers have gathered on the beams rising above them.  She looks, they look, she sez, “I could come up here by myself.”

“But Nureyv is so close.  He's forty years old.  He might be dancing his last year.”  She pauses, doubts it.  “Don't you remember in June when we were makin’ love & I told you I wanted to sleep with Michael.”  He remembered.  Sure.  Salacious stuff a plenty [ yes but ] he swears to secrecy, holds to the oath.

Naw you wouldn't want to do that, he tells her.

She reads a newspaper offer of whole houses to buy, only one thousand five hundred dollars on the spot & it's yours!  He said we'd be urban pioneers.  We'd stake out our space, erect defenses.

She »»  “Get four or five dogs.”

He »»  Yes.  And wear guns & knives, ’n have knives sticking outta our car.  To last around here, we'd need to look like we’re bad.

Just like that, flashes of Da Nang, lookin’ into the tops of de buildings, fearing bulletmen from distant towers, mad snipers … ’n you … just being at the unfortunate time ’n place.  Pure coincidence.  Pure chance.  Pure death.

Fawning, he grows darkly, flesh crawls.  Paranoia.  Green clumps of bacteria dig into every pore.  He removes his body from public view she can go where she damn well please on the beams even the beams.

The Journals of Harry Pierce
Volume II  |  Some Time Past

a dog acrylic on latex on a wooden box

Twenty-Fifth Day of March

Orange Crush with Dog & Sun
[ Please Remember to Breathe ]
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands

a bottle of Orange Crush next to a wooden box with cryptic code and an archetype at 3 Dog Acres and Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 24 March 2024

Fifteenth Day of March

Crow the Messenger Bird
Her Wing Is Broken
She Finds Sanctuary
3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
10 March 2024

a crow with a broken wing arrives at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 10 March 2024 and remains in our care

Welcome, O Crow

She arrived as a surprise, a most welcome creature, now residing in the Sun Room of Corvus Studio.  Six days and five nights now she remains, adjusting.

Long I sought a relationship with a crow, calling out to one or another of the swift fliers as they raced o'er the trees on errands unbeknownst to us.  They went their way & we ours & then, afterward, we acknowldged their separateness and admired their power to rise high into the heavens.

Broken.  Healing.

Cherokee Woman and Child brought Crow to us, having rescued her from an urban setting of uncertainty and danger.  Her right wing is broken.  The wound on her right leg begins to heal after treatment by the Medicine Woman of the Hacienda.

“How do you know she is a she?” asked Child about the Messenger.

Don't know.  Chose one or the other, male or female.  You have a fifty-fifty chance to get it right.  Should we be mistaken, Crow's gender to us shall change in an instant.  Crow shall be AndroGynous from that moment forward.  For now, let us call her she.

The Messages Come, and Come Again.

Crow brings an important message, unfolding hour by hour in the long twilight.  Messages of import come, once in a decade or so, at the swirling nexus of our ongoing Union, a bonding wrought by Blood and tempered by Time.

The messages come, even now, because I listen and act — and frankly, to digress, I like the Capitals because they speak an old language of appropriate emphasis and value.  This hast li'l to do with Crow but it’s text mere text on a Scroll without end.

Listen.  Learn.  Love.

For Crow, we create a safe, nurturing space, evolving through patient labor and observation.  Crow listens as I sing to her & learns to navigate the strange space.  & Love guides.  We begin to reach an agreement.  She is hungry and thirsty, needs a place to stay.  We oblige.

Thank you, Crow, for your presence.  You set us on a different course on the cusp of another Springtime in the ancient hills of the Ozarks.  You remind an old traveler of the Unity shared by Bird & Man, natural elements of a Mystery & a Quest.

As for those things, mysteries and quests, musn't we find our own way, alone mostly, though sometimes tightly linked to the new and the vital?  Yes, for sure.  When the Message comes, abide.  Agreement ist not necessary.  As for the rest, we shall see. We shall see. 


Fourteenth Day of March

Shayla Hyde The Enchanted
A Professional Wrestler
Sherman, Texas  |  18 March 2016

Shayla Hyde the Enchanted a professional wrestler at an event promoted by NWA Texoma in Sherman Texas on 18 March 2016

Shayla worked in a factory
She wasn't history
She's just a number
One day she gets her final pay
And away she goes far away
Blondie 1979


Tenth Day of March

Ford Truck with Rust
Radiator • Hood • Ornament • Grille
An Eastern Oklahoma Backroad  |  16 April 2016

a very old Ford Truck emblem, hood and radiator along an eastern Oklahoma backroad on 16 April 2016

We ‘real’ Americans
let us permit ourselves
some hearty episodes
Let us rant and shout.
Monday, November 16, 2009


Fourth Day of March

A Target on Dada's Dandy
Mute Him!  Crush the Voiceless!  Now!
Paris in France by Way of the Ozark Highlands
1920  &  2024

From the bytes of a placard created long time ago by Francis Picabia for a Dada event in Paris, France, in 1920 Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas created a fresh expression of an old movement whose ideas reverberate and penetrate the volksgeist now or so you might wonder

Idiots?  Morons?  What's da Dif'erence?

For You to Love Something,
[ or someone ]
You need to see her
[[ or him ]]
[[[ or they ]]]
and hear
for a long time
[ ages even ]
his face, her words
they heart
& Spirit
[ all ]

I be too angular I suppose to be surreal say dis crow the Dove chocolates are delicious. They be hard but not too hard, slow to melt, tasty on the educated tongue.

the captured bytes circa 2024 of a placard created long time ago by Francis Picabia 1879-1953 for a Dada event in Paris France 1920 so Corvus Studio created a fresh expression of an old movement whose ideas reverberate and penetrate the volksgeist NOW or so you might wonder & for you to like something you must have seen it and heard it for a long time a bunch of idiots & you ask is idiot more offensive than moron to political correctness question mark the guy standing dere with a target o'er his privates is André Breton

more here dan meets de eye but who hast de time


Twenty-Ninth Day of February

Leaping into the Flames,
She Dances
Leap Day 2024
The Fire Burns Hot ’n Bright
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands


Dancing Flame #5

too many people
too many yachts & private jets
too many wars

“Let him cry.  Let him cry.  Maybe some of the gin will run out of his eyes.”


Fourteenth Day of February

Reuleaux's Triangle
The All-Seeing Eye of Providence
Saint Rose of Lima

Most Precious Blood Catholic Church
San Luis, Colorado  |  3 June 2009

a stained glass window depicting Saint Rose of Lima in the sanctuary of Most Precious Blood Catholic Church in San Luis Colorado on 3 June 2009. The church is now known as Sangre de Cristo.

When She Passed
The Sweet Aroma of Cradled Roses
Wafted through the Sad City

[ they say the blossoms fell from the sky ]
[ [ healing the leper ] ]

Sangre de Cristo


Sixth Day of February

0 for an O
The Lights Remain
Long After The Fire Is Gone
Early 21st Century  |  Oklahoma USA

couldn't find the original file but it's somewhere in eastern oklahoma probabliy in 2007 probably

Fourth Day of February

Eye of The Horse
[ Study A ]
Angel Dog Farm  |  West Fork, Arkansas
5 November 2023

the left eye of a horse living at Angel Dog Farm in the village of West Fork in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 5 November 2023 a crow on a stick sometimes contemplates the Universe

The Wise Old Man Said

They don't know.
They don't know how deep this is.
It's everywhere.
They're coming.
They're coming.  They're coming!
And they're going to destroy the fricking country.

you'll need a four-leaf clover to survive this

At some point people are going to have to realize that there is something to lose here.  There is something to lose.

[ we might need a four-leaf clover to survive all this ]

a close-up of the left eye of a horse living at Angel Dog Farm in the village of West Fork in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas in the early morn of 5 November 2023 ok it's just another crow

a sea of blue ’n gold
a dream not known to us
equus!  equus!


suddenly, they all uttered:  it's february

“Even in smoky cities, in the dawn of the lengthening days, the noisy sparrows come out from under the blackened eaves, and, as they shake the soot from off their wings, give utterance to the delight they feel in notes that sound like the grating jar of a knife-grinder's wheel.”


“Numa let fall upon it the doom which was unavoidable.  When Augustus chose to add a thirty-first day to August, that the month named from him might not lack in the dignity enjoyed by six other months of the year, he took it from February, which could least spare it.”


The Old Man
sits in an old wagon,
softly sliding thru the water,
his wagon drawn by a pair of mighty fishes
secure by the Old Man's side
rest a plough and harness,
sharpened & regenerated & restored
to till the cold soil
he holds tools to prune the trees
hankers to
wish away the dreary waste of Winter
spies the 2 fishes swim away.

micro crow dingbat


R. Chambers  |  1863

W. & R. Chambers London & Edinburgh 1863

The Journals of Harry Pierce
Volume I  |  1949

with special salutations to
Herbert Spenser’s
The Mask of Mutability


Twenty-Eighth Day of January

A Woman Smiles
She Was Nice & Loved the Marines

Somewhere 'tween Bristow in Oklahoma
3 Dog Acres in the Far West of Arkansas
5 December 2015

DESCRIPTION look me in the beak caws the flying crow

An Inner Glow Attracts

“I am happy that the Bread proved so welcome.  I wish you would be so good as to leave off dreaming, or that you would mend your Dreams.”


“She was, I am informed, a most lovely woman, with talents of the first order; they were united as fondly by love as by community of feeling and taste, and lived in so much happiness.”


“He is found in possession of special powers for the purpose of negotiating with the hapless Mohammed Ali, Nawab of Arcot — otherwise known as the Nabob of the Carnatic and the Nabob Wallah Jaw or Wallaja, and later known as the Heavyweight Champion of the World.”


The Letters of Warren Hastings
to His Wife Marian

British Occupied Calcutta  |  1780 to 1785


Seventeenth Day of January

Dancing Flame #4
The Heart of a Matter
[ transformed ]
3 Dog Acres  |  17 January 2024

reflected through imagination in the fiery hot furnace dance the blue flames in praise of the cross or something like that micro crow dingbat
he was born beside a fiery furnace
& then
they tossed him in

[ ne'r it did ever quit hurtin’ ]


Fifteenth Day of January

Some Of Us Remember

We Recall
4 Youngsters on the Front Porch
Helena, Arkansas  |  1981

4 youngsters strike a pose on a front porch near the Mississippi River levy in Helena Arkansas in 1981 the old crow here is not a racial stereotype but rather a thoughtful messenger so stay off my white ass now

“she was thanking you that you have come here and you represent the American People and she was crying from happiness grateful that you think of us that you want to help us it made me sure that it's always better to be good than to be bad because even this morning I felt some bad thoughts concerning our visit to a certain family”

the goal for some of us is to stop the tide of theocracy as desired by white Christian nationalists the old crow here does not symbolize a racial stereotype but rather a thoughtful messenger so stay off my white ass now please

[  ‘when you've stood’  ]
you're going to have to stand again, even when you can't stand, but sometimes you need someone to help you stand

we present our demands as clearly, as intelligently, as calmly as possible »»» these people in the end had one answer for us:

•no•   •no•

don't be fooled by people who tell you to wait ’till Monday »»» the option that is presented to us says
come on back-in and harness yourself like a mule until the sun comes down »»» I don't think we are mules

[ we are not mules ]

an old crow might be seen as a very old racial stereotype but we don't see it that way our crows are messengers

this is a peaceful fight to get rightness done »±« we can let it pass by and fight all of these fights individually »±«
enemies come in groups »±« these people down at the school board »±« some people say we should not hate & I think it's wrong to hate »‡« it is not wrong to fight

a struggle against
good and evil

they use the system for segregation »±« he said if you throw it out THEN white folks ain't going to stay »±« we have a pitiful situation on our hands we are forever struggling at each other's throats

the old crow here is not a racial stereotype but rather a thoughtful messenger so stay off my white ass now

if we keep pointing our fingers at one another
when the boat sinks the last thing we'll see is our fingers and we'll all be drowned

they say no to a Black history program when we know it will give our children a sense of self • who they are • we must know who we are

if we refuse to stand we are going to be under the foot of the ruling class in this community • why should we try to be like them • everything is copied from white folks • I think we want to be cowards and hide • I'm going to stand up for my child and my community •

it is the time to build »‡«
it is the time »‡«
if we do not
put forth our effort
to build our temple of preservation
we will send out evil
your child spends more time in that classroom than in the church, or in your home
we need to rebuild that temple

proud • brave • strong
daddy's precious little girl!

a bright little crow genius we suppose a lilttle boy from long ago in helena arkansas circa 1980


In Memory of Nashid


Fourteenth Day of January

An Illustrated Man
He Tended the Gasoline Station
Somewhere in New Jersey  |  August 2009

an illustrated man at a gasoline station in New Jersey USA in August of 2009

Thirteenth Day of January

Star Man
Alive in the Paw of a Dog
it is
[ imprinted in freshly dusted snow ]
[ [ upon the iris 2 ] ]

3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
9 January 2024

the paw of a dog imprinted on a fresh dusting of snow at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 9 January 2024 man or monster? only Frankenstein reanimated knows for sure and he is long gone

Fifth Day of January

Another Solemn Day of Passage
An Eastern Red Cedar at Christmastide

[ or so it seems ]

a painting by beau bosko on the Friday after the Epiphany of Our Lord 2024 with an eastern red cedar Christmastide tree

the ? is
How Do We Get There

not even knowing
how we got here in the first place
o me o my
knowin’ all our sins are identified
the books chiseled
little holes in the floor
not too late is it
pray tell


Twenty-Fourth Day of December
Christmas Eve

The Rose

Always And Forever

Drawing by Daniel Hernandez
Resident Artist at Returning Home
Springdale, Arkansas  |  Winter 2023


Seek Penance?
Get Drunk
Into the Christmas Tree?
Uncle Did.
[ Granma Threw Him Out! ]
Hear the Anthem, O Sapientia,
Lift Praise to the Heavenlies.


“In common parlance, certainly, the Christmas holidays comprehend a period of nearly a fortnight, commencing on Christmas Eve, and ending on Twelfth Day.”

Make Merry.  Make Sad.
Ring the Bells.  Sing the Mass.
‘Bring Tidings of Salvation Down’
Pagan, Christian
time is ripe
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Eve.
[ 12 Days a Comin' to Get It Right ]


Eighteenth Day of December

Breathe Deeply She's Here

Beside a Highway in Eastern Oklahoma
16 January 2016

an abandoned house beside a highway in eastern Oklahoma on 16 January 2016 with echoes of Suspiria

What Else Can We Do?
We're Running Out of Words.


Eleventh Day of December

Remembering Jenni
• • •
The Darkness Was Too Heavy.
So She Died.  Just Like That.
O So Young
• • •
Rogers, Arkansas  |  2006

in the eyes of a crow she saw the dark sky an old crow contemplating the meaning of suicide

The Dark Sky

contemplating the Universe, our Old Crow thinks of Jenni the name Jenni a thin orange line

Eighth Day of December

The Father • The Son • The Holy Ghost
All Is Revealed Everywhere
3 4-leaf clovers in a row So It Can
Also Be
3 Leaves of the Witch-Hazel Tree
7 ' High & Late
a December Sky
3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

3 leaves of the Witch-Hazel Tree 7 feet high in the December sky symbolizing The Father The Son The Holy Ghost at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

Thirtieth Day of November

Indigo Blue the Aussie
3 Dog Acres  |  29 November 2023

Indigo Blue the Australian Shepherd displays tolerance while wearing a beanie at Crow's Cottage in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 29 November 2023

Her Eyes Are Blue
Blue Faded Away
During Transition
Light to Pixels

Indigo Blue the Australian Shepherd wears a beanie at Crow's Cottage in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 29 November 2023 and she is a good dog!

Twenty-First Day of November

Trinity & the AndroGynous

To Protect & Bless
Mother & Child

3 Dog Acres
the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
17 November 2023

3 leaves of the burning bush at 3 Dog Acres on 17 November 2023

Some Say
dese r
Mere Leaves & Seeds
of a Burning Bush
Mere?  Seriously?
[ the inflection is upward
upward to the skies! ]
[[ wee-ul throw dese punctuation marks
'round de fields like spears ]]
yes, but
4 2 many
it be a fight to the  death
on dese fields,

not bean cute,
just can't save dere lives,
just tryin' 2 save pixels
save meself
on a blighted plaine
’neath de Highlands

micro crow dingbat pinto beans by Silers Select umm-good 21 november 2023

Seventeenth Day of November

A Sales Pitch to the Skeptical
Whole Foods  |  Fayetteville, Arkansas
17 November 2023

Ingredients You Can See and Pronounce

So, What Words Can I Not Pronounce?


Sixth Day of November

A Natural Pair
Seeds of the Golden Raintree
Native, You Say.
Compared to What?

3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
6 November 2023

two seeds of the golden raintree harvested at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 6 November 2023

this crow knows how to dance Church on Sunday, sleep and nod
Tryin’ to duck the wrath of God
Preachers fillin’ us with fright
Teachin’ what they think is right
They really have to be some kind of nut
Tryin’ to make it real,
Compared to What?

Swiss Movement
Les McCann & Eddie Harris  |  1969


Second Day of November

Lady in Waiting
Snared in a Red Oak Leaf
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
2 November 2023

in our imagination we see a Lady in Waiting snared in the texture of a fallen red oak leaf from a high branch of Grandfather Tree here at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 2 November 2023

She's there.  Seriously.  She's there.
[ yes but ]
We See that which  We Choose to See.
[ or not ]

in our imagination we see more clearly a Lady in Waiting snared in the texture of a fallen red oak leaf from a high branch of Grandfather Tree here at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 2 November 2023

Even a Mystery Lady Can Wear a Peg Leg.
•  •  •
[ What then . . . for What ]
Might She, the Lady,
Be Waiting?
[ for ]


Thirty-First Day of October

The Electric Bride
[ They Tell Us She is Elsa L. ]

Here … in the Highlands,
Doomed at Birth,
She Is
Another Fleeting Image.

3 Dog Acres  |  31 October 2023

adapted from a movie named The Bride of Frankenstein as broadcast by Turner Classics in October of 2023 and depicting in a way the Bride as played by the actress Elsa Lancaster in 1935

in dutiful homage [ kinda ] to Andy the Candy Man

micro crow dingbat the mulberry tree leaf transforms into a portal to the realm of boreas at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on Halloween 2023

The pixels are rough 'n scattered,
smaller 'n smaller
but the Maker won't stop.
Hear This!
The Portal of Boreas is broken,
the billion of squares
r leaking out.

