

c.790                                           Irish monks settle Iceland.


874                                                 Norse seamen reach Iceland.


877                                                 Gunnbjorn sights Greenland.


982                                                 Erik the Red visits Greenland in preparation for establishing a colony.


986                                                 Bjarni Herjolfson sights North America while sailing to Greenland.


c. 1000                                      Leif Ericsson sails to North America.


c. 1003-1006                    Thorfinn Karlsefni attempts to colonize North America.


1016                                             Pisa conquers Sardinia from the Moors.


1060-1091                            Norman conquest of Sicily from the Moors.


1085                                             Alfonso VI of Castille captures Toledo from the Moors.


1087                                             Genoa and Pisa conquer Al Madhihaya.


1095                                             Beginning of the First Crusade.


1147                                             Afonso Henriques of Portugal captures Lisbon from the Moors.


1204                                             Fourth Crusade conquers Constantinople.


1212                                             Iberian Christians defeat the Moors of Spain at Las Navas de Tolosa.


1227                                             Death of Genghiz Khan.


1229-1235                            Aragonese capture the Balearic Islands from the Moors.


1236                                             Castilians capture Cordoba from the Moors.


1237                                             Mongol conquest of Russia largely complete.


1237-1242                            Batu Khan and Mongol armies raid Eastern  Europe.


1245-1247                            John of Plano Carpini’s journeys to the Mongols as an emissary of the pope.


1248                                             Castilians capture Seville from the Moors.


1249                                             Portuguese make their final conquests from the Moors.


1253                                             Genoese traders settle at Safi in Morocco.


1253-1255                            William of Rubruck visits Mongol capital of Karakorum as an emissary of Louis XII of France.


1258                                             Mongols capture Baghdad and destroy Abbasid Caliphate.


1260-1269                            Nicolo and Maffeo Polo travel to China.


1271-1295                            Marco Polo’s travels in China.


1287                                             Rabban Bar Sauma travels to the West as an ambassador for Arghun Khan of Persia.


1289-1328                            John of Monte Corvino’s mission to China.


1291                                             Mameluke Turks capture Acre, the last Crusader stronghold in Palestine.

                                                            Vivaldi brothers of Genoa attempt to sail to India either by circumnavigating Africa or crossing the Atlantic.


1312?                                         Lanzarote Marocello discovers Canary Islands and claims them for Genoa.


1322-1330                            Odoric of Pordenone travels to India and China.


1338-1353                            John of Marignolli travels to Peking during the final days of the Mongol dynasty in China.


1339                                             The Map of Angelino Dulcert first depicted the island of Lanzarote in the Canaries.


1341                                             Joint Genoese-Portuguese expedition to the Canary Islands.


1415                                             Portuguese capture Ceuta in North Africa.


1415-33                                   Various Portuguese voyages down the African coast to just short of Cape Bojador.


1419-1425(?)                    Discovery or rediscovery of Madeira and the start of settlements by the Portuguese.


1424 or 1425                    Unsuccessful Portuguese expedition of  Fernando de Castro to the Canaries.


1427                                             Discovery or rediscovery of the Azores by Diogo de Silves (or Sines).


1431 or 1432                    Domestic animals introduced to the Azores.


1435                                             Gil Eanes manages to sail past Cape Bojador.


1440                                             Portuguese expedition to the Canaries.


1441 or 1442                    Antao Goncalves takes the first captives at the Rio de Ouro.


1441                                             Nuno Tristao reachs Cape Blanco.


1444                                             Dinis Dias reachs Cape Verde.


1448 or before               Supposed Portuguese sighting of South America which is said to appear on the Bianco Map of 1448.


1451                                             Birth of Columbus.


1452                                             Diogo de Teive discovers Flores and Corvo in the Azores.  Other voyages sail to the northwest and southwest of the Azores without any results.


1456                                             Second voyage of Cadamosto and the sighting of the Cape Verde Islands.


1460                                             Death of Prince Henry the Navigator.


1465                                             Probable date of Columbus's first sea voyage.


1469                                             Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella.


1472-74                                   Supposed voyage of Joao Vaz Corte-Real and Alvaro Martins Homen to America.


1472-1475                            Fernando Po reaches the island named after him.