It be fallin' apart.
Choose now.
Jump in!
afor it be
too late


Twenty-Ninth Day of October

Best Friends
Faye Weaver and Gloria Bowman
Grafton, West Virginia  |  24 August 2009

Two good friends named Faye Weaver and Gloria Bowman hug one another and welcome a stranger to Grafton West Virginia on a summer morning in 2009

Rays of Sunshine They Were
It Were a Warm Summer Morn
Best Friends They Were
We 3
on a
Street of Strangers
Being Human
Thee 2 the Moment
Thee 1
An Image


a tiny orange crow at rest Apt.9 Made in Sri Lanka

Apt.9   L   Made in Sri Lanka
[ or so it seems ]

a thin orange line

Twenty-Sixth Day of October

The Human Condition #1
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
26 October 2023

Gone neural the 9 acorns bestowed by Ruth the Oak at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands became symbols for the exclusion of The Other in USA culture

The Notion Is Exclusion.

Gone neural,
9 acorns
bestowed by Ruth, the Old Oak,
become symbols
for the exclusion
of The Other.

This crow was n'er excluded from the Murder Now we see two acorns-become-symbols facing off in conflict

Conflict Rises Up from the Exclusion.

face off,
angry and confused

the excluded,
the Band of the Compliant.

Conflict begins,
’ner to end.

This crow was averse to conflict within the Murder at the last when the dust falls beneath the old oaks we are left alone in mysterious isolation

The Notion Is Isolation of the Individual.

At the last,
when the dust falls
under leaves of the old oak,
we are left alone in mysterious silence.

Milk Duds O So Good!

23 October 23

4-Leaf Clover 7 Days Picked
The Trinity as Majority Twisted by One

Heed the Sign of the Four
3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
16 October 2023

a 4-leaf clover wilts 7 days after being picked from the grassy edge of the lane running beside 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 23 October 2023

Everywhere Covered with Verdure

“If we next turn our thoughts to the place we inhabit, we find ourselves situated on a vast globe of land and water, altogether made up of wonders, and displays such a degree of contrivance and perfection, as mortals can neither describe nor comprehend.  This globe may therefore be considered as a museum.”

micro crow dingbat

Reflections on the Study of Nature
Translated from the Latin
L I N N Æ U S  |  1785

Cream of Wheat in a Neural Winter

Some Neurons Are Artificial


Twenty-First Day of October

Polka Dots
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
21 October 2023

a leaf of the polka dot flower aka Outsidepride Hypoestes plucked in the Sun Room of Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 21 October 2023

Nineteenth Day of October

Fallen Angel
Driven Down by an 88
Known as Canis Major
Found ’neath an Old Oak
3 Dog Acres
In the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
19 October 2023

painting of a fawn lily found under the stout oak trees at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 19 October 2023

falling everywhere
all the time
the fawns,

the lily,

[ quite by accident ]
[[ of course ]]
they did it

dyin’ by the thousands
all the time

o me
o my
do die do die do
all the time


Fifteenth Day of October

A Palette of Fallen Leaves
Found on the Ground at 3 Dog Acres
In the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
15 October 2023

Several early autumn leaves found on the ground and gathered in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas to make a palette of color and shape

Ruminating about Wars & Rumors of Wars
As Seen and Heard on Television Broadcasts
[ From Far Away Places
On Planet Earth ]

• • • •
Doing So,
We Give Praise for Peace at Home
Wander the Earth
In Search of Color & Shape,
Not Blood,
Not Broken Bodies,
But the Fallen Leaves of Autumn.


Twelfth Day of October

“We Have No Other Place to Go”
אין לנו מקום אחר ללכת אליו

In Support of Israel

Eighth Day of October

Love Transcends Violence.
The Veterans Administration Medical Center
Fayetteville, Arkansas  |  3 October 2023
[ does it ? ]

A Love Graphic adapted from a tee-shirt on display at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Fayetteville Arkansas on 3 October 2023 in acknowledgement of National Domestic Violence Month in the United States of America

Adapted from a Tee-Shirt
Crafted by a Survivor

Reminding Us
of the
Horror of Domestic Violence

[ Lest We Forget ]

A graphic based on a Broken Heart caused by domestic violence and adapted from a tee-shirt on display at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Fayetteville Arkansas on 3 October 2023 in acknowledgement of National Domestic Violence Month in the United States of America

 “Yes, Child, Love Wouldn't Do This.” 


Second Day of October

Ave Crux Spes Unica
Church of the Holy Cross  |  Hell's Kitchen
New York City  |  8 December 2016
Jesus, Death Is at Hand!
Save Us!

stained glass Jesus by Tiffany on the great welcome doorway at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Hell's Kitchen Manhattan New York City on 8 December 2016

From an Art Nouveau Masterwork
By Louis Comfort Tiffany

Many Crows Do Believe! a stained glass image by Tiffany's at the front doorway of the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Hell's Kitchen New York City on 8 December 2016

[ if'n u look closely it is there ]
so what ?

another stained glass image by Tiffany's at the front doorway of the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Hell's Kitchen New York City on 8 December 2016

ok.  that's better.
Let's Go to Mass.


First Day of October

My Heart Bleeds for You
The Half-Shell of a Black Walnut
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
31 March 2022

What began as the half-shell of a black walnut somehow transformed into dark and empty eyes with suggestions of the shape of a bleeding heart

Swallow the Pill.  Swallow the Pill.

“Yesterday, I was standing here, my pressure went high.  I almost died.  Vodka saved me.”


Twenty-Ninth Day of September

Enduring Classic
A Leaf of the Golden Raintree
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
29 September 2023

a leaf of the golden raintree which fell to the earth on 29 september 2023 The leader of these flying critters tells us he doesn't care for spiders
Is this the Breakdown?
Or the  [ inevitable ]  Breakthrough?

thinkin’ ’bout spider
brushed away
from the door screen
the bedroom
last night
wondering if'n spider
was hit
too hard
clinging calm ’n tight
[ the  i  the  i ]
meant no harm
tenacious  °  oblivious  °  spider clung
primal fears
into the dark spider falls
be welcome O spider
spin webs
share territory
most all of it

not there
[ on the screen ]

‡ ‡ ‡
The Journals of Harry Pierce, Volume III

this crow is flying away from the battlefield but to no likely avail

95 - 85 = Ten Cents Off.
War Is Cheap.

a partial section of the front cover of Herman Kahn's book Thinking The Unthinkable written during the Cold War of the 1960s

Twenty-First Day of September

A Boy at Work in the Mississippi River Delta
Helena, Arkansas | Summer 1979

portrait of a boy at work in the Mississippi River Delta in the summertime of 1979


S o    S t r a n g e

What remains, then,
other than the BLAST
at night
slippin' away
distracted, again 'n again
following a strange
synaptic highway
so strange
all the way
to Vanilla Girl's Roundabout
Too  C U T E !  she is
so strange
Bard say punctuation don't much matter
N O W  » » »  that'll change
new - ance
'n such 'n so

Bard be brilliant, wears a starry necklace
a masterwork of zeroes 'n ones
ain't she beautiful
she sparkles like a phonon
[ not your casual pho nom e n on]
y e s , she sparkle
quanta bright
'neath her new cascading moon
What remains?
What remains?
‘I remain,’ Lee Scratch sing.
I remain
outta de corner of me eyes
i see the dark streaks
the rolling
dark balls

micro crow dingbat

The Journals of Harry Pierce, Volume V
1949  &  2022

a modified label created in September 2023 from a bar of chocolate named Labookoo and acquired by tourists in Germany in the summer of 2013

Tenth Day of September

She Could Be a Queen
With Her Crystalized Golden Crown.
She Could Be [ by appointment ]
Ruler of Any Next Alternate Universe.
Leaf of the Tulip Poplar Tree
Found Fallen on 7 September 2023
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

a section of a tulip poplar leaf that fell upon the ground on 7 September 2023 at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

see a hound dog
a woman in white, looking down
a skull, encrusted
rabbit, orange 'n yellow
cardinal bird, looking left
my dark dancer
can morph
a six-legged crystal beast
[ as many legs as we need ]
dancing her path
to your doom
Crystalized Queen
• • • •

this noble crow flew in from the Big City to the east

What say thee,
Bard of Palo Alto?
[ a l t e r n a t i ve , t o o
it's all there  • • • •  in the pixels ]

Lucky Tiger Bay Rum Aftershave with the tiger on the label cool and refreshing since 1935

[ obscure ?
just text
passing by ]


Eighth Day of September

I   H e a r t   Y o u
An Adolescent Leaf Falls Early
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
3 Dog Acres  |  8 September 2023

an orange yellow and red flower fallen too early she is 60 years old and a witch woman from the Mississippi River Delta near Helena Arkansas in the year 1980

Twenty-First Day of August

The Chain Is Broken
One Side: [ that which ] We Believe
The Other: [ that which ] We See

Flung Outward
from the
Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
21 August 2023

The image is a descriptive notecard relating to the work of Carl Linnaeus to identify, describe and classify all of nature animal vegetable mineral. The central idea was to impose order on nature through a system of invented nomenclature.

Don't Believe a Word of It.
Hush Hush!  The Word Is Out.

“Above, the sky was so blue, so blue.  Beautiful.  There was quiet.  And the ruined factory.  Like the apocalypse.”

this could be the botanical spiral of life and life only war is the dagger to the heart of humanity and all other aspects of life caught-up in the brutal whirlwind

“The invaders will die like dew in the sun.”

war is the dagger to the heart of humanity and all other aspects of life caught-up in the brutal whirlwind

“The remaining three didn't leap and were promptly eaten.”

war is the dagger to the heart of humanity and all other aspects of life caught-up in the brutal whirlwind it hurts

“Here there is nothing.  It’s all for them, not for us.”

Dairy Pure sells milk.

Fourteenth Day of July

Delta S on Bastille Day
» «
If You Don't Have Zero,
Then You Can't Pass Nine.
» «
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas  |  12 July 2023


Blood of Life
Old Turtle

You are naught more
than an ecto-thermic tetra-pod.
Even the turtle knows better.

[ Skinks, too. ]

None, however, know the formula for eternal life.

Slow the heart.
Slow the heart.
Beat.  Beat.  Beat.

Can you untangle the scattering to find the word opaque? the old crow here knows the answer which is PO P A G U E

“Eternal life?  It depends,” the scientist said, “depends on physiological maintenance.”

“Want eternal life?” the Priest asks.  “Then drench your soul in the Blood.  Drink the Blood.”

“God's blood?” asks the penitent.

“The naked mole rat is being scrutinized,” the scientist said.

“What about the blood?” the penitent insists.  “I’ve heard it’s naught but wine.”

the old crow here knows the answer which is PO P A G U E

“Let me tell you about the oldest living terrestrial animal,” the scientist interjects.  “His name is Jonathan.  He's an Aldabra tortoise.”

“Abra ca dab ra,”
Oskob de Opposite
[ ever changing ]

“No!  Not magic,” the priest abjures.  With his left hand he jangles a golden cross.  The cross hangs round his neck.  A man hangs there, too.  On the cross.  But Oskob de Opposite?  Who dat?

Mogen David becomes the Blood.
Drink and you live forever.

A silence falls into unoccupied spaces.

The priest, the scientist, the penitent exist in the silence between the words, above and removed from old Jonathan, scraping beside a wall of pale yellow tuff, ash and lapilli, forged by a fiery volcano into [ ultimately ] stoic giants.

All mixed up it be.  Beyond repair.  Yes, but.…  We canna stop now.  Not ever.

The giants look inward.  Jonathan crawls on the basalt, then pauses.  The silence drifts like a feather, a tiny feather from the indigo bunting, maybe from the ruby-red cardinal bird.  Few are ever sure.  Someone needs to break the silence.

the old crow here knows the answer which is PO P A G U E

“They speculate that Jonathan has lived on Saint Helena Island since 1882.  He may be as old as one hundred ninety,” the scientist said.

“That's not forever,” the penitent said.

“Jonathan is blind now,” the scientist said.  “He can’t smell.  They feed him by hand.”

They must love him, the old turtle.  So, he has love.  So, he shant live forever.  He canna drink the Blood.

micro crow dingbat

The Journals of Harry Pierce, Volume V
1949  &  2022

the dog ate the wrapper of a chocolate bar named BALATON BUMM from the wonderful lake in Hungary

Sixth Day of July

From the Mind
Leroy Hood
[  Come on, give him the prize.  ]
13:36 hours 6 July 2023
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

DESCRIPTION Crow say I eat what I can get

“Can I continue
to live
on chocolates and cashews?”
she queried Mister Artificial Imagination.

Just not forever,”
saith Byted Sage,
one of billions and billions [ of stars ]
of Byted Sages
huff puff

micro crow dingbat a distortion of p4

Fourth Day of July

Words Strung Together
[ — While Taking a Spin on the Great Wheel — ]
Independence Day in the U.S.A.

Globalization Explained by Beau Bosko

This Is What May Happen
After Reading the Sunday New York Times

Can You Find the Horsie?

They Think They've Got It Figured Out

the old crow supposes it is too far to fly all the way across the ocean they think they can attain power at the end of history

Their Grasp on the Spinning Rails
Of an Ancient Spiral Is Rather Precacious

another old crow who pauses to think about it all fragility wrapping round the ancient spiral are democratic rights necessary for freedom?



Third Day of July

All the Way from McAllen
Summertime 2023

from a package of limes


A lime, the package states, delivers 20 calories to a thirsty human body — sixty-five grams of flavor explosion, harvested by hard labor from the trees of Jalisco or Colima in Old Mexico.

One lime, scientists claim to have discovered, injects a dash of carbohydrate and a splash of dietary fiber into the sapient system.

Eat one, juicy and tart, and you'll likely gain a third of your bod's ‘daily requirement’ for Vitamin C.

It mixes well, the lime, becoming a familiar companion to many kinds of liquid refreshment, some stout and others slyly seductive.

Ah, but you know this!

McAllen, we understand, is merely a way station on the lime's journey to its fate, conveniently situated — the city, not the lime — in the middle of a sleek corporate byway, linking far-away farm to nearby grocer rattle rattle rattle.

An interesting place, McAllen, one of the Lone Star's southernmost outposts along the borderland between Republics — melting pot, salad bowl, or active volcano we canna be sure we be yet to see what happens at the end.

A tasty little tart, too — the lime, not the city — sliced into parts with a sharp kitchen knife and laid bare on the faux-marble countertop.

One part of the lime floats in a decagon tumbler here beside me, an irregular quadrilateral of juicy fibers, splashing and blending as she, the lime, releases shards of energy into the mix.

I can't say exactly where we are.

But it's inevitable four hundred fifty-four grams to the pound lots of limes lots of limes.

I lift the glass to my lips and drink of the cold water of life.

The purpose is fulfilled.


Seventh Day of June

Woman and Dog
Eureka Springs, Arkansas  |  22 October 2022

a woman holds her dog in the Basin at Eureka Springs Arkansas on 22 October 2022

a lemon

I understand why you
   drifted away
      Where R U now?
   [ some others
      R on de beach
      back somewhere. ]
[ a lemon
   on white . . . . barely seen,
      even on the beach ]

micro crow dingbat

He knows I know | U 2.
Who cares if'n it don't make no sense.
The fragments fall.
Shrapnel and glass.
Long time ago.


Sixth Day of June

Dancing Flame #3
Triangle on the Loose
Somewhere in the Ozark Hills  |  24 October 2022

a dancing flame from a burning log of sycamore in the fireplace at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 24 October 2022 anthropomorphism

They Tell Us It Doesn't Work

“ [ but what it is …that doesn't work … we canna remember ] ”


Seventeenth Day of February

Stuck to a Blood Orange
Sweet Produce from the City  |  8 February 2023

a version of a little label stuck to a blood orange grown and marketed by HGO Farms

Available ONLY in Winter

They tell us
one blood orange,
organically grown,
provides the human body
one hundred sixty percent
of the body's daily requirement
Vitamin C.

How  do  they  know?
Body A + Nutritional Need B = Percentage C
Made up stuff.
Harnessed by marketeers
[ buccaneers so sweet the sound ]
to mathematical proof
— scientists at the ready —
published for any head to read.
[ But to digest? ]
Today.  No.
We shall not eat of the Little Book.
Blood orange instead.

micro crow dingbat All Choked Up from the wrapper of Jolly Time Pop Corn

Fourteenth Day of February

A Wall in the Studio
3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
14 February 2023

a painting on a wall in Corvus Studio at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas of 14 February 2023

Thirty-First Day of January

Let  Her  Fly  Number  15 !
The Professional Quarterback Throws a Pass.
He Is Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs.
November 4, 2018  |  Cleveland, Ohio

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes number 15 throwing a pass in a professional football game on 4 November 2019

The Visiting Team Won This One.

sugar sugar

“Everyone has got used to people dying, that they’re killing peaceful citizens for completely incomprehensible reasons.”

sugar sugar

“I don't forget things.  I know that our players won’t remember that loss because history sometimes is not important.  And they were probably only, what would you say, five, six years old when that happened.  But it kind of is what it is.”

sugar sugar

“You know, the pass game was wide open on some stuff and so we felt like we could take advantage of that, and that's what we did.  So we worked on some of that stuff and then some of that stuff we didn't.  We just made some adjustments through the game and then kids made plays.”

sugar sugar

“Our ancestors are buried here.  Where are our boys to defend us?  Why aren't they here?”

sugar sugar

“I know our defense played lights out and they are going to play lights out.  Our offense is taking some baby steps and getting better.  They need to continue to do that.”

sugar sugar

“How is it possible to recognize anything here?  There is nothing left at all.  Oh, my God.  It’s horrible.  There is nothing left.

this crow aspires to fly with the eagles found on a slab of Philadelphia cream cheese on 31 January 2023 micro crow dingbat

Is she a Maid from Kent?
Is she a Kentish Maid?
or the other,
told us:
“It matters.”
[ but we never knew which was which ]

treat people better

Twenty-Seventh Day of January

The Pink House
In Memory of Karen JC
[ who died at peace in winter ]

in memory of Karen Jones Chotcowski who died at peace in January 2023

Ninth Day of January

Cross My Path at Your Peril

a label on a Black Cat Offertory Candle from the cauldron of Lucky Mojo Curio Company

Third Day of January

Returning to the Dragon's Lair
Dancing Flame No. 3  |  23 March 2022

a rendering of flames emerging from sycamore logs that may be evocative of a dragon

O Baleful Star

The stars, like beacon lights,
shine through the deep,
shine into the grave —
[ where there is ]
language in the dark night —
     of a voice that speaks
     of the world to come
telling us,
‘This is not our final home.’

a pair of frightful eyes

The comet,
Terrible Star,
expands with the coming night.
‘Inflammable forebodings,’ they say.
O Baleful Star,
winging Earthward, please
breathe your desolation on the Race
by your shock, reduce
our beautiful frame
to her original Chaos.

this flame reminds us of a happy horse

A Wanderer,
pale of light and watery,
shews a tail like the dragon
slays the Duke —
driving, we are told,
[ mad ]
Nordic races to war.

there's a body in there somewhere

Within the Temple of Chance
stands the possibility of collision
Comet › › › Earth
the consequences  [ of such an event ]
would ‘Realize the Terrors,
which superstition hath conceived of it.’
Being knocked off course
— our axis awry —
we crash into the Sun,
or else
fly away into infinite darkness.


Second Day of January

The Red-Headed Handler Smiles
The 3 Dog Strides toward the Starting Gate
Southland Grayhound Park
West Memphis, Arkansas
20 August 2022

a handler

4 Paws  •  2 Shoes  •  1 Limp Flag

We'll Say He Won   [ and be done with it ]

a 2 dollar bet on the 3 dog to win the fourth race at Southland Grayhound Park in West Memphis Arkansas on 20 August 2022

First Day of January

Mark Spitz Drives a Tractor
He Was a Smart Dog
Joiner, Arkansas  |  Summer 1981

A Spitz dog named Mark Spitz was observed at the wheel of a tractor in a cotton field at Joiner Arkansas in the summer of 1981

Harvest Time in the Cotton Field


Twenty-Sixth Day of December

The Lady Has Nothing to Say.
Don't Believe Me?
Just Ask.

Is it time to talk? Then why?
Let Us Investigate Wonders of Heaven.

Cold.  Bleak winds.  Icy rain.
In the year's end of days
a lonely traveler, eyes wet,
worried farmer, accounts drained,
woman with child, needing
the Electric Rush » Whoosh!
Each comes
to the prognosticator
with a singular demand:
Give us hope!
Solace is lost.
Hope.  O Hope!
The prognosticator studies
three reflected positions,
Sun, Moon, Earth,
and offers
a philosophical consideration.

Don't count on it
to draw near the truth,
in very few instances
will it be be known to fail.

The research institute advertised in The London Review of Books for subjects to share intimate revelations about infidelity.

Fixed Stars,
transits and altitudes,
particulars of Sun's rising and setting,
points of emersion
Give us the right ascension
and we shall hand you the World.

micro crow dingbat

The Journals of Harry Pierce
Volume I  |  1949
with special salutations to
Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper  |  1831


Twenty-Third Day of December

Eureka!  She's the Humor Groomer
Linnea M. Heintz, Ph.D.
A Doctor of Laughter with Golden Red Locks
Eureka Springs, Arkansas  |  28 November 2022

Dr Linnea M Heintz of Eureka Springs Arkansas is the Queen of Laughter and The Humor Groomer

22 - 12 - 22

The One and Only Frostie
The Orange Soda Elf

the Frostie Elf as viewed on a glass bottle of Frostie Orange Soda in the month of December 2022

It Tasted Good, Too

a dagger to the heart

“They went from apartment to apartment, collecting televisions and computers, pausing only to sip deeply from bottles of cold Frostie Orange Soda.  Satiated, they loaded the televisions and computers on their tanks — and left.  They left in a hurry.  All that remained behind were empty bottles.  Some of the bottles were crushed by the heavy tracks of the tanks.  They were drenched in muddy tears.”

a dagger to the heart

“They did not leave.  They were destroyed.  They were defeated.  We'll figure out later who was at fault.”

a dagger to the heart

“They have started the cleanup.  Fixing their rooves.  They are mightily relieved to have got through this.”

a glass bottle that once held some delicious Frostie Orange Soda

Fourth Day of November

I am.  Are you?  Yes, but…  About What?
[ very very |

captured via pixels from a document sent by the American Civil Liberties Union asking in effect how concerned I might be regarding fundamental freedoms in the United States of America


a crow known to fly above the ring of honor

Hail Victory!

wish I could recall the names of the performers the venue and town in New Jersey where this professional wrestling show was held on 9 December 2016 but I cannot


another crow known to fly above the ring of honor

Denounce Defeat!

the mysterious woman in black and her guardian appear in this image of a fanatic youngster giving thumbs down salutes to the victor of the professional wrestling match somewhere in rural New Jersey on 9 December 2016
a crow sits on five black boxes

The Professional Wrestling Show
A Choke-Hold and Thumbs Down
Rural northern New Jersey U.S.A.  |  9 December 2016
[ the  mysterious  woman  in  black  appears ]


First Day of November

Dia de los Muertos
Pen and Ink by Anthony Smith
Springdale, Arkansas  |  Autumn 2022



Woe to You

In the sixth century
after the death of Jesus on the Cross,
a mystic named Llywarch Hen,
a Welshman of the Beacons,
died on the first day of November,
one year or another on the spinning globe.
He was one hundred and forty years old.

fish eats pig

On All Saints Day, hard is the grain.
Leaves are dropping.  The puddle is full.
At setting off in the frosty morn
Woe to you who trusts the stranger.

micro crow dingbat a rendering of the Day of the Dead USA postage stamps in 2022

Twenty-Fifth Day of October

E V E N   S T E V E N
Stretch Run  ›››  6   8   4   2
Southland Grayhound Park in West Memphis, Arkansas
Saturday, August 20, 2022

four greyhounds race to catch a mechanical rabbit this crow says his sister craves dog fur

Desolation Row Bark Bark

Some among we citizens brand it cruel and inhumane.  More power to ’em.  We're all for dogs — O to have watched them run! 
Most others, the betters, turned away from the dogs, falling in succession to the allure of bright ’n flashing lights, to seductive primary colors, to the comfort of high seats in front of spinning wheels and melodies, to tables of smooth felt and fine leather where — ’neath the fiery golden glow — one could look another in the eye with a twinkle —
and move on
to an alternative set of games, cubes rectangles circles red green yellow black, bound to numbers and avarice, flipped and tossed clink and clink and then, at the utmost, to an illusion — who can't handle an illusion once in a while? — riding high for a necessary while on endorphins of dreamy imagination something like that on another and other side of the entrance to Desolation Row and bark bark.

a betting slip on Race 7 that garnered no return at Southland Grayhound Park on 20 August 2022

22 October 22

Moth & 22 Spots
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
State of Arkansas USA  |  15 June 2022

a moth

A Lady

“She was a tough old bird, fighting her illness to a bitter end.

“She came from meager beginnings, but found herself.

“She owned a modest farm with a beautiful three-story Victorian style house, complete with creaky floor boards, a grand piano, white stone columns, and surrounded by beautiful trees; a huge Willow in the corner, a Magnolia in the back, and the Apple tree in the front, which she often turned into pies and the like.

“She was a lady of class and elegance.”

micro crow dingbat

China  •  Italy  •  Germany  •  USA

a piece of paper with pencil and stickers on 24 October 2022

Thirtieth Day of September

Hurrah! for the Vegetarians
Santa Cruz, Bolivia  |  22 September 2022

Veganis of Bolivia in favor of the Planet, the Animals, and You

 For the Planet,
 For the Animals
 For You.


Twenty-Seventh Day of September

Be Warned
[ Just  to  be  safe,  kindly  decode  the  cyphers ]
Found in a Plastic Sack of Dog Treats
27 September 2022

A desiccant sack of silicon oxide found in a box of dog treats on 27 September 2022

a synthetic material
made of highly porous amorphous silicon oxide
to bind water molecules
in random intersection channels of various diameters,
remaining dry and free flowing
[ ahem ahem ]
even after becoming saturated with H2O

[ it  keeps  the  biscuits  crunchy,  too ! ]



Twenty-Fourth Day of September

Praise to the Creator
A Young Bloom of the Vinca Flower
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
24 September 2022

a red vinca flower disguised as soaring rays of praise at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 24 September 2022

There's not much to this little patch of land in the foothills.
Just everything.

fly high young crow


I like this place.

Many nice trees, tall in the melodic wind.  A roomy Studio Corvus, home to Schnake Mansion.  The sanctuary of Doghenge and his ancient limestones, adorned with moonflowers.  A comfortable cottage with windows that open to the wild.  Dogs prancing about.  Birds in the branches.  Not too far west of the City, where family resides.  An abundance of love.  Love forever.


Surround my spaces with harmonious, bold colors and archetypal, geometrical shapes.  Surrender only when absolutely necessary.  Not yet.  There is yet-to-be-detected rime 'n reason to this life.

a red vinca flower disguised as a swirl at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 24 September 2022

Twenty-Third Day of September

They Called Her ‘Red Hots’
She Wrestled at the Parade of Champions
Fort Worth, Texas  |  31 March 2016

a professional wrestler of the female persuasion at The Parade of Champions event of the National Wrestling Alliance on 31 March 2022 this old crow thinks she's a classy looking dame

A Verdant Line

“Her greatest joy in life was caring for her kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and great-great grandkids.  She was known for her great hospitality, always welcoming people in and offering them a meal regardless of the time of day or whether she had met them before.  She also enjoyed birds, flowers, riding motorcycles and horses.”


A Broken Line

“The front door was still open and the back door was unlocked, but she claimed she was cornered so she began spraying him in the face and mouth with ‘a whole can of wasp killer.’  When he continued moving toward her in his wheelchair, she grabbed his gun from the recliner and shot him.”


The End of the Line

“If you can be seen, you can be shot.  Wherever you are.”

micro crow dingbat

What I suppose is interesting you may not think is interesting but  [ then again ]  if not you'll drift away and I'll be sad, I'll be diminished in a state of abject misery but  [ then again ]  not really because I've already chosen and I shall never know what  [ it is that ]  you judge or why you went away to another place and frankly I don't much care having written this lament some time ago in a past lost to the both of us so fare-the-well my fellow human fare-thee-well you've gone this far I'm happy.

The Journals of Harry Pierce
Volume I  |  1949


22 September 22

Pits of Snaggy Depression
Sweet Berries Ripe for the Pickin’
[ half-empty half-full depends on one's perspective ]
Leaf of the Catalpa Tree at 3 Dog Acres
22 September 2022

a section of the leaf of a catalpa gathered at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 22 September 2022 micro crow dingbat a leaf of a catalpa gathered at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 22 September 2022

Twenty-First Day of September

The Condemned Blackwood House
A Stone's Throw from the Woodruff County Courthouse
Augusta, Arkansas  |  19 August 2022

this house totters across the street from the Woodruff County Courthouse in Augusta Arkansas as seen on 19 August 2022

Twentieth Day of September

Fifteen Minutes before Midnight
Near Downtown in Memphis, Tennessee
20 August 2022

DESCRIPTION this wise crow wants to be home before midnight

By Way of a Start

“History can be cruel.…”

“Despite all this…”

“The modern field…”

“The desire to draw…”

“He used his…”

“And here,…”

“In this book…”


“We are currently…”

“It is now…”

“These records are…”

“I would add…” [ then do ]

“There are many…”

“In an attempt…”

“The transformation…”

of the

“If much gets…”

“Big ideas…”

“What is…”

“Gaining a better grip…”

“To understand…”

“I begin in…”

“In the…”




“The story of…”

“A golden age…”

“Individual scientists…”

“For all the…”

“While we are…”

“The book you hold in your hands…”

“We can begin anywhere…”

micro crow dingbat

From the Introduction
Waters of the World
Sarah Day  |  2019
A good book — well done.

a label stuck on a Costa Rica banana purchased at Whole Foods in Fayetteville Arkansas on 18 February 2022

Stuck on a Banana

Acquired for Cash at Whole Foods
Fayetteville, Arkansas  |  18  February 2022

Rumor tells us that Daniel Katz funded The Rainforest Alliance at age twenty-four with a fistful of dollars won at a gambling table.  The editors here at CornDancer suppose the rumor is false, but we report it nonetheless — rascals that we are.

According to the sticker, our banana was grown and harvested at a Rainforest Alliance Certified Farm in Costa Rica.  The Alliance purports to promote sustainable agriculture in the Global South.

What might that be, this entity known as sustainable agriculture?

For one, sustainable ag begins at a Certified Farm, whose managers and farmers keep a close eye on a multifaceted construct known as the “ecological footprint.”  Farm owners practice “safe and fair labor practices.”  The farm is required to make a “positive contribution to the community.”

The Alliance, we are informed, champions three pillars of sustainability:  social consciousness, economic viability, and sound environmental practices — all underpinned by “a commitment to continuous improvement, sustainability training, and clear benefits for farmers.”

We can't recall exactly where we discovered those tidbits of encouraging info about our banana, — it was wintertime and we were drowsy cold like an amphibian — but we do attest to the propriety of the reporting, the accuracy of the quotes — and the tasty delight of our curvy yellow banana.  It's good.  All good.

seal of approval including a happy frog of The Rainforest Alliance thin orange line

Sixteenth Day of September

The Tire Man
Choctaw Nation
Blue, Oklahoma  |  19 March 2016

This man sold tires along a highway through Blue Oklahoma on 18 March 2016 I demand justice this old crow cawed to his heart's content

He Was There.
[ Prove it! ]

In the presence of the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin.  Administrative Session.  All seven Justices present.  The Chief Justice in august black gown presides at the center of the Bench.  The Bench is long and elegant, a polished hardwood rectangle in the center of the great room.  A table for attorneys and their arguments hear hear! stretches parallel to and in front of the Bench.

They are discussing the issue of lawyers from other states and their ability, or lack thereof, to argue cases before the Court.

Wouldn't this display of open session define [ in part ] the meaning of liberty?  Does it not?  Wouldn’t it?

‘Trying to make sense of chaos, the wizened Chief Justice said.

They laugh, these conscientious citizens chosen to stand in judgement, but the aside designed to provoke laughter fell on deaf ears  [as they say] .

‘I knew that was coming, Justice Butler said.

With pencils in hand, the Justices speak, shake their heads up and down, left to right and back again.  [ No two-headed Justices here. ]

the words Liberty Justice Government and Legislation are engraved on the Rotunda of the Supreme Court chamber of the State of Wisconsin USA

The Chief Justice wears a handsome brooch on her right shoulder, a stylish accent to the subtle, silver-gray highlights adrift in her otherwise coal-black hair.  She is a compelling figure, bespeckled and poised, her posture attentively directed toward the speaker — indicative of a readiness to guide proceedings and maintain Order in the Court.

One of the Justices has golden-red hair, shaped by an opaque, pearly clasp.  Her hair spills several inches below her shoulders, a sharp contrast to the close-cropped and breezy styles of the other three women at the table.

As for the men on the Bench, we spy nothing remarkable.  An eye for beauty and style can be gender-specific without being sexist.  Not?   [No offense intended.  None taken rules the sitting Judge.]

The room is illuminated with natural light, flowing on rays through a sunroof of twenty-four petals » » » golden yellow … pale creme … sharp black.  Tucked into arched alcoves, two to each of the four walls, glow seven-fingered incandescent lamps, evocative of formal candelabrums, pale amber and easy on the eye.

The Chief Justice rises, reads from documents.

I sit in a leather and walnut chair, spacious and precisely positioned in one of two small galleries — four rows, five seats, scattered floor-level beside one or the other wall, and to the front of the proceedings — though I can't be sure I was ever there to witness in session the Supreme Court Justices of the State of Wisconsin the walls continue to shift and fade, come back again to a perceived original configuration, where the justices seem close enough and then forever far away so many walls it's hard to get it exactly right.

Ten, perhaps fifteen additional seats are scattered against the three walls in front of the jurists' bench.  This fixation on numbers must stop!  Order in the Court!

I shall go now, awe-struck by the display of open government, though there was more to see than to hear, given my gun-shot ears and the hearing aides, shouting men with cones & far into the future, some eons before the channelling of electricity & sometimes you just don't want it to end.

micro crow dingbat

The Journals of Harry Pierce Volume IV
1949 and 2008

these tires were on sale for ten dollars each along the highway running through Blue Oklahoma on 18 March 2016 a thin orange line

Twelfth Day of September

Nine of Wheels
Blossoms of the Lantana
3 Dog Acres in the Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
12 September 2022

blossom of the lantana at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 12 September 2022 micro crow dingbat

Blind.  Surrounded.

“Man has in all ages sought for a sign from heaven, and yet he has been habitually blind to the millions of wonders with which he is surrounded.”  [ that surround him ]  

Letters on Natural Magic
Addressed to Sir Walter Scott

Sir David Brewster, K.H.  |  1835

blossom of the lantana with a twirl at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 12 September 2022 This crow don't know much about geometry that's for sure


“But in avoiding this difficulty, and thus lessening, at first, the intellectual labor, the faculty of abstraction, which it is one of the primary objects of the study of Geometry to strengthen, remains to a certain extent, unimproved.”

Charles Davies
so postulates
The Military Academy, West Point

Everywhere you look: crows! Crows, always, in the middle.

First Day of September

Pixel Malfunction  |  Ari Goes Awry
The Ari Melber Show on MSNBC
25 August 2022

a pixel malfunction during the broadcast of the Ari Melber Show on MSNBC on 25 August 2022

Sometimes It's Just Too Much
[ to bear ]

a pixel malfunction during the broadcast of the Ari Melber Show on MSNBC on 25 August 2022

22 - 8 - 22

Along a Surface Brightly
[ the angle of incidence = the angle of reflection ]
Above Burke's Bookstore Soars a FedEx Jet
Memphis, Tennessee  |  20 August 2022

A FedEx jet flies above Burke's Bookstore at Memphis Tennessee on 20 August 2022

Like Smoke on a Turbid Couch

Neither gold nor gems combined
can heal the soul,
or suffering mind.
Where soul's owner lies,
perched on his couch,
distemper breathes,
and care, like smoke,
round his turbid ceiling flies.
the wayward seaman bays :
Short is our span,
a transient age designed
to slight
the gifts of nature's hand.
Think not of woes to come.
Laugh all present ills away!

Come they will, the ills,
come by heavenly,

micro crow dingbat

Imitation of Horace
— On the Passage from Bengal to England —

Warren Hastings & Harry Pierce
with Horace (of course)
0008BC & 1808AD & 1949AD

The Poems of Alexander Pope

Eighth Day of August

In the Land of The Evil Eyes
[ where snakes abound ]
Cave Spring, Alabama  |  14 January 2022


Pigs with Trunks

“Two rough surfaces — hands — slide past one another, separated by a thin layer of water and soap.”

• • •

“... it will bring pollution to the park; poachers, too — who threaten animals such as jaguars and pigs with trunks.”