1473                                             Lopo Gonçalves crosses the equator.


1473-1481                            Supposed voyage of Pining, Pothhorst, or Skolp to Greenland.


1474                                             Expedition of Gioffredo Spinola to Chios which may have included Columbus.

            June 25                                    Letter of Paolo del Pozzo Toscanelli to King Afonso V of Portugal on the topic of a westward voyage.


1474-1476                            Fernao Teles unsuccessfully searches the western Atlantic for unknown islands.


1475                                             Second expedition of Gioffredo Spinola to Chios which may have included Columbus.


            May  31                                   Columbus sails on Genoese convoy from Noli to Flanders.

            Aug. 13                                    Pirates attack the convoy about at Cape St. Vincent on the coast of Portugal.  The ship containing Columbus is sunk and he swims to shore and took up residence among the Genoese colony in Lisbon.


1477                                             Columbus serves on a voyage to Iceland and Ireland.


            summer                                    Columbus sails to Madiera to purchase sugar as an agent of the Centurione Bank.


1479                                             Treaty of Alcacovas

            late in year                                Marriage of Columbus to Dona Felipa Perestrello.


1480                                             Birth of Diego, the eldest son of Christopher Columbus by his wife Dona Felipa Perestrello, on the island of Porto Santo, Madiera.


1481                                             Papal Bull Aeterni regis recognizes Portuguese discoveries in West Africa.

                                                            No later than 1481 Columbus corresponded with Paulo del Pozzo Toscanelli.

            late in year                                Portuguese expedition to build the castle of Sao Jorge de Mina on the Guinea coast.


            May                                         Death of Toscanelli.


1482-1483                            Possible dates of Columbus's voyage to El Mina in Guinea.


1482-1484                            Voyage of Diogo Cao to Cape Santa Maria well below the equator.


1483-1484                            Another set of possible dates for Columbus's voyage to El Mina, Guinea.


1484                                             Supposed discovery the Antilles by the Portuguese Antonio Leme.

            late year                                   Columbus presents his Enterprise of the Indies to King João II of Portugal.

                                                            João II declines to pursue the project but maintains cordial

                                                            relations with Columbus.


            mid-year                                   Columbus and his son Diego leave Lisbon for Palos.  Second voyage of Diogo Cao reachs Walvis Bay.


1486                                             Planning of a voyage into the western Atlantic by Fernao Dulmo and Afonso do Estreito which may not have taken place.

            Jan.  20                                    Columbus arrives at Cordova.  He probably meets Beatriz Enriquez de Harana soon after.  Columbus makes contact with his patron Medina Celi.

            c. May 1                                  Columbus first presents his plan for sailing west to Fernando and Isabel.

            Early summer                            First meeting of the Talavera Commission.


            March  1                                  Voyage of Fernando Dulmo.

            May    5                                   Columbus definitely appears on the royal payroll of Spain.

            Aug.                                         Bartolemeu Dias sails for southern Africa.

            Aug.  18                                   Malaga surrenders to Fernando and Isabel.


1488                                             Columbus writes to João II attempting to interest him for a second time in a western voyage to Cathay.

            Jan.                                          Bartolemeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope.

            March 20                                 João II replies to Columbus and invites him to return to Portugal.

            June                                         Columbus disappears from the royal payroll. Returns to Portugal for about two years.

            Late summer                             Birth of Columbus's son Ferdinand by Beatriz de Harana.

            Dec.                                         Bartolemeu Dias returns from discovering the Cape of Good Hope. Columbus in Lisbon at this time.


1490                                             Columbus returns to Spain.

            Late in the year                         Talavera Commission renders unfavorable verdict on the plan of Columbus.


            Summer                                    Columbus visits La Rabida and plans to move to France.

            Aug. or after                             Columbus has new audience with Isabella thanks to Fray Juan Perez.  The plan is once more turned over to a commission for study.


            Jan.   2                                     Fall of Granada.

            Jan.                                          Columbus informed his plan has been rejected, he begins to travel to France when Isabella changes her mind and he is called back.

            Apr.  17                                   Capitulations or Articles of Agreement regarding Columbus's voyage.

            Apr.  30                                   Titulo or Commission of Columbus, letters of credence to foreign potentates, and orders for the outfitting of his fleet.

            May  12                                   Columbus leaves Granada for Palos.