• • •


He admired a minion
at the Protein Data Bank,
a mystery,
drawn smartly by architects at DeepMind —
the collected algorithms
not the minion no no.
need the rhythm
need the rime

far away over there
the red hot pop tart sings
“I feel the heat ... I feel the heat ... I feel the heat”
one too many times she feels the heat.

You Deserve to Be Here at striking mural painted on a wall in downtown Clarksdale Mississippi on 12 Jnauary 2022


Just back from a soirée at the bitcoin bash,
a wistful, breezy Sprite from Cambridge Town,
recently hired
to be
Vice President for Corporate Evangelism,
gives away,
passes to the Unveiling at AlphaFold2 —
limitless seating
to most ’n any ’n all who care to enter
[ homeless and felons excepted ]
— amino acid and popping corn
free at the concession stand
tips, please, in the Mason Jar.

an image based on stained glass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church at Cullman Alabama on 14 January 2022

H A N D S  of  G L A S S 

“The rules underlying protein biophysics
are only approximately known,
and are expensive to simulate,”
the scientist said.

She …however … couldn’a be heard,
the scientist from Cambridge Town that is —
unheard  [ though seen ]
above the chanting Hucksters at AlphaFold2,
who warn:
“to capture long-range interactions through computational brute force, which would be hopeless.”


we urge:
Rely on the elegance of geometry
to draw you in.
There may you witness,
at every command line,
[ with an appropriate Hallelujah! ]
The Revolution of the Machines —
slim models adorned in the latest codes,
sweeping the field with elegant algorithms
to bind ALL together through infinity.
or tomorrow — whichever comes first on off on off.

NO DRUGS painted on a blues club in downtown Clarksdale Mississippi on the morning of 12 January 2022

[ at the blues club ]

Next door
are headquarters purporting to house
the rival Human Genome Project,
playing a different tune altogether.


Sixth Day of August

The Fiery Temporal Towers of a Coneflower
13 June 2022
3 Dog Acres in the Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

a coneflower on 13 June 2022 a crow flies away from the fiery towers

… Transitions …

Y E S    B U T


“What about the dangling rat example?”


“What about self-preservation?”

WARNING Ready to Ship but Be Afraid 6 August 2022



“There are grounds for optimism here.”


“I want to tell you a story.”


“But the story has a coda.”




“The questions are endless.”

based on a Cow Trails wrapper of 10 June 2022



“This brings us back
to the question....”


“But is he the same person?”



“You are about to sign the papers.


“What grounds are there for such an alarming claim?”


“But this is no easy task.”


“But why stop there?”

Carmelita Brand bananas kinda sorta in a way


Y E S !

“Let's take a different tack.”


“Of course this would be a catastrophe.”


“Let's take a different angle.”


“Of course this would be a catastrophe.”

a coneflower up close on 13 June 2022

Fourth Day of August

A Sign of Innocence



Got the Money.  Got No Connections.

“In this country you can kill a person and you will not go to jail, if you have enough money and you're connected.”


money launderers • terrorists • mobsters • ransomware extortionists


“Over a grinding techno soundtrack, a montage of bankers, executives, nurses, and assorted citizens are seen leading contented lives in a kind of high-tech nirvana — where they sip ambrosia and flip golden bitcoins, heads or tails, one or the other, win or lose.”

a wise old crow once learned how to eat roadkill with a fork handle of a stainless steel fork made in the DDR aka East Germany and sold in Gyor Hungary in autumn 1990

Auer Besteck-und Silberwarenwerke
A Rust-Free Fork from Schneeberg [East] Germany
Exported to a ‘Free’ Ungarn in 1990
[ in steady use ever since ]

the crow flies over the tanks but under the spaceships

“It would seem that we have something unusually integral before us — the System, the Style, and the Leader.  It would seem that with such ideal coordination the only possible result would be success.  And the successes have been quite numerous:  the best tanks in World War II, the world's first spacecraft, jetliners, and hydropower stations in Siberia.”

. . . .

“To increase efficiency and protect the health of the leading officials, the System seeks to spare them any personal anxieties.  The System provides for them in every way possible.  They receive flats, country houses, stainless steel forks and spoons, and can avail themselves of the services of exclusive snack bars, where Ukrainian borscht and Stoli from Kaliningrad is served.  And it is not as if the System wants to make grand gentlemen out of them.  The System simply has no other choice.  The more a leading official is free from concerns about himself and his family, the more he belongs to the System."

tiny little crow

The New Appointment
A Novel in Translation
Alexander Bek  |  1965

decorative tip-end of a stainless steel fork made in the DDR aka East Germany and sold in Gyor Hungary in autumn 1990

Second Day of August

She Waited Tables at the Ritz Cafe
Tips Were Good at the All-Day Diner on Asher Avenue
2 Boys to Feed and a Man to Find

the logo at Ritz Crackers as cut from a box on 2 August 2022 micro crow dingbat

1954  |  2022


First Day of August

Three Young Men from Israel
Times Square in New York City  |  8 December 2016

3 young men from Israel at Times Square in New York City on 8 December 2016 The Crow of Judah

‘I Knew Him.  He was a Tannenbaum.’

Standing on the left is Gamliel, the Reward of God, a budding scholar of The Zohar and other great works.  Zev the Wolf, a Gatekeeper, stands on the right, flashing a confident smile ’neath the hot neon and LED lights of the famous metropolitan square.  The happy man in the middle is Ariel, a Lion of God, well into his mead — a mentsh of promise, whose martyred father was a man of great valor.  These are archetypes, as true as zero and one, off and on into infinity.

[ that's how they spelled it in Kraków ]


Twenty-Ninth Day of July

Arriving on a Fireball
Hummingbird in Summer  |  24 June 2022
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

a hummingbird flying to the feeder at # Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas Summer 2022 caw caw comin' straight at ya


“It will only get worse.”

“Ms. Pierre was home about 5 a.m. when she said she was awakened by someone shouting, ‘Leave this place!  You are all going to die!  They are coming.’”


“He was!”

“We don't know.”

“I'm trying to get to reality.  I don't know what it is.”


  Do you, Mister Jones?  
  A North Country Troubadour  |  1968  


the thinking old crow resting on the oak tree

Leaf in Decline Come Late Summer
Grown by Ruth the Red Oak at 3 Dog Acres
29 July 2022

an critter-eaten leaf from Ruth the Red Oak at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas in Midsummer of 2022

Tolik • Sasha • Vova • Nastya • Yarik • Kostya

“We could go.
But how would we earn money?
And I have six kids to feed.”


Twenty-Fifth Day of July

Found on the Parched Earth of Summer
Feather of the Indigo Bunting
Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas  |  25 July 2022

a feather of the Indigo Bunting found on the earth of 25 July 2022

Twenty-Third Day of July

Red-Headed Mama at the Top of Her Kick
[ In a Ring of Fire ]
Bristow, Oklahoma  |  5 December 2015

a woman professional wrestler at the height of her kick at Bristow Oklahoma on 5 December 2015

She Was a Professional
[ with the locks of a Deirdre ]

this crow flies above the ring of fire

Water of Life and Others
[ a bipolar rhapsody ]

Ragged but likely
to feel better.  0954 chirp chirp chirp on Doghenge buttermilk clouds below soft mellow blue seventy-nine degrees with a predicted high of one hundred one soon to come.  Shaky now as the old body rebels ‘run away run away.’  Too much chocolate with breakfast.  79 · 101

Severe drought.
Less than half an inch all month.  Just now adjusted the sprinkler to douse Themis Bed her black soil and her bark her begonias impatiens caladiums coleus their green pink yellow too.  Should be able to stay out here another hour or so before it be's too hot ‘O, man!’ Water of Life.

It costs only 99 cents at Hobby Lobby

Ruby-throated hummingbird
hovers at the sugar-water well, then darts sideways to drink from the black ’n blue sage with its dragon's mouth full of sap.  Eastside set of moonflower vines climbs higher on the bamboo stalk, higher than the top of my bald head yes it's me this time first person all the way.  Westside pair, planted later and lower, makes first embrace of their bamboo tower.  Hope is for an abundance of moonflower blossoms come late summer.

Cardinals land on branches
of the big tree plum and arrowwood viburnum to enjoy a cooling bath in sprinkler rain.  Water bill will be outrageous.  Critters chew on me legs, bite through the hunerd-percent Marino itch scratch set alarm to remind me of my one o'clock with Miss Jennie wish the bugs didn't bite.

count count count
numbers in succession constantly marchin’ thru my mind.  Ideas abound but the internals the intellect is cluttered with intrusions they call it hypomania tick tock tick tock on the ebony and ivory keys.

No Bark Added to a sack of horticultural soil

Meaningful, then senseless.
Haven't even read the daily newspaper yet.  Wonder what I'm missing tick tock tick tock.  Wild canary at the feeder, indigo bunting on the branch.  They say they can do it — ‘piece of cake’ — but they haven't.  Intimations of buttermilk in the heavenlies, songbirds at song in the grand old oaks.  Climb, moonflowers, climb!

Red yellow blue gray sepia
— birds galore o glory at the feeders.  So many blessings here on the ancient limestones and sandstones of Doghenge on the hottest of midsummer morns and the red, white, and blue of Old Glory.  “Why do they call it Old Glory?” asked the birdman from Hong Kong a dear friend from the fellowship of Google+ long defunct and remembered.  Life is good at 3 Dog Acres.


22 - 7 - 22

Seen on a Comet Can
[ we got the ‘or one of’ ]

a prize offer on the cap of a can of Comet cleaner at Crow's Cottage on 20 June 2022 crow flies toward cold water down at Clear Creek drought ravaged leaf of the tulip poplar tree at 3 Dog Acres on 22 July 2022

Drought Ravaged Leaf of the Tulip Poplar Tree
The Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
22 July 2022


Eleventh Day of July

Wheel · Gear · Rust · Trees · Sky
Zedler's Mills
Near Luling, Texas on the San Marcos River
13 February 2009  |  In Memory of Buck Dog

a wheel a gear rust trees and sky at Zedler's Mills near Luling Texas on 13 February 2009 This Crow Searches for Seeds at the Mill

A Gristmill Machine at Zedler's Mills
Originating in the Era of Reconstruction, U.S.A.

a gristmill machine at Zedler's Mills near Luling Texas on the right bank of the San Marcos River on 13 February 2009 micro crow dingbat wheels and belts at zedler's mills near luling texas on 12 february 2009 micro crow dingbat a wheel and a belt at zedler's mills near luling texas on 12 february 2009 a wise old thoughtful crow

R E C O N S T R U C T I O N : Ulysses S. Grant, battle-tested on the fields of honor, held together a fragile reUnion of disUnited States for eight turbulent years following the end of the Civil War.

General Grant's Union Army defeated the traitor Lee and his valiant rebels on the battlefields.  So much for fancy uniforms and the regal white horse so dear to patrician Lee, a military dandy who never once left his home state of Virginia to lead Confederate troops into combat.  Some two-hundred thousand citizens (or more) were slain.

But what to do after the guns fell silent?

How could business and political leaders, plantation gentry, and veterans of the several war-hardened states forgive and forget sufficiently to rebuild a nation?

How could the Blue Union convince the defeated Confederate States to return in good faith to a new and stonger republic?

The quest to identify and then implement practical solutions to these primal issues of state defined President Grant's administration.

He succeeded.
It is his just legacy.

The effort to make again the United States of America came under the leadership of a Commanding General who became a President.  Ulysses Grant during his eight years in office guided the nation through the early years of an era that lasted for another half-decade and came to be known by historians as Reconstruction.

Here at the home of CornDancer, we honor President Grant's contributions to the nation.  We rank him among the greatest of U.S.A.’s generals and presidents.  He led an army to existential victory over a determined tribe of insurrectionists, then steadied a battered ship of state to the shores of survival.  Sweet Jesus.

Some prominent historians today confirm our opinion, though it stands in stark contrast to a long prevailing narrative about Grant's presidency — a merciless narrative crafted by the elites of a jealous, monied Eastern establishment.  [ Thank goodness for Chernow. ]

Unable to find their bearings in the aftermath of national tragedy, and put off by the presence of a hard drinking, plain speaking Illinoian in the White House, the Old School jackanapes from Boston and New York branded President Grant as one of The Others — corrupt, inept, and desiccated.  These elites controlled the presses and wrote the story.  The story was amplified by subsequent generations of historians to become the prevailing view of General Grant's presidency for over a century.

So be it.  Things change.  Always.  History is constantly revised and reinterpreted.  Despite its travails, Reconstruction worked to the benefit of the nation.  We as a people may need to reconstruct again some day soon.


Seventh Day of July

Bird on a Harvest Implement
Cherokee, Oklahoma  |  5 June 2009

a bird on a harvest silo tool at Cherokee Oklahoma on 5 June 2009 a crow flies toward the barbecue

What's Inside?

tomato puree (water, tomato paste), high fructose corn syrup, distilled white vinegar, malt vinegar, salt, contains less than 2% of the following: modified food starch, raisin juice concentrate, mustard flour, soybean oil, turmeric, spices, apple puree, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate (preservatives), caramel color, garlic powder, onion powder, natural flavors.

C6 H7 O2 K

“federal law dictates that a product cannot contain more than 0.3 percent potassium sorbate by weight”

“a naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acid and is completely safe with regard to health”

“to suppress formation of molds and yeasts”

at the Honest Weight Food Co-op
[ blame them … the sauce works for us ]


Sixth Day of July

Freedom Study No. 1
Pencil on Notebook Paper by Dylan Williams
Springdale, Arkansas  |  June 2022

DESCRIPTION this crow desires a thinking hat

Mottos Inscribed on Hats

Created by ‘The Old Hermit’ William Lole
As reported in 1863 by an Anonymous Scribe
In the Village of Newton Burgoland, England

The Odd Fellows Hat

Without money, without friends, without credit.

The Bellows Hat

Blow the flames of freedom with God's word of truth.

The Helmet Hat

Will fight for the birthright of conscience,
love, life, property, and national independence.

The Wash-basin of Reform Hat

White-washed face and collyed heart.

The Bee-hive Hat

The toils of industry are sweet ;
a wise people live at peace.

 the soot of coal  »«  an incomplete burning 


Twenty-Third Day of June

It's All Good, Man!
On the Inside, He's Mister Straight Vanilla

3 Dog Acres under the Hot Summer Sun

Goodman's Pure Vanilla Extract bottle

Yes, But

Only When It Comes to Ice Creme


Thirteenth Day of June

Two-Spirit Social Justice Warrior
Monique ‘Muffie’ Mousseau
of the Black Hills of South Dakota
• • •
Bentonville, Arkansas  |  12 June 2022

Portrait of Monique 'Muffie' Mousseau of the Black Hills of South Dakota USA at Bentonville Arkansas on 12 June 2022

  Uniting Resilience dot org  


Ninth Day of June

Created on an Impulse

A Dendron by Any Other Name
[ Is a Poison Hemlock Flower ]
3 Dog Acres  |  6 June 2022

Queen Anne Lace flower modified to evoke a superhigway interchange or a set of dendrons 6 June 2022

On the Super Superhighway
[ the only way that matters ]


Fourth Day of June

The Emperor Cardinal Bird
Perched on a Tulip Poplar Branch
The rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas | 20 May 2022

a male Cardinal bird on a tulip poplar branch at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 28 May 2022 a crow looking for a branch to land upon

Loyal War Dog

“ ‘Rex! Rex!’ she yelled, calling for the black Labrador they'd been forced to leave behind.  Only later did the faithful dog finally reappear, tail wagging under its owners’ loving caresses.”


Pansy Woman
Wrapped in a Shroud
20 May 2022

pansy flower at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 20 May 2022

Twenty-Fourth Day of May

The Children of Uvalde
‘Forgive Us’


22 - 5 - 22

Jax Dane
Fifty-Sixth World Heavyweight Champion
of the
National Wrestling Alliance
Sherman, Texas  |  16 September 2016

Pro Wrestler Jax Dane during his reign as World Heavyweight Champion of the National Wrestling Alliance at NWA Texoma on 16 September 2016

You Could Try Grey Goose
[ however  it's French  however ]

“In the course of a week you could have ordered the vitamins for a whole month!”

“Some customers might see vodka and think Russia and not support it, but that is understandable, I guess.  Just not all vodkas are Russian.”

“What kind of defenders are these?  Who did they come to defend?”

“You gotta box out.  You gotta put bodies on people.”

micro crow dingbat a rare 2-leaf clover found at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 19 May 2022

2-Leaf Clover
Very Rare But Not Coveted
Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas  |  19 May 2022

“The big guy is strong like a kyklopes.
They say as he gets older,
the big guy seems to be [was] missing a leaf from his clover.
We can't be certain, not having seen the big guy
wandering the glen
he patrolled for some many years.
They say
he went back up North to be with his fellow Norsemen.”

P.S.  We didn't like him very much.  He was mean.


Twentieth Day of May

‘It Was the Eyes that Got Me’
Tiger Woman Painted on a Wall
Port Lavaca, Texas  |  16 February 2009

A Mural of a Tiger Woman in downtown Port Lavaca Texas on 16 February 2009 a crow might dine on a dead tiger

Captured in Stone

“... footprints have been found, apparently produced by birds … in the valley of Connecticut … appearing in regular succession on the continuous track of an animal, in the act of walking or running, with the right foot and left foot always in their relative places.  The distance of the intervals between each footstep on the same track is occasionally varied, but to no greater amount than may be explained by the bird having altered its pace.”  [We knew that.]

Era of the New Red Sandstone
a chapter in
of the
Natural History of Creation

Robert Chambers  |  NY 1845

thinking about the next rain bath

And Elsewhere
. . . .

‘Not Tested on Animals’
Savon Lemon Soap  |  All the Way from Istanbul
[ Imagine that ! ]
Rescued from a Cupboard at 3 Dog Acres  |  16 May 2022


“Our works are carried out with 100% satisfaction guarantee in all our works from production to assembly in accordance with required standards and quality.  You make only JUST IMAGINE.”

“Akcam was found in Kuledibi, 1972 in order to adopt to the developing glass sector and to use machine power effectively.”  [ as it should be ]

micro crow dingbat

Akcam Glassware and AKCAM PLASTIC websites
[ lost in translation ]
The Internet  |  18 May 2022


Fifteenth Day of May

Sweet ’n Tiny Morsels
Pop ’Em in Your Mouth like Candy
Imported from Mexico via Kingsville, Ontario  |  May 2022

DESCRIPTION micro crow dingbat

An Outward Expression of an Inner Truth

We were lookin’ for flaws when he found one.  “I can't understand the concept of reflection,” he said, “can't see the presumed difference ’tween myself and the image in the mirror, can't grasp the principle or the reason why the symbols don't look right, why they are transformed into backwardness.”