            May  22                                   Columbus arrives at Palos to begin the preparations for his First Voyage.

            Aug. 3                                      Fleet of Columbus departs Palos.

            Aug. 9                                      Columbus sights Canary Islands.

            Sept. 6                                     Columbus departs Canary Islands for the Indies.

            Sept. 25                                   First false sighting of land by the Pinta.

            Oct.   1                                    Crew starts to seriously grumble about turning back.

            Oct. 2-3                                   Petrels sighted, renewing hopes that land is near and calming the crew.

            Oct.   7                                    Second false sighting of land by the Nina.

            Oct.  10                                   Crew on the verge of mutiny and Columbus is barely able to persuade them to continue.

            Oct. 11                                    Columbus makes a false sighting of light at 10:00 PM.

            Oct. 12                                    True sighting of land at 2:00 AM.  Landing and first encounter with the natives takes place later the next day. Followed by several days of sailing among the islands of the Bahamas.

            Oct. 27                                    Mountains of Cuba sighted.

            Oct. 28                                    Landing on Cuba followed by several weeks of cruising the northern Cuban cost.

            Dec.  6                                     Sighting of and landing on Haiti by Columbus.

            Dec. 25                                    Wreck of the Santa Maria.

            Dec. 26                                    Decision to found the settlement of Navidad.


            Jan.  4                                      Columbus departs from Navidad on the Nina.

            Jan.  6                                      Columbus is rejoined by Martin Pinzon and the missing Pinta.

            Jan. 13                                     Encounter with Indians armed with bows and arrows at Samana Bay.

            Jan. 16                                     Departure for Spain.

            Feb. 14                                    Columbus sights the Azores.

            Feb. 26-Mar. 3                        Terrible storm descends on the Nina.

            Mar. 3                                      Portuguese coastline is sighted.

            Mar. 4                                      Columbus lands at Lisbon.

            Mar. 9                                      Meeting with John II takes place.

            Mar. 13                                    Columbus sails from Lisbon for Palos.

            Mar. 15                                    Columbus arrives at Palos.

            Mar. 31                                    Columbus enters Seville to await summons of Fernando and Isabel.

            c. Apr. 7                                  The summons of Fernando and Isabel arrives.

            Apr. 21                                    The audience of Columbus with Fernando and Isabel takes place at the Alcazar in Barcelona.

            Apr. 29                                    Columbus Letter is printed in a Latin translation at Rome.

            May  3                                     Papal Bull of Inter caetera I is issued by Alexander VI.

            May 20                                    Fernando and Isabel confer the right to bear arms or nobility (possession of a coat of arms was a sign of nobility) on Columbus.  They also appoint Columbus captain-general of the new fleet preparing to sail west.

            May 29                                    Fernando and Isabel issue formal instructions for establishing a settlement in the newly discovered lands.

            June 19                                    Papal Bulls Eximiae devotionis and Inter caetera II, which establishes the first line of demarcation between Spain and Portugal, are issued by Alexander VI.

            Sept. 25                                   Beginning of Columbus's second voyage to the New World.

            Sept. 26                                   Papal Bull Dudum siquidem moves the line of demarcation eastward in Spain's favor.

            Nov.  3                                    Arrival of Columbus's fleet at Dominica in the West Indies.

            Nov. 14                                   Columbus lands at St. Croix and has the first fight with natives of the New World, the Carib inhabitants of the island.

            Nov. 22                                   Coastline of Haiti sighted.

            Nov. 27                                   Fleet arrives during the night off the coast where Navidad was located but finds no signs of life although natives are encountered.

            Nov. 28                                   Navidad is found destroyed.


            Jan.  2                                      Settlement of Isabela founded.

            Jan.  6                                      First mass celebrated in the New World. Expedition to find the gold mines of Cibao leaves for the interior under the command of Alonso de Hojeda.

            Jan. 21                                     Hojeda returns having found a small quantity of gold.

            Feb.                                         Columbus prepares memorandum suggesting the enslavement of the Caribs.

            Feb.  2                                     Twelve ships under the command of Antonio de Torres are sent back to Spain.

            Apr.  9                                     Second expedition of Hojeda leaves Isabela.  Hojeda punishes some Indians for stealing and Columbus supports him by first condemning them to death but then relents. Relations with Indians begin to worsen.