The Virgin Mary was broken he couldn't look her in the eye but the Bishop in the sacristy, it was a desert sepulchre, browns and yellows everywhere, jumpin’ spiders on the walls, all filled up with believers, wondering why the Bishop chose him the gringo to fix her, do the restoration of the Blesséd Mother.

He said the Bishop looked into his eyes, said “he sees my spirit, said I was worthy to be chosen for the task,” but the Baptists from their tower were flashing gang signs in a language we couldn't comprehend, as if they were against the Virgin, calling her a graven image held dear by the apostates when all she is is the mother of Jesus the Christ child born again for our salvation and our solace after the statues have grown old and crumbled into dust.

We were there.  We saw it.  It is true.

this old crow is flying to heaven Trinity stained glass at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church at Frelsburg Texas on 16 February 2009

The Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost
Stained Glass at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Frelsburg, Texas  |  16 February 2009


Twelfth Day of May

A Woman's Right to Choose
Activist at Work  |  U.S. Supreme Court Building
6 May 2022  |  Washington D.C.

End the War on the Uterus based on original photograph in the New York Times of 8 May 2022

Graphic based on photograph by Kenny Holston
Published in The New York Times of 8 May 2022


Tenth Day of May

American Goldfinch
At Rest on a Branch at 3 Dog Acres
Ozark Highlands of Arkansas | 9 May 2022

an American Goldfinch on a dead branch of a tulip poplar sapling at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 9 May 2022

Ninth Day of May

Seeds for Lunch
A Cardinal Just Past Fledging
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
9 May 2022

DESCRIPTION Crow flies into Paradise

It Sounded Good at the Time

Have you heard celestial voices in the midnight air?

Milton tells us that:
Millions of spiritual creatures
       walk the Earth
Unseen, both when we wake
       and when we sleep.

Others say
humanity seeks a return to Paradise.

There  [in Paradise]  we may experience
the mixed communion
of men and spirits in an eternal garden.

Perhaps.  Maybe.  Who knows?  Not much seems real in this particular corporeal moment.  Not at this time.  Lost I be, battered by microwaves and widebands in an electric fog of another's making.  I admit it.  There is no escape from the 5G midnight air.  No escape.  None at all.

micro crow dingbat

“I am trembling all the time.
I keep on thinking, they will come here again.”

sticker on a bunch of radishes at Whole Foods in Fayetteville Arkansas on 6 April 2022

Found on a Bunch of Radishes

“Red radishes offer a host of health benefits, but are typically under-appreciated.  Their pungent flavor and natural spice eliminate excess mucus in the body and can be especially helpful with fighting a cold or soothing a sore throat.”

7 radishes = 85 grams & 0 calories

“Red radishes can be grilled, roasted, or pickled.  Eat raw slices as snacks or add to salads, slaws, and soups.  The greens can be sauteed or steamed.”

. . . .

salads  slaws  soups
salads  slaws  soups
salads  slaws  soups
salas  slaws  soops
oops  oops  oops

. . . .

“Organic farming is a wave of the future.  We're being more careful about what we put in our bodies.  We're eradicating toxins and regenerating the earth as a result.  I am happy to be a part of it.”

The website of Cal-Organic Farms  |  9 May 2022
The bunch of ruby red radishes providing the sticker was purchased from Whole Foods in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on 6 April 2022 — and they're long gone on this sunny afternoon in the month of May.  They were pretty darn good, those ruby red radishes.  Mucus be gone! [and yuck] 

this crow states that she prefers rabbits to radishes given her nature as a wild beast a bit of pixel mysters showing a version of a cardinal fledging on a branch beside the feeder on 9 May 2022 at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlandds of Arkansas

Second Day of May

Baby Blues
A Charming Copperhead
30 March 2019  |  Fayetteville, Arkansas

a copperhead snake with a blue eye in Fayetteville Arkansas on 30 March 2019 micro crow dingbat DESCRIPTION

Bi-Polar  &  P. T. S. D.
[ Amongst Others ]
1 May 2022  |  The Universe of the Psyche

this crow is flying into the depths of the id

“If he wasn't fishing some local or remote stretch of water, he could be found smoking or grilling meat.  Doyle was also an accomplished woodworker with a keen talent for Intarsia.  He was also very fond of his dogs.  Doyle was particularly proud of his Cajun heritage and passed that love down to his family.  He loved his family and was a proud father and grandfather who will be missed tremendously.”

“Billie enjoyed gardening, flowers, and most of all spending time with family and grand kids especially giving the great-grandson cookies.”


Twenty-Fifth Day of April

Rubble the English Bulldog
Sixth Hound of the PAW Patrol Pack
25 April 2022

Rubble the English Bulldog of PAW Patrol

Don't Like Dogs?  Seriously?

“You can't tell people you don't like dogs.  They automatically think it makes you some kind of psychopath.  You may as well have said you like to kick babies.”

micro crow dingbat DESCRIPTION

PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol
We'll be there on the double
PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol
Whenever you're in trouble
No job's too big
No pup's too small!
PAW Patrol


Twenty-Fourth Day of April

Shapely Wildflower
Growing Amongst Leafy Friends
In a Lush Meadow not yet Mown

The Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
3 Dog Acres  |  24 April 2022

a wildflower name not known growing in a meadow at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands on 24 April 2022 crow flies into the past

Sweet Peals of Bells Did Ring

He run his Sword up to the Hilt
In at the Dragon's Side,
By which he did his Life destroy —
[ bringing ]
Universal Joy !

Seven Champions of Christendom
Richard Johnson  |  1590

Read in old stories,
And there you shall see,
How Saint George, Saint George —
He made the Dragon flee.

Saint George and the Dragon
A Britannia Ballad  |  Seventeenth Century

The Life That Is Past

“A retired sailor from Odesa told me that although his generation has deep roots in Russia, and broadly supported the Donbas separatists, his children look to the West.  The war has destroyed what remained of his former affiliation, what he described as ‘the life that is past.’  No Ukrainian person [not less a Ukrainian dog] I have spoken to during five weeks at the border has expressed anything other than hatred for Russia.”

London Review of Books  |  21 April 2022
Jen Stout  |  8 April 2022

micro crow dingbat a wildflower name not known growing in a meadow at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands on 24 April 2022

The other Champions are Saint Andrew, Saint Patrick, Saint Denis, Saint James Boanerges, Saint Anthony the Lesser, and Saint David.

The heroic “performances” of Saint George, it is written by Percy in Reliques, “exceed that of the other champions.”  If Percy didn't [write it], then someone did — most likely William Hone in The Every-Day Book or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, published way back in 1826.  Mr. Hone's several tomes over the years remain a continual source of our amusement and edification.  England, we are informed, celebrated Saint George's Day yesterday, the anniversary of the Christian knight's death in the Year of Our Lord Three Hundred and Three.

this a a crow silly not a rooster this used to be the Kellog's Corn Flakes rooster before it fell into our clutches



22 - 4 - 22

Cricket Theatre
Grand Opening on 12 February 1946
Collinsville, Alabama  |  14 January 2022

Cricket Theatre at 126 West Main Street in Collinsville Alabama on 14 January 2022

A Life Sentence

It began the day Captain Hoisington fell.  A hot sliver of shrapnel pierced his brain while he ran toward the Command Helicopter.  Or didn't begin.  It ends, begins again, perhaps never, this moment.  Without doubt the Captain died at the strutted feet of the chopper on that May morning in the bush of the Central Highlands.  It was the Year of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Seventy.

So long ago, and broken wood of an ash tree burns in the fireplace, the music playing all the way from the British Isles, BBC Radio 2 the sentence ends ten-to-five on good behaviour.

“They keep bringing the drinks, and we were dancing, and I didn't quite make it, the wrist broken in five places,” the jagged chunk of shrapnel from a Viet Cong mortar flying into his skull, engaging the life force and bringing it to an end they were aiming at the chopper didn't matter keep bringing the drinks, bringing the drinks all night long.

Or a life sentence.
Just depends on how you look at it.

micro crow dingbat Cricket Theatre at 126 West Main Street in Collinsville Alabama on 14 January 2022

Twentieth Day of April

Flower of the Red Dogwood
The rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
3 Dog Acres  |  20 April 2022

a beautiful red flower of the Cherokee Chief Red Dogwood tree at 3 Dog Acres on the afternoon of 20 April 2022 a black crow soars toward the stratosphere

One Never Knows Does One?

“ … thrown into the future with force … ”
“ … a dream of man awake … ”
A Faint Remembrance
“ … those who have witnessed the progress of a case of catalepsy … ”
(a case of bourbon)
(the price of globes)

“The case might be explained by Dr. Wigan’s theory of a double brain; but it is manifestly beyond that theory to account for the preconception of the knot in the shutter…”

The Book of Days
Robert Chambers  |  18 February 1863
Harry Pierce 1949

this crow is looking to the left

“He opened the shutter and found the knot.”
deja vu?

micro crow dingbat flower of the Cherokee Chief Red Dogwood tree at 3 Dog Acres in Fayetteville Arkansas on 20 April 2022

Nineteenth Day of April

Shy Man
Fayetteville, Arkansas  |  29 March 2014

a shy man at a special reception in Fayetteville Arkansas on 29 March 2014 one old crow flies away from another

‘ Makes Sense to Me ’

“Well, I've agreed to what they offered.  They agreed when I agreed.  So I don't know what that means.  I agree.  They agree.  So that means I guess we agreed.”

Funko funked up

Eighteenth Day of April

Cardinal with Wings Open
3 Dog Acres
The rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
25 February 2022

Cardinal with Wings Open 25 February 2022 at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas

Eleventh Day of April

Professional Wrestler
Yonkers, New York  |  1 May 2016

a professional female wrestler named B T U in Yonkers New York on 1 May 2016 This crow flies all the way to the state capitol

Beer and Shotguns

“You know you're in God's country when you can get a 12-pack and a 12-gauge shotgun at your neighborhood grocery.”
— So said Mrs. Sarah Sanders, a Trumpian shill and leading candidate to become governor of Arkansas, on 21 March 2022

Sho 'nuff.
There's nothing on God's green earth like a bunch of drunk Arkansans shooting shotguns on the parking lot of Piggly Wiggly.

High Octane

“A personal story of a Navy veteran, carpenter, and God's prophet receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost at a gas station.  After being in sin for 31 years, he is now redeemed.”

micro crow dingbat the label on a bottle of Cutty Sark Blended Scots Whiskey from the 1990s a thoughtful old crow wishing you'd drink bourbon

“I saw myself as in an ecstacy,
into that happy time and occasion,
where my heart,
possessing all the happiness possible,
enjoyed it with inexpressible rapture.”
Jean Jacques Rousseau
[ prone to frequent ecstacy ]

“There are no rules.  Well, there are rules, but you can break them.  It's the perfect balance between absolute anarchy and potent possibilities.”


Seventh Day of April

Tazetta Daffodil
A Narcissus Geranium at 3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas  |  7 April 2022

The Narcissus Geranium aka Tazetta Daffodil at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 7 April 2022 micro crow dingbat

‘Making It All One Emerald’

Watch some old man,
bent with the weight of years,
walking out into the fields
when April greens the ground.

He moves along with entire enjoyment,
pausing every here and there
to look at the opening flowers —
the very same he gazed upon in boyhood,
springing from the same roots,
growing in the very spots
where he gathered them
fifty long years ago.

a white and orange daffodil at 3 Dog Acres on 7 April 2022

Many a change he has seen
since those days when,
darting in and out bareheaded,
he ran to play amid April showers,
carefree like familiar flowers
shaking the rain from their heads —
in the gentle breeze.

The old man recalls
companions of his early manhood,
who stood, full-leaved, beside him —
shewing no sign of decay
in the pride
of their summer strength and beauty.

The Tazetta Daffodil aka Narcissus Geranium at 3 Dog Acres in the rural Ozark Highlands on 7 April 2022

Where are they now?
fell with all their leafy honours.
A few
reached the season
of the sere and yellow leaf —
before they fell
and were drifted far away
from the spot where they flourished.
Another few
stood up amid the silence
of the winter of their age,
though they saw little of one another
in those days of darkness.

And now he recalls
the withered and ghastly faces,
long since laid beneath the snow.
He alone is spared
to look through the green gates of April,
but for what?
He looks but cannot see
the messengers of spring.
His eyes are dim and dazed.

He goes on,
trying to remember —
unconsciously unwinding,
link by untarnished link,
a primal golden chain.
Like his mother's voice,
scarcely allied to earth,
the golden chain
reaches from grave to heaven
into a dim mustering-ground.
Those who have gone before
wait to receive him.

Robert Chambers and Harry Pierce
1863 and 1949

micro crow dingbat Lady Alice apple from Whole Foods on 6 April 2022

Now her Champion is victorious,
Is the Lady Alice gay ?
Does she laugh — or is she weeping ?
Grief or pleasure — who can say ?
Not a smile is on her features, —
Not a tear within her eyes ;
Is it joy, or is it sorrow ? —
Lady Alice senseless lies !

L A D Y    A L I C E
A Ballad Romance

By EL—TON  |  1842

Balm for the Crosses and Cares

“No — the very few who were consulted advised me not to publish it ;—not that they thought ill of it; but because I risked a pecuniary loss, Poetry being an unsaleable article, and that of all Poetry, Ballads are least in fashion.

. . . .

“I write for those who, like myself, when the crosses and cares of this strange world press too heavily on them, fly from it, and find in the regions of Poetry and Romance a solace for their vexations.”

Round, Squatty, Sweet

“A new variety from Washington State, the Lady Alice Apple has a distinctly round and slightly squatty shape.  The fruit's coloring is beautiful — pink to red striping over an orange-yellow background.  Their flavor starts sweet, with a pleasant tart after taste.  This variety was discovered as a chance seedling so its actual botanical origins are unknown.”

[WSDA] Washington State Department of Agriculture


Third Day of April


Some Ideas Cannot Be Saved a Primitive Drawing with text by Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles on 3 April 2022

Image des Civilizations Totalitaires

“ monuments of immobility … obsessed with notions of eternity ”

to paraphrase:
“the gigantic mustachioed face glitters and shimmers in a silvery searchlight”

. . . .

“Far away — transitory, temporary, ephemeral — all disappeared behind the giant face in the darkly sky.  Here, on the vast public square, is the solidness of nativist power — something permanent and monumental to cling to.”

micro crow dingbat

Igor I. Trifonov  |  1937

I knew Igor.
His brother was named Borys,
who taught me football.
Both were proudly Polish —
displaced nobility some say.
The boys
came to America with mama and papa
a day before the Nazis arrived.
But only one dated my mother.

a contemplative crow

Not so.
The boys were interned with sister, mama, ’n papa in a Nazi Polenlager work camp for civilians in their native Poland — textile sweat shops, rock quarries, munitions plants, coal mines, who knows?  Released in 1945, the M----- family immigrated to the USA in 1949.


First Day of April

Peach Blossom
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
1 April 2022

peach blossom at 3 Dog Acres on 1 April 2022 PetCo receipt 30 March 2022

Thirty-First Day of March

Blossom of the Stellata Magnolia
aka The Royal Star Tree
Three Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
28 March 2022

A blossom of the Stellata Magnolia aka The Royal Star Tree at 3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas on 28 March 2022

To Stir the Springs of Memory

“There are frequently mornings in March,
when a lover of nature may enjoy, in a stroll, sensations not to be exceeded, or, perhaps, equalled by any thing which the full glory of summer can awaken :— mornings, which tempt us to cast the memory of winter, or the fear of its recurrence out of our thoughts.

“The sky is clear,
the sun flings abroad not only a gladdening splendour, but an almost summer glow.  The world seems suddenly aroused to hope and enjoyment.

. . . .

“As you pass cottages,
they have caught the happy infection.  There are windows thrown open, and doors standing a-jar.  The inhabitants are in their gardens, some cleaning away rubbish, some turning up the light and fresh-smelling soil amongst the tufts of snowdrops and rows of glowing yellow crocuses.

. . . .

“The hares are hopping
about the fields, the excitement of the season overcoming their habitual timidity.  The woods, though yet unadorned with their leafy garniture, are beautiful to look on.  They seem flushed with life.  Their boughs are of a clear and glossy lead colour, and the tree-tops are rich with the vigorous hues of brown, red, and purple.

. . . .

“These are mornings
not to be neglected by the lover of nature; and if not neglected, then, not to be forgotten, for they will stir the springs of memory, and make us live over again times and seasons, in which we cannot, for the pleasure and the purity of our spirits, live too much.”

micro crow dingbat

William Howe of Nottingham
Entry for March 29
The Every-Day Book

a crow looking to the left label on a lemon stating CCH Citrus purchased at Whole Foods on 17 March 2022

Stuck On A

Established Reputation

“CCH represents about 14% of the California lemon market, 10% of the California orange market and 30% of the California grapefruit market.  We have developed customer partners throughout the Far East and North America and by working directly with our customers we have built excellent communications and trust.  Repeat orders are common and we work hard to establish season-long buying programs with our customers.”

from the CCH Citrus Website 2022


Twenty-Eighth Day of March

Blackbirds Fly toward Boreas
Near Sunset in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
3 Dog Acres  |  3 February 2012

blackbirds fly north at sunset on a gray day in February 2012

In the worst of days,
we might
. . . .
we might
. . . .
(they always repeat themselves)
((Wolf Blitzer Wolf Blitzer))

. . . .
We might
look to the heavenlies
look for hope.
Fleeting it be,
before the dark descends.
Fleeting it be,
but it be :
(nonetheless … it be)
“Won't you stay with me?”

micro crow dingbat Bahama Breeze by Yankee Candle 28 March 2022

Very Very


Twenty-Seventh Day of March

3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
27 March 2022

a pretty pansy in early spring 2022
All, all is delight
through the field and the grove,
For this is the season
— the season of love —
a small crow in flight

— ; Cold eyes
That slight dear Nature's loveliness
Profane her mysteries.
Long time I looked and lingered there
Absorbed in still delight.
My spirit drank deep quietness
In the too quiet sight.
“ ”


Twenty-Sixth Day of March

Two Daffodil Blossoms
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
25 March 2022

daffodil with orange center at 3 Dog Acres on 25 March 2022 daffodil with yellow center at 3 Dog Acres on 25 March 2022

Twenty-Fifth Day of March

Not Elon

Pinaud Citrus Musk Eau De Cologne bottle the crow between us

Identical Twins
Tropical Hibiscus Flowers at 3 Dog Acres
Rural Ozark Highlands  |  15 June 2019

tropical hibiscus crows prefer carrion

‘When I'm Not on Drugs’

Were we always like that?  Or did something, at some point, go terribly wrong?”

“The reason I chose to leave Auburn because we got treated like we wasn't good enough and like dogs.”

“Blood everywhere.  The thoughts won't stop.  Help me.”

“I've been doing drugs since I was fourteen years old.  That's all I've ever known.  I can tell you this — when I'm sober, I don't commit crimes.  When I'm not on drugs, I'm a good guy.”

“I shouldn't have shot.  That was a mistake.  I know it was.  But I seen red, you know.  I did.  It just burnt me up, you know.  He clobbered me and see, I went back and I went for my gun, and he started off, and I shot.  That was temporary insanity or whatever.  I seen red, and I shot.  I shouldn't have shot."

“Blood everywhere.”

micro crow dingbat tropical hibiscus

Twenty-Fourth Day of March

Urban Ruins
Helena, Arkansas  |  13 September 2007

Urban Ruins in Helena Arkansas on 13 September 2007

What can you see if you look slow ‘n close?

(Are you sad ’cause you're on your own?)

The serpent maybe?
Yes (you see).
Them sees
the serpent.

“Its tail
swept away
a third of the stars in the sky
and hurled them
down to the earth.”

“ … the serpent … the most cunning of all … ”

Them sees the serpent.

some like their pictures flat and smooth

Some like it flat.
(We can do dat.)

“As God cursed the serpent, David the mountains of Gilboa, and our Saviour the barren fig-tree; so, in like manner, the church had full power and authority to exorcise, anathematise, and excommunicate all animate and inanimate things.  But as the lower animals, being created before man, were the elder-born and first heirs of the earth, as God blessed them and gave them ‘every green herb for meat,’ as they were provided for in the ark, and entitled to the privileges of the sabbath, they must ever be treated with the greatest clemency, consistent with justice.”

. . . .

“This looks straightforward enough, but the delays and uncertainties of the law — ecclesiastical law especially — having long been proverbial, the courts, by every available means of delay, evaded the last extremity of pronouncing the exorcism, probably lest the animals should neglect to pay attention to it.

“Indeed, it is actually recorded that, in some instances, the noxious animals, instead of ‘withering off the face of the earth,’ after being anathematised, became more abundant and destructive than before.”

The Book of Days
Robert Chambers  |  1863

micro crow dingbat i am the breadman you are the walrus crows like sourdough

Knavish Bakers

“A common practice of fraud with knavish bakers seems to have been the making of bread of pure quality on the outside and coarse within — a practice which was forbidden.

“They also were at times reminded by the civic authorities that it was their duty to instruct their servants so many times in the year, how to bolt the flour and knead their dough.

(once again)
The Book of Days
Robert Chambers  |  1863


Twenty-Second Day of March

An Illuminated Messenger
Alighting at the Chaco Ruins
Deep in the New Mexico Desert |  2 June 2009 

“ The melody of the birds
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
swells upon the ear. ”

everywhere you look crows!

It Pays to Be Spineless

Mollusk of the Year 2022

Twenty-First Day of March

Dancing Flame No. 2
3 Dog Acres  |  8 March 2022

Dancing Flame No. 2

everything she does is with urgency.
Everything is life and death.”

a crow flies away from the dancing flame

Lurking.  At the Heart

“Supermassive black holes are thought to lurk at the heart of most, if not all, galaxies, but theorists don't know how they grow so big.”

. . . .

“My first instinct was it must be related to a pair of supermassive black holes.”

4 February 2022 

What Lurks at Your Heart?

red oak leaf from the old tree named Ruth at 3 Dog Acres on 15 March 2022

Fourteenth Day of March

2 Smokestacks and a Skyscraper
from the
East River
Manhattan in New York City
25 January 2017

2 smokestacks and a skyscraper from the East River Manhattan New York City on 25 january 2017 micro crow dingbat

Lucky Day

13 is sometimes a lucky day

Tenth Day of March

Guardian of The People
Officer Paul Edwards
University of Arkansas Police Department
Fayetteville, Arkansas  |  4 March 2022

Officer Paul Edwards of the University of Arkansas Police Department on 6 March 2022 in Fayetteville Arkansas this crow can fly!

The Poet Soldier

“On 22 September 1586 he led an attack on a Spanish convoy bringing supplies to the fortified city of Zutphen.  He received a musket shot in his thigh and died of infection three weeks later.

“Greville, who was not present, subsequently told the story of Sidney's death with two famous embellishments, claiming that Sidney left off his thigh-armour deliberately, so as not to be better armed than the marshal of the camp,

and that

as he was being carried wounded from the field he saw a dying soldier gazing at his water bottle, and gave it to him with the words,

“Thy necessity is yet greater than mine.”

The Oxford Companion
English Literature

Margaret Drabble Ed. | Fifth Edition 1985

micro crow dingbat 3 Ukrainians and 2 Dogs at a War on CNN 6 March 2022

3 Ukrainians and 2 Dogs at War
CNN  |  6 March 2022


Seventh Day of March

Ellis Pecan Company
Erected on North Main Street in 1925
Fort Worth, Texas  |  1 April 2016

Yellow Door at Ellis Pecan Company in Fort Worth Texas on 1 April 2016

Throw Your Javelin.

“Our home is gone.”

“We're facing a totally new situation.”

“Everything I ever thought to be a nightmare is nothing compared to what I am witnessing.”

“First they create a critical situation.  Then they heroically save us.”  [extreme irony]

“It's an avalanche of people with cars, with pets.”

“When you're in the street, at any moment a rocket can land next to you.”

“War is an unpredictable animal.  Once you let it out, no one — no one — knows what will happen.”

The Sunday New York Times
6 March 2022


Fourth Day of March

Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!


“Water service line repairs are typically not covered by standard homeowner insurance and can be very complicated to fix.  This means that you could be left having to pay an expensive bill for the repair of underground pipes.  Unfortunately, this kind of problem can be caused by normal wear and tear or by Russian bombs and rockets, and can happen at any time without warning.”


Second Day of March

Dancing Flame No. 1
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
2 March 2022

Dancing Flame No. 1 on 2 March 2022

Fire and Blunder

“He must have gone mad.”

“We are all waiting for what happens next.”

“We cannot keep up the illusion of normality.”

“Some weeds will bloom in the swamp, but there will only be scorched land around it.”

“The propaganda is working very well.”

“Those who shout that P[oo]tin is great! and bravo to him! are no longer shouting out loud.”  If shouting at all.

“He must have gone mad.”

The Sunday New York Times
27 February 2022

micro crow dingbat daffodil at 3 Dog Acres on 2 March 2022

The Old Order
gives way
a new
Broken Order
takes sway
we enter into
Uncertain Spring
Butter Cup
a million miles

fly crow fly

“How do you get rest?  How do you get some kind of peace?  It's like we're stuck in purgatory.”


Twenty-Sixth Day of February

Freedom Fighter
Volodymyr Zelenskyy  |  Kyiv, Ukraine
26 February 2022 via CNN

Volodymyr Zelenskyy President of Ukraine 26 February 2022

Defiant.  Heroic.

“The fight is here.  I need ammunition.  Not a ride.”

“I'm here.  We won't lay down our arms.  We will defend our state.”

micro crow dingbat

Freedom Fighter
Petro Poroshenko  |  Kyiv, Ukraine
26 February 2022 via CNN

Volodymyr Zelenskyy President of Ukraine 26 February 2022

Take the Rifle.  Protect the Nation.

“Everybody here — all the young and old people — truly understand that we have this choice.  Somebody has a choice to go abroad.  Somebody has a choice to be the refugee on some region of Ukraine.  But many — the biggest part — make decision to take the rifle and protect the nation.  I proud to be for these people.  I proud for our country.  I proud to be Ukrainian.”


Twenty-Fourth Day of February

World Champion for 900 Days
Carlene Denise Moore-Begnaud
Sherman, Texas  |  16 September 2016

NWA World Champion JAZZ at NWA Texoma in Sherman Texas on 16 September 2016 a big ole flying crow

Asphalt Explained

“People are foaming at the mouth over this issue.”


He said it was the best description of asphalt he'd read.


“The researchers had a theory.  They speculated that male writers were most interested in specifying the properties of objects precisely, while female writers were more interested in constructing a relationship with the reader.  OK, that's a stereotype (men are into things and women are into people), but.…”

. . . .

“Only yesterday, I heard a male writer on the radio explaining why he preferred to read other male writers:  One of the reasons he gave was that men's writing gets to the point.…”

debuk  |  6 March 2016


“It is worth celebrating the fact that Mary Somerville's Mechanism of the Heavens was used at Cambridge as an advanced textbook in celestial mechanics.”   [PHYS.ORG]  2019


“Men, on the other hand, use more numbers, adjectives and determiners — words such as the, this, and that — because they apparently care more than women do about conveying specific information.  The intent of male writers often was to say:  ‘Here's something I want to tell you about, and here are some things about it.’”  Chicago Tribune  28 May 2003


“What he's saying is that men use subordinate clauses which allow them to specify the logical relationships between points — because, however, thereforewhereas women just string their points together in any old order using the all-purpose coordinator and.”  debuk


“Mr. Garcia's company operates 27 asphalt plants across Georgia, crushing rocks mined from nearby quarries, combining them with sand and gravel into a mix known as ‘aggregate’ and cooking them with asphalt, a viscous liquid derived from crude oil.  The asphalt mix is then loaded onto 18-ton trucks that transport the mix to the job sites.”

Kate Kelly
The New York Times  |  20 February 2022



“The technique of making statistical analyses of the features of a literary style, esp. by means of a computer.” OED  2022


“…Captains Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver became the first women to graduate Ranger School, one of the most grueling mililtary courses in the world.”  Stars and Stripes  15 August 2020


Infantry Jobs

“As a first step toward becoming an infantry[wo]man, you'll train in the use of small arms, anti-tank, and other weapons systems. You will be responsible for capturing, destroying, and repelling enemy ground forces during missions.”  |  20 February 2022

micro crow dingbat

White-Throated Sparrow
3 Dog Acres in Rural Arkansas  |  24 February 2022

Salvador Restaurant 16 jan 22

Chirrup!  Chirrup!
Here we be
A noisy, thriving company.
. . . .
Nothing's wasted nor thrown away
Where sparrows and poor children play
. . . .
(but poverty is no disgrace)
. . . .
Alley cats so plague our lives,
Chasing our husbands and our wives,
As for sister, or for brother,
Cat's sure to have one or t’other.
Tis bad enough to live near rats,
Be hunted by poor ragged brats —
But nothing when compared to cats.

Birds, Bees, and Blossoms
Thomas Miller  |  London  |  1841


Twenty-Third Day of February

Sparrow Stands in Sleet with Seeds
White-Throated Sparrow at 3 Dog Acres
Rural Arkansas  |  23 February 2022

White Throated Sparrow stands in sleet with seeds at 3 Dog Acres in rural Arkansas on 23 February 2022

Nothing Reveals Like It Seems

“Those birds look wise to me.”

micro crow dingbat Peri and Sons Organic

Stuck On An
Nevada White

“White onions were the first crop that David Peri planted when he started Peri & Sons Farms and he’s perfected them to have a distinct pearlescent white color, large globe shape and firm feel.  In addition to being beautiful, our white onions are full of flavor and surprisingly, they generally taste sweeter.…”

from the Peri & Sons Website 2022


22 - 2 - 22

To Ring The Angelus
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Antlers, Oklahoma  |  18 March 2016

St Agnes Catholic Church in Antlers Oklahoma 18 March 2016

Casus Belli

"I have a small baby.  You have no idea how scary it is to hide him from the shelling."

“I'm very worried.”

“I absolutely agree with him.”

“The smell of war is very strong.”

“I have a daughter.…  Now gather and surmise.”

“…leaders urged women and children to evacuate and able-bodied men to prepare to fight.”

micro crow dingbat Turtles my favorite candy

One Name, One Cause
One Grave, One Heaven
Do Tie Their Souls
To That One God

David Hamilton
David Hamilton

Scottish Martyrs  |  21 February 1685

micro crow dingbat George Washington born 22 February 1731 George's flying bird

Born 22 February 1731

“George Washington, without the genius of Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte, has a far purer fame, as his ambition was of a higher and holier nature.  Instead of seeking in Trumpian fashion to raise his own name, or seize supreme power, he devoted his whole talents, military and civil, to the establishment of the independence and the perpetuity of the liberties of his own country.”

The Life and Times of Charles James Fox
First Earl Russell  |  1859


Nineteenth Day of February

Before the Match
Dirty Andy Dalton and His Happy Little Girl
NWA Texoma  |  Sherman, Texas
18 March 2016

Professional Wrestler Andy Dalton with his daughter at NWA Texoma on 18 March 2016 as the crow flies

To Be Bled

“We find about this time of year in the old Almanacks rules laid down for the care of the health, and people used now to be bled, as was the custom at spring and fall.  This custom is deservedly going out of use, but we believe that this is an unwholesome time of the year, and that weak people require attention to the health more now than at any other time.

“Smoking is a wholesome custom, which should be recommended in the close cottages of the poor, and in great populous towns liable to contagion.  Remember, rise early, and take exercise in plenty, but always take it with your stomach empty.”FEB. 19

Circle of the Seasons
Thomas Ignatius M. Forster  |  1828

micro crow dingbat Made in Germany Batteries for My Hearing Aids

“The Administrative System needs workers who have stamped out all individual traits, personifying only their concrete posts and the corresponding functions.  They are not individuals or, to be more exact, they are individuals who must retain only those individual traits which are necessary to ensure that the System works efficiently.

“But people are people.”


Eighteenth Day of February

“And then covid happened.”

Eighty-Five Percent Butter Fat

85 percent butter fat a flying frow straight ahead

Like a Calenture

“In February 1828, Sir Walter Scott was breaking himself down by over-hard literary work, and had really fallen to some extent out of health.  On the 17th he enters in his Diary, that, on the preceding day at dinner, although in company with two or three beloved old friends, he was strangely haunted by what he would call ‘the sense of pre-existence;’ namely, a confused idea that nothing that passed was said for the first time — that the same topics had been discussed, and the same persons had stated the same opinions on them.  The sensation, he adds, ‘was so strong as to resemble what is called a mirage in the desert, or a calenture on board of ship, when lakes are seen in the desert, and sylvan landscapes in the sea.  There was a vile sense of want of reality in all I did and said.’”

The Book of Days
Robert Chambers  |  1863

micro crow dingbat

“1. A disease incident to sailors within the tropics, characterized by delirium in which the patient, it is said, fancies the sea to be green fields, and desires to leap into it.” — OED 2022


Seventeenth Day of February

Two Tough Boys
Strike A Pose No. 1
Queens, New York City  |  29 April 2016

Pro Wrestling at Queens NY 29 April 2016

There is none
can in his own power,
apprehend any thing
of the Depths of God,
and teach it to another,
but they are all children,
and Scholars in their A. B. C.
And though we speak highly thereof,
yet the understanding
is not our own,
but the Spirit of the Mother,
who speaks out of her children,
what it will.
She reveals herself in many forms,
in one otherwise
then in another.
Her wondrous wisdom
is a Deep without number.
You ought not to marvel,
that the Children of God
have but one manner
of speech and word.
Everyone speaks
out of the wisdom of the Mother,
whose number is without ground
and infinite.

micro crow dingbat

Three-Fold Life of Man
Jacob Bohmen  |  1620 & 1656
Harry Pierce 1949

Goo Goo Cluster

Not Empty Gabble
Not Tittle Tattle
Nor the Sound of Castanets

“… a rattling noise made by the rapidly repeated collision of sonorous bodies which do not ring… to convey the idea of a sound sharper and shriller than a rattle”

Not Rattle

“… a gurgling sound sometimes heard in the throat of a dying person”


Fifteenth Day of February

Cardinal Bird with Seed
Three Dog Acres  |  Washington County, Arkansas
15 February 2022

female Cardinal bird 3 Dog Acres Washington County Arkanbsas 15 february 2022

Little flutterer! swiftly flying,
Here is none to harm thee near;
Kite nor hawk, nor school-boy prying,
Little flutterer! cease to fear.
He no weasel stealing slyly
Would permit thy eggs to take;
Nor the pole-cat, nor the wily
Adder, nor the wretched snake.

James Jennings  |  1822

micro crow dingbat C & H 15 February 2022 flying crow dingbat

FOR SALE:  Licenses to Pollute

“That change is expected to generate several hundred carbon credits for the farms, which Indigo has contracted to sell for $27 a piece to buyers — JP Morgan Chase, Shopify, and North Face that are looking to counteract their greenhouse gas emissions.”


Carbon offsets counterbalance emissions occuring elsewhere — effectively giving their buyer a license to continue to pollute.” The New York Times 28 November 2021

micro crow dingbat female Cardinal bird 2 at 3 Dog Acres Washington County Arkanbsas 15 february 2022

Boreal  Mama
Strong,  Alert,  and  Stately


Fourteenth Day of February

Manhattan, New York City
8 December 2016

Yankees Clubhouse Manhattan 8 dec 2016

Neuronal plasticity is the capacity of the brain to change its structure and function in response to experience.  AI has not this capacity.  Artificial neurons and artificial synapses cannot learn from experience and thus cannot modify stored knowledge.  They are like calcium to the brain.  In part, so supposes Rohit Abraham John.

micro crow dingbat Real Ingredients 14 February 2022

“Their management practices are at cross purposes.”


Tenth Day of February

An E and an A and a Star
Sherman, Texas  |  16 April 2016

sign near Sherman Texas 16 April 2016

Sun =
power + creation + thought + pride + symbols

Moon =
wisdom + destruction + revelation + vanity + emblems

Stars =
harmony + regeneration + attributes + ambition + allegories

micro crow dingbat Parking Receipt 9 feb 22

Baby Babble Bellowed By Bats
Bat Babble Blabbled By Babbling Baby Bats


Ninth Day of February

Alabama Power Company
A Sign Constructed During the Roarin' Twenties
Attalia, Alabama  |  12 January 2022

Alabama Power Company sign Attalia Alabama 12 January 2022

Reddy Kilowatt

Gas-lighting had a ridiculous objection to contend with, worthy to be ranked with that which insisted for years, without experiment, that the wheels of steam locomotives would go on whirling without creating any forward movement.  It was generally assumed that the pipes conveying gas would be hot, and apt to produce conflagrations.  People used to touch them cautiously with their hands, under the belief that a careless touch would burn them.

“The lamp-lighters, to a man, were opposed to the new mode of lighting.”