            Apr. 24                                    Columbus departs by sea with three caravals for further exploration.

            Apr. 30                                    Columbus begins to explore the southern coast of Cuba.

            Late April- Early May               Bartholemew Columbus sails from Spain with supplies for his brother and the settlers.

            May  3                                     Columbus sails south for Jamaica.

            May  5                                     Jamaica reached but the natives prove hostile.

            May 13                                    Fleet sails from Jamaica for Cuba.

            May 14                                    Fleet arrives at Cuba and sails west.

            June  7                                     Treaty of Tordesillas establishs a more westward line of demarcation between the lands of Spain and the lands of Portugal.

            June 13                                    Reaching Bahia Cortes, Columbus is convinced that southern Cuba is the coastline of the Chinese province of Mangi.  He has his crew sign a declaration  to that effect and then sails back to Hispaniola.

            July 21                                     Columbus sails again from Cuba to Jamaica and explores the southern coast of Jamaica.

            Aug.                                         Hurricane passes by Columbus.

            Sept. 29                                   Arrival at Isabela and Columbus is reunited with his brother Bartholemew.


            Feb.  24                                   Antonio de Torres sails from Isabela for Spain carrying a cargo of Indian slaves.

            Late Feb.-Early Mar.                Cacique Guatiguana gathers a native army to destroy the Spanish.

            Mar.  27                                   Columbus marches his army out and defeats the natives.

            May-Mar.                                The Spanish under Columbus subdue the natives of Hispaniola.  Original native population of 300,000 declined by a third by 1496. It declines further to 60,000 in 1508 and a mere 500 in 1548.

            June                                         An early hurricane destroys Columbus's ships.

            Oct.                                         Fleet under Juan Aguado arrives from Spain with orders to investigate the conduct of Columbus.  Hurricane passes through the area.


            Mar.   10                                  Columbus sails for Spain leaving orders to move the main settlement from Isabela to the site of present-day Santo Domingo.  Columbus also chooses a poor route to Spain which is plagued by contrary winds.

            May    20                                 Columbus reduces rations since the return voyage is going so slow.

            June    8                                   Coastline of Portugal is sighted.

            June   11                                  Fleet arrives at Cadiz.

            Sept.  21                                  Baptism of the first Native American of Hispaniola.

                                                            John Cabot makes an abortive voyage from Bristol but his fearful crew forces him to return before reaching land.


            Apr.   23                                  Fernando and Isabel issue definite orders for Columbus to prepare a third voyage of discovery.

            May                                         John Cabot departs from Bristol seeking the northwest coast of Asia.

            June   24                                  Cabot sights land, probably the coastline of Labrador or Newfoundland.

            July    8                                    Vasco da Gama sails for India.

            August 10                                 Cabot returns to Bristol on or before this date.


            May                                         John Cabot departs on his second voyage across the Atlantic.  He is never seen again. Spanish sources indicate that he or his crew sailed down the eastern coast of North American and  eventually reached the northern coast of South America.

            May    18                                 Vasco da Gama reaches India.

            May    30                                 Columbus leaves Seville on his Third Voyage.

            July    4                                    Columbus departs from the Cape Verdes for the New World.

            July   31                                   Mountains of Trinidad sighted.

            Aug.    1                                   Landing on Trinidad for water.  Mainland of South America sighted.

            Aug.    5                                   Columbus lands on the South American mainland at Ensenada Yacua, the first European landing on the mainland.

            Aug.   13                                  Columbus sails out of the Gulf of Paria into the Caribbean.

            Aug.   19                                  Hispaniola sighted.

            Aug.   22-31                            Columbus sails to Santo Domingo.


            May 18                                    First voyage of Amerigo Vespucci to South America with Alonso de Ojeda and Juan de la Cosa under the Spanish flag. Returns June 1500.

            July                                          First of Vasco da Gama's ships returns from India.


            Mar. 9                                      Pedro Cabral’s fleet departs Portugal for India.

            Apr.   22                                  Pedro Cabral discovers Brazil for Portugal.

            Aug.   23                                  Arrival of Francisco de Bobadilla at Hispaniola to serve as royal commissioner and investigate the condition of the settlement.

            Mid-Sept.                                Cabral reaches Calicut.

            Oct.                                         Columbus sent back to Spain in chains with his brothers.