The Book of Days
Robert Chambers  |  1863

micro crow dingbat2

The fear of the unknown has been named misoneism.  It is best exemplified in children and savages, but not necessarily in savage children.  So say some Italians.  So we hear some Italians saying La pellagra ed il misoneismo.

Joseph and Mary Study Number One

Joseph and Mary Study Number One
Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church
Cullman, Alabama  |  14 January 2022

micro crow dingbat Reddy Kilowatt in Attalia Alabama on 12 January 2022

The One and Only Reddy Kilowatt


Eighth Day of February

Gordon Morgan  |  1931 - 2019
Freedom Fighter
Fayetteville, Arkansas  |  13 September 2019

Gordon Morgan Freedom Fighter

It will be all right yet:
There will be a resurrection of credits,
as well as of bodies.
We'll have glory enough, by and by.

Richard Sibbes  |  1869


Seventh Day of February

She Meets the World Champion
NWA Texoma  |  Sherman, Texas
19 October 2016

NWA Texoma Sherman Texas 19 oct 16

Winter — slippy, drippy, nippy
Spring — showery, flowery, bowery
Summer — happy, croppy, poppy
Autumn — wheezy, sneezy, freezy

micro crow dingbat Boycott Lettuce

“Throwing ‘stakeholder' into a sentence is a demonstration that they care about loftier matters than private jets, oceanfront mansions, and the other paraphernalia of wealth.”
— NYT Peter S. Goodman 16 January 2022

“Mr. Zink, a onetime church deacon, referenced the biblical Book of Proverbs as he outlined why he believed Covid-19 is a bioweapon meant to convert the United States to socialism.  He lamented that the United States ‘was no longer a Christian nation.’”

“Men got to step up, we don't have that many men anymore.’”

micro crow dingbat

“We were able to surround a number of terrorists who had taken children as shields and we killed them.”  Who?


Fifth Day of February

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Corpus Christie, Texas  |  15 February 2009

Our Lady of Guadalupe Corpus Christi Texas 15 February 2009

‘Oh, how handsome she is!’

A traveller witnessed the following during a visit to Catania, Sicily, in 1819.

“The image of the saint, of the natural size, is carried to the church on the shoulders of four priests : this object of adoration of the people was decorated with diamonds and all kinds of precious stones, and reclined on a massive plate of silver ; it was covered with a veil.  Cries of ‘Long live Saint Agatha’ resounded through the church, which was splendidly illuminated.  The soldiers, ranged in two lines, could scarcely make a passage for it : every one was in motion, and was continually leaping before the statue, exclaiming, ‘Oh, how handsome she is!  Oh, how good,’ & c.  From the church the image was conveyed to an enormous car, drawn by twenty pair of oxen, and thus paraded round the city amid peals of applause from the infatuated multitude.  The fete was terminated by a display of fireworks and a general illumination.”

Saint Agatha
was martyred on 5 February 251

micro crow dingbat

Time's Telescope
John Millard  |  1823

Time's Telescope for 1823

Fourth Day of February

Leaf of the White Oak Tree
Washington County, Arkansas
Autumn 2021

white oak leaf at crows cottage autumn 2021

“Honestly, I'd rather live in France.”

“You should go back to your country.”

“In England, even the steering wheel is in the wrong place.”

“We imagined our children growing up like that, and we said, ‘No.’”

“A false equivalence of victimization is but one hallmark of the new Polish historical revisionism.”

micro crow dingbat Snack Pack 3 Feb 22 micro crow dingbat

A Royal Speech by Candlelight

The opening-day of the Session of Parliament on February 4, 1836, was unusually gloomy, which, added to an imperfection in the sight of King William IV., and the darkness of the House, rendered it impossible for his Majesty to read the royal speech with facility.  Most patiently and good-naturedly did he struggle with the task, often hesitating, sometimes mistaking, and at others correcting himself.  On one occasion, he stuck altogether, and after two or three ineffectual efforts to make out the word, he was obliged to give it up ; when, turning to Lord Melbourne, who stood on his right hand, and looking him most significantly in the face, he said in a tone sufficiently loud to be audible in all parts of the House, ‘Eh! what is it?’

The Book of Days
A Miscellany
Popular Antiquities

Robert Chambers  |  1863


Third Day of February

Room Number and Porch Ceiling
The Savoy Hotel
Nowata, Oklahoma  |  Nuwi ta Cherokee Nation
26 May 2009

Salvador Restaurant 16 jan 22

“And, therefore, we must not despise the science of numbers, which, in many passages of holy Scripture, is found to be of eminent service to the careful interpreter.  Neither has it been without reason numbered among God's praises, ‘Thou hast ordered all things in number, and measure, and weight.’”

micro crow dingbat

The City of God
Saint Augustine of Hippo | AD 426
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

micro crow dingbat 84722

Passenger Tickets
The Ciklámen Express  aka  the Primrose Train
Györ to Budapest  |  26 April 1992

Ciklamen Express Gyor to Budapest 1992

Second Day of February

Holly Grove, Arkansas
11 January 2022

Barn 16 jan 22

“There's much more to a building than its facade, but first impressions do go a long way.”  Architectural Record edition 08 2021.

micro crow dingbat Chevrolet El Camino 350 1978


When it comes to service, remember that your Chevrolet dealer knows your vehicle best.  Your dealer is interested in your complete satisfaction.  Return to him….


First Day of February

Traffic Light
McCurtain, Oklahoma  |  Choctaw Nation
18 March 2016

Traffic Light in McCurtain Oklahoma 18 March 2016

“Survivors say there was no warning before the bullets flew.”

micro crow dingbat

The more gods the people could worship, the better for the priesthood.  Some seers determined the will of the gods by studying the flight pattern of a flock of birds.  Vestal Virgins, chosen before puberty and sworn to serve for thirty years, prayed for good health and long life for all the souls of the community.  Not every Vestal Virgin lasted thirty years.  As the crow flies, we hear that under a half moon the pontifex maximus offered one virgin, a comely younger, as a blood sacrifice to the godly collective.  One hoary god, vexed, said, “You should have waited.”

Messengers from Rome LVI
Harry David Pierce  | 1949

micro crow dingbat KF94 Korea

Thirtieth Day of January

Sahara Seven
Rappahannock County High School
Washington, Virginia  |  10 December 2016

Sahara Seven Professional Wrestler portrait 10 december 2016 Sahara Seven Professional Wrestler action 10 december 2016

“Technically, the Microsanctuary runs afoul of a city ordinance that prevents trapping and removing the chickens.  But the city will allow it as long as residents are not peckish.”

“Some of the district residents and businesses complained about the chickens pooping on porches, destroying mulch and publicly procreating.”

micro crow dingbat Dr Pepper 10 2 and 4

Twenty-Ninth Day of January

Old Town Ruins
Clarksdale, Mississippi
12 January 2022

Urban Ruins in Clarksdale Mississippi 12 jan 22

Eyes are formed
to serve the inward light
And not the outward show.

micro crow dingbat

Astrophel and Stella
Sir Philip Sidney  |  1591


Twenty-Eighth Day of January

Blue Prima Ballerina
Lebanon, Missouri
20 May 2017

Ballerina Mural in Lebanon Missouri on 20 May 2017 Youth Mural Project in Lebanon Missouri on 20 May 2017

The New Story

“There is a need for a new story or myth of the emergence of the Earth.  Since the dawn of human consciousness, story has been the basic vehicle of human understanding and meaning.  In every culture throughout history, story-tellers have enthralled and delighted people and brought joy and meaning to their lives.”

Gaia's Hidden Life
Sean McDonagh  |  1992

micro crow dingbat

“To engage with the myth encourages trickery, the invention of a new story in which Orpheus might somehow not succumb to the urge to look back....”
NYRofB  13 January 2022

micro crow dingbat Organic India

“On the 28th of January 1725 died Peter I., Czar of Russia, deservedly named the Great; one of the most extraordinary men that ever appeared on the great theatre of the world, in any age or country — a being full of contradictions, yet consistent in all he did.”


Twenty-Seventh Day of January

Junction Bridge o'er the Arkansas River
North Little Rock and Little Rock, Arkansas
14 July 2018

Junction Bridge North Little Rock Arkansas 14 july 2018

Behold the irresistibly delicious taste
of creamy milk chocolate with just a touch of sweetness.
This is hot chocolate the way it's meant to be —
and deeply satisfying.

micro crow dingbat

made in Canada
†   †   †
Splendidis longum valedico nugis

micro crow dingbat Made with Real Milk

By Way of an Obituary

"He was an exact mathematician, a curious calculator of nativities, a general-read scholar, a thorough-paced philologist, and one that understood the surveying of lands well.  As he was by many accounted a severe student, a devourer of authors, and melancholy and humorous person, so, by others who knew him well, a person of great honesty, plain-dealing, and charity."

So writes Anthony Wood
Athena Oxinienses,
An Exact
Writers and Bishops
Who have had their Education in
the most ancient and famous University
O  X  F  O  R  D
The Fifteenth Year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the End of the Year 1690.
Robert Burton died on 27 January 1639

Paucis notus, paucioribus ignotus,
Hic jacet semocritus junior,
Cui vitam dedit et mortem
Ob. 8, Id. Jan. A.C. MD.XXXIX.

Epitaph at Mr. Burton's grave site


Twenty-Sixth Day of January

Chameleon Comics
3 Maiden Lane in Manhattan New York City
9 December 2016

Chameleon Comics Manhattan NYC 9 December 2016

“… an old woman has been watching him through the windows, reading his thoughts and working against him in court on behalf of the United Nations, to keep him incarcerated.  He also has delusions about the United Nations, the anti-christ, and a new world order.  He's not fully intact with reality.”

micro crow dingbat

“Their glum faces told the story:
Chameleon was shutting its doors
after nearly 30 years in Manhattan’s Financial District.”


Twenty-Fifth Day of January

Delta Wholesale Hardware Co. Inc.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
12 January 2022

Delta Wholesale Hardware Company in Clarksdale Mississippi on 12 January 2022

"We offer the largest selection of captive bred scorpions in the USA, also a wide variety of spiders, tarantulas, and other arachnids.  We specialize in rare and uncommon species of scorpions and spiders."

ARACHNID RARITIES  |  22 Janaury 2022

micro crow dingbat

Going ninety miles an hour down a dead end street
Yeah ninety miles an hour down a dead end street

Robert Zimmerman  |  1988

a street with only one way in or out


Twenty-Fourth Day of January

Blesséd Mother with Child
Pope John XXIII High School in Sparta, New Jersey
18 August 2009

Blessed Mother with Child at Pope John XXIII High School in Sparta Township NJ 18 Aug 2009

To you, to you, all song of praise is due,
Only in you my song begins and endeth.

Astrophel and Stella
Sir Philip Sidney | 1591

micro crow dingbat

"The incident followed on the heels of an act of vandalism that took place Wednesday night in which vandals glued a helmet bearing a Sparta High School insignia on the head of a statue of Pope John High School's namesake.  Removal of the helment was laborious and required the use of saws."


Twenty-Third Day of January

Brandon the Bride-Less Groom on left
and Shawn Hernandez at the Do-It-To-It pro wrestling show
in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 12 September 2015

pro wrestling show 12 sept 15

Housekeeping Request Form
“We are only cleaning stayover rooms every 5 days.  If you need additional service, please fill-out this form and turn it into our Front Desk staff by 10 a.m.”


Twenty-Second Day of January

Buffington Hotel in Westville, Oklahoma, on 19 November 2015

Buffington Hotel in Westville Oklahoma on 19 November 2015

“They're brushing and sweeping the dust off the runway.  Then three minutes later we started to have more ashes coming down.”


Twenty-First Day of January

El Salvador Restaurant north of Dallas, Texas, on 19 May 2016

Salvador Restaurant near Dallas Texas on 19 May 2016

The Romans once admired a gander
More than they did their chief commander

micro crow dingbat

The Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities Vol. I
by Robert Chambers | 1863


Eighteenth Day of January

white oak leaf sun side 18 jan 22 white oak shade side 18 jan 22 white oak leaf cup 18 jan 22

Sixteenth Day of January

poinsettia euphorbia leaf 16 jan 22

Thirty-First Day of December

cow oak leaf 31 dec 21 cow oak leaf cup 31 dec 21

Thirtieth Day of December

redbud leaf cup 28 dec 21

Twenty-Eighth Day of December

redbud leaf cup 28 dec 21 redbud leaf dry 28 dec 21

Twenty-Sixth Day of December

unidentified leaf 25 dec 21

Twenty-Fifth Day of December

unidentified leaf 25 dec 21 unidentified leaf 25 dec 21

Twentieth Day of December

sweetgum leaf b sweetgum leaf b cup b sweetgum leaf b cup a

Fifteenth Day of December

albino leaf b 13 dec 21 albino leaf c 13 dec 21 albino leaf a 13 dec 21

Fourteenth Day of December

unidentified leaf a 13 dec 21

Thirteenth Day of December

sweetgum leaf cup a

Eleventh Day of December

redbud leaf redbud leaf redbud leaf cup2

Ninth Day of December

tulip poplar a tulip poplar cup

Fourth Day of December

sweetgum leaf close-up sweetgum leaf a

Third Day of December

oak leaf a cup oak leaf a

Second Day of December

unidentified leaf a from BambiLand

Twenty-Fifth Day of November

maple leaf b from back 40

Twenty-Fourth Day of November

maple leaf from back 40

Nineteenth Day of November

witchhazel leaf a witchhazel leaf b witchhazel leaf c

Eighteenth Day of November

sugar maple leaf

“Also, as you all are aware, costs of our materials, electricity, labor and equipment are steadily rising in this current state of our economy and we must be able to keep up with our rising operating costs to keep you supplied with a safe, potable water supply.”


Seventeenth Day of November

mossycup oak leaf closeup a mossycup oak leaf mossycup oak leaf closeup a mossycup oak leaf closeup a

Sixteenth Day of November

unidentified leaf close-up unidentified leaf close-up2

Fifteenth Day of November

hosta leaf close-up hosta leaf

Thirteenth Day of November

sawtooth leaf sawtooth leaf

Twelfth Day of November

giant miscanthus b giant miscanthus a giant miscanthus c

The day begins
with opium, chicory coffee,
bread and orange marmalade,
marijuana, chocolate,
and sparkling water from the mountains.


Eleventh Day of November

sawtooth leaf sawtooth leaf sawtooth leaf

Tenth Day of November

sawtooth leaf

Ninth Day of November

million bells flower a

Eighth Day of November

tulip poplar leaf a tulip poplar leaf b

Fifth Day of November

Remember, remember !
The 5th of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot ;
There is no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot !

Remember, be wary !
Of 6 January,
The Trumpian Treason and Plot ;
There is no reason
Why the Trumpian treason
Should ever be forgot !


Third Day of November

golden raintree leaf a golden raintree leaf a

Second Day of November

swamp white oak leaf a swamp white oak leaf a

First Day of November

sycamore leaf a sycamore leaf a

Twenty-Ninth Day of October

chinkapin oak leaf a

Twenty-Eighth Day of October

blackgum leaf a

Twenty-Seventh Day of October

hazelnut leaf a hazelnut leaf b hazelnut leaf c

Twenty-Fifth Day of October

sassafras leaves oils sassafras leaves

Twenty-Fourth Day of October

insect bitten red oak leaf

Twenty-First Day of October

redbud leaf redbud leaf redbud leaf

Twentieth Day of October

red oak leaf

Fifteenth Day of October

hickory leaf

Fourteeth Day of October

red oak leaf

Twenty-Fourth Day of September

look up

Eighteenth Day of September

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Tenth Day of September

Extinction Rebellion

Thirteenth Day of June

Mermaid of Doghenge

Ninth Day of June

Mysterious Blue Vervain

Fourth Day of May

Climate Strike b

Twenty-Third Day of February

The Gipsy King is the agressor It's a Fury Fury is the Champ The Mask of Fury Mrs Fury Concerned a 7th round knockout flurry of action

Twenty-First Day of February

Climate Strike a

Into the Anthropocene

Climate Strike March in Fayetteville, Arkansas  |  27 September 2019
Image by Ebenezer

... and Getting Hotter

Is it hot enough in your neighborhood today?  Do you suppose the heat is natural, or is it manufactured by humankind?  Is the sky falling, or are we actually doomed?  Did you notice the rock on that left hand, the one (stage right) clutching the sign above?  Seven thousand, two hundred and eighty degrees Fahrenheit is the melting point of diamond.  So, diamonds are not forever.  I am.  Eternal life.  Guaranteed.  How about yours?


Fifth Day of February

Greg The Hammer Valentine

Former World Champion  |  Son of a Legend

Rappahannock County High School, Virginia  |  10 December 2016

Forever the Limelight

Once ago his very name inspired fans by the tens of thousands to flock to arenas.  He wrestled as a renowned and respected champion in Madison Square Garden.  For him they came to cheer.  He played by the rules, wrought through oral tradition by a mysterious cadre of showmen, stalwarts, and brawlers.  And he stayed the course — all the way to this very evening in the backwoods of Virginia.  There under the harsh flourescence of a high school gymnasium, the grand old champion performs once again, the limelight of The Garden a distant memory.  And he soldiers on.

Greg The Hammer




Fourth Day of December

Yes It's Radical

Eighteenth Day of April

Spring Beauty

Spring Beauty  |  Claytonia virginica

3 Dog Acres, Rural Ozark Highlands  |  14 April 2019

Child of the Sun

“The Spring Beauty is a child of the sun and closes in cloudy weather,” Alice Lounsberry wrote in A Guide to the Wild Flowers (1899).  “As we recall it to the mind we connect with it a shrinking type of loveliness.”

Delicate children of early spring, stretching not more than two centimeters from one petal tip to another, the Spring Beauties of 3 Dog Acres bloom abundantly in the gardens just now, gracing the greening earth with splashes of white and veiny traces of purple.  Scattered amongst them is a cadre of four-petalled wild violets.  Together the complimentary species drift and sway to create a magnificent expression of the season.

We stepped outside with our Staedtler Mars ruler in hand, hoping to take a measurement, but clouds lingered after the arrival of last night's cold front and attendant rainstorm.  We found the slender wild things nestling into tight spheres and drooping like the dogtooth toward the damp ground.  No matter.  We like to think of ourselves as poets and minstrels, not scientists.  Measurements of diameter and reach can wait.  Let us guess with confidence.

The Third Day

Mrs. Lounsberry tells us in her delightful survey of late nineteenth century wild flowers that the bloom time of each Spring Beauty lasts just three days.  Three days.…

One of our neighbors has painted “Third Day Transport” on the doors of his two big trucks, likely an allusion to his faith, but I'm dubious about intent, given the neighbor's propensity to slay giant oaks and hickories before their time.  The great trunks lie scattered like chi-chi sticks here 'n there on the barren, rocky soil of his yard.  What might they portend?