            End of Oct.                              Columbus arrives in Spain.

            Dec.   12                                  Ferdinand and Isabella order the release of Columbus.

            Dec.   17                                  Columbus and his brothers present themselves to Ferdinand and Isabella at Alhambra in Granada.


            Jan. 31                                     Cabral’s fleet departs Cannanore for Portugal.

            May 13                                    Second voyage of Amerigo Vespucci to South America under the Portuguese flag. Returns July 1502.

            June 23                                    Cabral returns to Lisbon.

            Sept.   3                                   Appointment of Don Nicholas de Ovando as governor of the Indies.


            Feb. 10                                    Vasco da Gama leave Portugal on his second voyage to India.

            Feb.   13                                  Ovando and his fleet sail from Cadiz for the Indies.

            Feb.   26                                  Columbus submits a formal proposal for a Fourth Voyage of Discovery to Fernando and Isabel.

            Mar.   14                                  The Monarchs authorize the Fourth Voyage of which the primary purpose is to find a strait to the East Indies. They provide Columbus with a letter of introduction to Vasco da Gama.

            May    11                                 Columbus departs from Seville on his fourth voyage to America.

            May    25                                 Columbus begins the ocean crossing from Grand Canary.

            June   15                                  Arrival at Martinique.

            June   29                                  Columbus calls at Santo Domingo to warn Governor Ovando of an approaching  hurricane.

            June   30                                  Hurricane strikes and destroys most of Ovando's fleet.

            July   14                                   Columbus leaves Hispaniola to begin his new explorations.

            July   30                                   Columbus sights Bonacca Island off the coast of Honduras.

            Oct. 3                                      Gama’s fleet destroys the Miri in the  Indian Ocean.

            Oct.    6-16                              Columbus’s Fleet stays at Chiriqui Lagoon.  There the natives inform the Spanish that the region is part of an isthmus leading the Spanish to conclude that they are close to the Golden Chersonese.

            Oct.   17                                  Columbus sails south again and reaches the gold producing region of Veragua.

            Oct. 18                                    Gama arrives at Cannanore.

            Nov. 10-23                              Columbus reaches the future site of Nombre de Dios.


            Jan. 3-6                                    Columbus sails to Belen River.  Its natural harbor provides a good base  for the exploration of Veragua and trade with the local Guaymi Indians.

            Late Feb.                                 Columbus begins construction of a permanent settlement and the Indians become increasingly hostile.

            Late Feb. to Early Mar.            Gama sails from Cochin for Portugal.

            Apr. 6                                      Columbus Fleet prepares to sail off when the Indians unsuccessfully attack the Spanish settlement.  The Indians manage to ambush Diego Tristan, captain of the Capitana while he was attempting to take on fresh water and kill him and his crew.

            Apr.  16                                   Columbus abandons his settlement in the face of opposition from the local tribes.

            May    1                                   Columbus sails northward from the Gulf of Darien.

            May   12                                  Columbus reaches Cuba and is hit by storms.

            June  23                                   Columbus heads for Jamaica and reaches Puerto Bueno (Dry Harbor).

            June  25                                   Columbus beaches his worm-eaten ships at Puerto Santa Gloria (St. Ann's Bay).  Columbus and his men are marooned on Jamaica until 29 June 1504.

            July   8                                     Diego Mendez makes a canoe trip across the open water for three days to reach Cuba and Hispaniola in an attempt to get help for Columbus and his men on Jamaica.

            Aug.                                         Mendez reaches Governor Ovando and asks him to rescue Columbus on Jamaica.  But Ovando does nothing for months.

            Oct. 11                                    Vasco da Gama returns to Portugal ending his second voyage to India.


            Jan.   2                                     Porras brothers mutiny against Columbus and leave for Hispaniola.  They fail and return to Jamaica.

            Feb.  29                                   Columbus uses an eclipse of the Moon to frighten the Indians into continuing to supply the Spanish with food.

            March 24                                 Francisco de Almeida, the first viceroy of India, departs from Portugal for India.

            May   19                                  Battle on Jamaica between followers of Columbus and those of the Porras brothers. Columbus is victorious.

            June  29                                   Mendez sends ships to rescue Columbus on      Jamaica.

            Aug.  13                                   Columbus reachs Santo Domingo.