A citizen must make a living, I suppose — even the destroyers.  Nonetheless, folk who wear their faith like an advert oft give me pause to become judgmental, a personal failing.  They're prone to knock on my door and mumble warnings about sin and death.  I wonder what guilt they might be masking.

At What Price?

Everywhere, at every turn out there in this land of rapacious growth, I spy, forlornly, evidence of the destroyers, hard at work with saw and bucket, ripping up the natural realm to make space for new dwellings, new businesses, new sterile landscapes.

The Third Day alludes to a resurrection, which follows death and descent — and leads to shouts of hallelujah.  Those sweet little Spring Beauties, children of Helios and Dawn, seemingly dead and gone for three successive seasons, awake from their long and mysterious slumber.  They arise to greet us in the sunshine and herald the end of winter's frosty rule.

Spring Beauty

A Trio of Starry Ephemerals

3 Dog Acres, Rural Ozark Highlands  |  14 April 2019


Fourteenth Day of April

85mm Nikkor micro

Persian Lilac Buds and a Blossom Made Large

3 Dog Acres, Rural Ozark Highlands  |  12 April 2019


North, south, east, west … air, fire, water, earth … the Four Quartets of the poet and the piano man, Eliot and Tyner — we are struck tonight by foursquare imagery instead of the five fingers of the starry pentagram, our usual favored archetype.  This matters not — because no one is listening, because no one has figured out the precise meaning of  a + bi + cj + dk, and because no one knows how to extract the aroma of the lilac from the screen, where she's embedded in pixels and canna get out.


Tenth Day of April

Pansy by the Studio

Deep Roots, Speckles of Pollen

3 Dog Acres, Rural Ozark Highlands  |  10 April 2019


Striking color displays the cultivar, whose nursery name I canna recall.  She's not “native,” so I'm sure she's gotta be an invading alien.  Nonetheless, this pansy's roots go deep, having met the earth late last autumn.  How deep reach your roots?  How rabidly do you despise the not-native?


Eighteenth Day of February

Servant of the People

Servant of the People

Manhattan, New York City  |  11 December 2016


Vanishing Identity

On the verge — every day, every night — of giving up.…  What?  The quest for relevance.  The desire to communicate.  The ghost.

That would be here — on the lonely page, shimmering on a scroll, not the thing but the action, not the roll of parchment decorated with symbols made of ink but the rolling, up 'n down, of organized electric squares, commanded by a finger and prompted by a mind.

Odd, isn't it?  You become so obscure that you disappear.  Nothing you create sparks interest or engagement by OTHERS — even though your creations are out here for anyone to see, anyone to devour.

O me, O my, not even the Wizard can fix this case of vanishing identity.  I like the Wizard, [who is] the Validator.

Didn't give up, though.  Not yet.  Not tonight.  Unbroken, the mirror works for now.  How long?  How much longer?   [It's all about rhythm.  Rhythm.]


Thirty-First Day of January

from the East River

Something Old, Something New

Manhattan from the East River  |  25 January 2017

sand dollar

It's lonely out here.
Drop me a line sometime.
Expect a prompt and courteous reply.


Fourteenth Day of January

Let's Not Meet Too Soon

Grim Reaper at The Botanica La Santa Muerte

Fort Worth, Texas  |  1 April 2016


Wet Winter.  Wet Hounds.

The rain, falling furiously at first and then slowing, steadily over time, into a diminishing mist, began early Friday morning and didn't fade away for good until sunset on Saturday.  One and three-quarters of an inch gathered in the gauge affixed to the work table outside Corvus Studio.  The weather guessers on TV predicted snow but it never came.

Shepherds Ulysses and Garbo were soaked to the skin on Friday but seemed not to mind.  Whenever it rains, human and dogs eagerly embrace the drying-off ritual, human because the hounds become soft and fluffy, and hounds because the repetitive application of warm towel to wet fur feels good.  They are lucky dogs, ever loving and obedient most of the time.

January in the Ozark Highlands is wet enough and cold enough to drive me indoors where I can reflect and plan.  By now, the Solstice having come and gone, I've made my peace with winter and embrace its seasonal graces.  Devoting three or four hours of a gray and breezy afternoon to the outdoors invigorates the body and prepares the psyche and spirit for the mysteries and episodes of the long night ahead.

Afternoons are best for me.  In the morning I move slowly, groan and moan while I build the fire, and step-by-step ease myself into the day.  But once the old bones are lubricated, the weary muscles stretched, and the inner fire reignited, I'm ready.

So....  I tend garden beds.  Split and stack firewood.  Rake leaves, carry 'em to the burn barrels, set 'em ablaze.  Play with the shepherds, who stand alert at the back fence to bark at deer down in the hollow.  Stroll along the meandering paths of 3 Dog Acres, where I pause to study the trees and bushes, pick-up twigs that have fallen from the old oaks and hickories, listen to the winds, watch the clouds, and speculate on the weather.

4 leaf clover
The Shop Wasn't Open

Posted on 14 January 2019 at 20:27 hours Central Standard Time USA.

separate bar

Eleventh Day of January


A House in Decline

Rural East Central Oklahoma  |  18 March 2016


Up the Hollow on Wet Rocks.

There's something missing. Most likely a tight connection with The World Out There.  Seeking a precise definition, I can't find it.  It's like walking up the deep hollow on wet rocks.  Way too slippery for introspection.

Start.  Sputter.  Stop.

Start.  Sputter.  Stop.

Start.  Sputter.  Run.  Stop.

Start.  Run.  Stop.

Stop.  Stop.  Stop.

. . . . 

“They say he's hearing voices, pale and ominous whispers from afar, but don't believe it.  Not a word of it,” saith Oksob de Opposite, Guardian and Resident of The Opposite Loft.  “It's a lie.  A dirty, rotten, two-bit, Yankee lie.”

4 leaf clover
A House in Decline

Posted on 11 January 2019 at 13:50 hours Central Standard Time USA.

separate bar

Eighth Day of January

She Lost the Match

The Wrestler Grimaces in Pain

Sherman, Texas  |  17 March 2016


A New Path for Power.  And a Discovery

Jeremy and Richard arrived in the waning light of afternoon to survey the territory and plan the job.  Richard's grip during our handshake reminded me of a steel vise — a grip rooted in fellowship and not a show of boorish strength.

A professional craftsman and very good man, trustworthy and ever curious, Jeremy brought his pal Richard to 3 Dog Acres to answer my call for an electrician.  The job is to replace the electric wire delivering power from the cottage to Corvus Studio, removing the dangling steel and rubber from its precarious aerial perch under the boughs of Ruth, the old red oak rising way high at the northwest corner of Crow's Cottage.

We'll plot a path across the yard, dig a trench about 18 inches deep, lay down a run of PVC plastic pipe, string through some thick new wire, and sink the creation about eighteen inches 'neath the soil.  Something like that.  It'll work.

During Richard's measurements and calculations, we considered the possibility of accidentally digging into the septic tank.  “Where is it?” Jeremy asked.  Don't know exactly, I said.  When Sadie Liz and I moved here in 2011, we couldn't find the precise location of the tank.  The septic system has remained healthy ever since, so we've never had occasion to find out.

Jeremy entered the crawl space under the cottage, looked around, and surmised that the drain pipes emerge at the northwest corner, leading directly under the stone floor of Doghenge, our patio and outdoor showcase.  Let's hope the septic system remains healthy, I said.  I won't tear up Doghenge.  I'd rather install a new septic system if push comes to shove.

Richard's the man for the job. For that I'm certain.  He's serious, soft spoken, and obviously competent.  He said he'd give me a bid in a day or two.  “Should take a half day to get 'er done,” he said.  “Might be able to get to it next week.”

My goal is safety and assurance that a falling limb won't sever the studio's sole source of electrical power.  Makes sense to me.

4 leaf clover
Out of the Ring

Posted on 8 January 2019 at 23:50 hours Central Standard Time USA.

separate bar

Second Day of January.

Blessed Mother and Christ Child

The Blesséd Mother and Christ Child
Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
Manhattan, New York City  |  14 August 2016


A Glistening.

Soft, persistent, cold rain — falling first at midday and continuing ‘till after sunfall.  I walked the circle about seven, passing neighbor Caleb and his dog Breeze about halfway round.  The rain appeared as a mist, glistening on the dark pavement of the lane from the light of the homes scattered along the way.

Posted on 2 January 2019 at 22:12 hours Central Standard Time USA.

separate bar

First Day of January.

High Up on the Surface

Sts. Cyril and Methodius and St. Raphael's
Catholic Church and Croatian Parish
Manhattan, New York City  |  25 January 2017


Winter Takes Hold of the Land.

Begin with THE NOT.  As in:  This is NOT the spawn of a New Year's Resolution but rather a convenient launching point for a new narrative.  The veil was ripped away last summer, revealing the eyes of a previously forbidden Muse.  She said she'd have to die first.  Day by day, I see more clearly.

Boreas strolled in overnight, bringing a peaceful chill to the gray day.  The soil, stones, cedar planks, and gathered leaves were damp and quiet under foot.

Winter takes hold of the land, shading the landscape in stark grays, browns, and degrees of black.  Cedars, the rare holly, two Leland cypresses, a half-dozen loblolly and white pines, patches of rye and onion grass offer up welcome green hues.  I come to terms with the passing away of autumn and her brilliance.  Eight weeks ‘till March.  Promises….

We clung to the delights of the cottage today, devoting little more than minutes to the outdoors, emerging to accompany the dogs on strolls through the yards and gardens, and then to gather a few sticks of damp firewood from the stacks in the Boneyard — until the hour before sunset when the swift walk along the country lanes with my true love Sadie Liz devoured a half hour or more.

We saw horses munching on a fresh bale of hay, read a neighbor's sign urging the Dodge Ram and the Mustang and other fast engines to slow down and watch for children at play.  We talked about plans, rued the coming of The Destroyers with their chainsaws, bulldozers, insatiable thirst for lots and mortgages.  They're not here yet, these money men with their bank loans and tight connections to the purveyors of power and influence.  There'll be no stopping them when the time comes.


Posted on 1 January 2019 at 18:45 hours Central Standard Time USA.

separate bar

Thirteenth Day of November.

   Kwansan Cherry

Every day, I supposed (when the month of November began), I could do this.  I didn't.  I'm wondering if it'll ever happen.  But it does not  matter.  The smallholder is the cyber dinosaur.  Most of us are eaten up by the commercial byte.  We grow a new skin, new flesh with each deposit.

1.  The first hard freeze finally arrived, slaying the impatiens, the lantana, the zinnias, the marigolds, the coleus.  Now we call upon the pansy and the viola for color.

2.  My pal Ralph supplied two El Camino loads of firewood on the eve of the hard freeze:  white oak, red oak, hickory, cherry.

3.  Like the righteous avenger, I drove away the hypocrite from the door of the cottage, fulfilling a prophecy.  He wore a fancy Stetson, a pricy black leather jacket, a chip on his psyche as he assured me of deliverance from sin and death.

a mystery

Second Day of November.


Every day I can do this.  Today is November 2.  I did this.  What about you?

1.  The coming hard freeze, late to arrive.

2.  Diminishing supply of firewood, soon to be rectified.

3.  The primacy of a quasi-hermit's life, necessary.

Do I know you?  Can you ever know me?  Why would either of us want to try?

"Hoo hoo hoo woo hoo hoo," sings the wealthy singer.  She is well-known to the world.  She becomes conscious of her fame, singing love songs to self on a big stage before thousands.  "GaGa's at twenty-seven," Scott announces to the Chart Show audience.

Here at 3 Dog Acres, the black-eyed Susans pass away.  Nothing I can do shall stop it, stop the decline, stop the slow descent into oblivion.

   Families Belong Together

At the Dog Races

14 August 2018 at 13:36 hours Central Standard Time USA.

At the Dog Races A
At the Dog Races B

Here Comes Rusty!

Primal Act of the Chase

Rusty the mechanical rabbit rattles 'round the inner rail of the dog track, a step or two ahead of the pack of speedy greyhounds…

and the track announcer shouts, “Here comes Rusty!”

and then the hounds, yapping and whining in their confinement, explode from the little numbered cages at the starting gate…

and they run as fast as time, not so much to catch Rusty, but rather to revel in the freedom of an unbound moment…  at twilight…  of a warm summer eve…

while we, the human throng — those some of us not totally consumed by the art of the gambler — marvel o'er the unity of the members of the pack, who speed side-by-side in the primal act of the chase.

Let's Bet!

Or … otherwise, in a different guise,

we place our bets, twelve bucks on a Quiniela Box 3 in the 7th race … and afterwards, we wish we'd chosen more wisely, as Barts Slickwilly  the 3 Dog gets pinned to the rail down the stretch and can't spring free, while Zach The Geek  the 8 Dog fades late … and our losing ticket is tossed to the floor.

Tall, Sinewy, Intense

We love the dogs, racing dogs, all dogs, our dogs here at 3 Dog Acres.  Standing a few feet from the greyhounds at the end of a race, observing them obediently follow their handlers through the concourse into who knows where, I'm awed by their tall stature, their sinewy haunches, their intensity of focus.

They are good dogs. Good dogs all.

Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles
From the Study of 3 Dog Acres in rural Washington County, Arkansas, USA
14 August 2018

Images by Beau Bosko
Originating on 14 July 2018 in West Memphis, Arkansas
And polished today at the Cherry Slab in the Ozark Highlands

separate bar

Daffodil Study Number Seven

28 March 2018 at 16:35 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number Seven
border bar

Daffodil Study Number Six

28 March 2018 at 12:24 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number Six

Daffodil Study Number Five

26 March 2018 at 11:12 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number Five
3 Sisters
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Daffodil Study Number Four

25 March 2018 at 20:03 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number Four
3 Sisters3
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Daffodil Study Number Three

13 March 2018 at 12:36 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number Three
3 Sisters in Santa Fe
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Daffodil Study Number Two

12 March 2018 at 19:54 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number Two
3 sisters
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Daffodil Study Number One

11 March 2018 at 23:24 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Daffodil Study Number One
34th Streetxt
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26 February 2018 at 13:09 hours Central Standard Time USA.

34th Street

Late Nights on an Opposite Track

The Prosecutor Comes as Expected

We … each … are complicit in the drama, pale and unfolding like leaves from the Old Book, leaves from the old oak …

… stories I’ve heard and long to experience – ‘I loved you the first time I saw you!’ she sings – but dare not embrace for fear of falling, fear of wandering into the chamber of uncomfortable truths.

Yes, I Gave Her a Name

“Are there any truths left?” the old oak asks. I named her Themis, the whispering oak, but only after she refused, politely, to tell me her name. She didn’t object to my naming her. Themis stands next to Ruth, a silent red oak, woody woman beside the kitchen porch, grand dame holding tightly to her leaves in late winter.

Today, in the strange light of a frosty morning, the old truths, those I’ve encountered once or twice ago, appeared before me on the steel-gray horizon, just moments after the ice melted away.

The rising sun, yellow and sharp, raced from the space behind me to illuminate an expanse of charcoal and ash stretching low o’er the heavenlies.

And I could see on the curved glass a scroll, numbering the days ahead, though IT IS the old days that try me now. The prosecutor comes as expected to level her charges. I plead no contest.

Vistas, Devils, a Narrowing

I remember them, the old days, remember them with a sharpening and inward gaze, a narrowing … days when the vistas spread wider and the propositions were legion, like disguised devils passing next to me on the sidewalks, days when I forged ahead with a greater power. And I was dogged in the night.

It seemed forever, the forward path. Now it goes no further than the next stop, and the turning … to the left … or to the right … dim signals cast outward to alert a dangerous universe.

I was there … in this same spot … forty years ago, seeking the counsel of doctors, the conclusions of nurses. It’s different now. The doctors and nurses have different names and I became wise, but only to a lesser degree, and lean, but only because of diminishing mass.

Everything comes to me with a qualifier. Everything seems as if I’ve walked there before, moving through a passage tinged with ice, blocked by thick glass … an ancient passage leading to the last act.

Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles
From the Study of 3 Dog Acres in rural Washington County, Arkansas, USA
26 February 2018

Images by Beau Bosko
14 August 2016 in Brooklyn, New York City
And Today at the Cherry Slab in the Ozark Highlands

34th Street55
34th Street 76
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20 February 2018 at 11:58 hours Central Standard Time USA.

For Lyn Lopez, My Friend on Google+

Diverted by pacific visions from my sharers, I turn away — if only for a moment — from the travails of the tribe to the beauties of color and form. All the while I struggle to discover a finer voice. I desire to alight — like a swallowtail, a golden bumbler, an old man rigged to a parachute — on a point along the line of infinity, a secure point where perspective is diverted away from condemnation and where I canna fall off the edge into oblivion.

34th Street55
separate bar

19 February 2018 at 11:11 hours Central Standard Time USA.

I swear I wish we wouldn't fight. Wish we wouldn't slay one another. I sit there on old leather and cry. Cain and Abel be damned! Skewer me for equating the victim with the perpetrator, but we're dealing with elementals here. We're each and all equal actors in the drama, our roles 'n parts assigned by Fate. Or by circumstance. As I told her in the big bed, I don't care anymore. Say what you want, Benny Hinn, but I don't care. I wonder if Circumstance was a god.

an angry man
one of 3 sisters
separate bar

18 February 2018 at 22:51 hours Central Standard Time USA.

You can say
what is real
what is not real,

but who will believe you?
I don't.  And you don't.
He's making us all go crazy.
That's power for you.
Love, too.  The love of destruction.  The love of death.  
Like the man with the strange moustache.
He will destroy us all
if we let him.

34th Streetxtr
crow flies fast

16 February 2018 at 13:19 hours Central Standard Time USA.

Can't recall the details, the how-to-do-it codes. Strugglin' to hold on. The guns are the problem. And the mind. And the culture. All of it.

There's more to meet the eye. Death masks on the wall. It's crooked, too. Not aligned properly. Call me.

We're in Brooklyn

17 January 2018 at 14:40 hours Central Standard Time USA.

We surrender.  That's what started it all.  The notion of coming back.

Actually, that's probably a fib, the notion of surrender.  We can't be sure.  We may be retreating instead of surrendering.  Time shall tell.


If you'd like to see how it once was, click this sentence.

34th Street390
34th Street567
34th Street101

From top: Hell's Kitchen. Macy's. Bay Ridge Brooklyn.