            Sept. 12                                   Columbus sails for Spain.

            Nov.   7                                   Columbus arrives at Sanlucar de Barrameda.

            Nov.  26                                  DEATH OF QUEEN ISABEL.


1505                                             Portuguese discover Madagascar.

            Jan.   1                                     Columbus decides to give up his efforts to regain the governorship of Hispaniola.

            May                                         Columbus has an unsuccessful audience with King Fernando at Segovia.


            May  19                                   Columbus makes his last will and testament.

            May  20                                   Death of Columbus.


1507                                             Afonso de Albuquerque captures Hormuz but is unable to hold it.


1508                                             Ponce de Leon conquers Puerto Rico.

Mameluke-Gujarati alliance against the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean.


            Feb. 3                                      Battle of Diu.


            March-Nov.                             Albuquerque captures and defends Goa.


1511                                             Diego de Velázquez conquers Cuba.

            July                                          Albuquerque captures Malacca.

                                                            Albuquerque sends Francisco de Serrao to visit the Moluccas.


1513                                             Albuquerque besieges Aden but fails to capture it.

            Sept. 25                                   Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean.


1515                                             Albuquerque captures Hormuz.

            Dec. 15                                    Death of Albuquerque.


1517                                             Expedition of Francisco de Cordoba to the Yucatan.


1518                                             Expedition of Juan de Grijalva to the Yucatan and Mexico.

                                                            Portuguese establish a fortress/factory on Ceylon.


1519                                             Foundation of Panama.

            Feb. 18                                    Cortes sails from Santiago, Cuba for the Yucatan.

            Sept. 20                                   Magellan begins his voyage of circumnavigation by sailing from Sanlucar de Barrameda.

            Nov. 8                                     Cortes meets Montezuma outside of Tenochtitlan.


            June 30                                    Death of Montezuma.

            July 1                                       La Noche Triste, Cortes flees from Tenochtitlan.

            Oct. 21                                    Magellan’s fleet enters the Straits of Magellan.

            Nov. 27                                   Magellan enters the Pacific Ocean.


            March 6                                   Magellan reaches Guam.

            April 27                                    Magellan killed on Mactan Island.

            Aug. 13                                    Tenochtitlan surrenders to Cortes.


1522                                             Voyage of Pascual de Andagoya down the Pacific coast of South America.

            Sept. 6                                     Sebastian Elcano completes Magellan’s circumnavigation and reaches Sanlucar de Barrameda.


            April 9                                      Vasco da Gama sails to India on his third voyage.

            Early Sept.                               Gama arrives in India.

            Dec. 24                                    Death of Gama in India.

            Nov. to 1525                           Pizarro’s first voyage in search of Peru.


1526-1528                            Pizarro’s second voyage in search of Peru.


            March 27                                 Charles V grants the Welser bankers a patent to settle in Venezuela.


            Dec. 27                                    Pizarro’s third voyage to Peru begins.


            May 16                                    Pizarro marches from Tumbez seeking Atahualpa.

            Nov. 16                                   Spanish capture Inca Emperor Atahualpa at Cajamarca.


            July 26                                     Execution of Atahualpa.

            Nov. 13                                   Pizarro occupies Cuzco.


1534                                             Portuguese build fortress at Diu.

                                                            Jacques Cartier’s first voyage to North America.


1535-1536                            Jacques Cartier’s second voyage to North America.


1535-1537                            Revolt of Manco Inca.


1536-1537                            Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada explores and conquers Columbia and the Chibchas.


1538                          Ottomans capture Aden.

            July 8                                       Hernando Pizarro executed Diego Almagro.


            May 18                                    Hernando de Soto departs Cuba to explore and conquer La Florida.


            Feb.                                         Beginning of Francisco de Coronado’s expedition into the lands north of Mexico.


1541-1543                            Third voyage of Cartier to North America and the voyage of Roberval.


            Feb.                                         Gonzalo Pizarro begins his expedition to search for the Land of Cinnamon and El Dorado.

            May 8                                      Soto discovers the inland Mississippi River.

            July 26                                     Almagrists assassinate Francisco Pizarro.

            Dec. 26                                    Francisco de Orellana separates from Gonzalo Pizarro and begins his trip down the Napo River to the Amazon.


            Spring                                      Coronado expedition returns to Mexico.

            May 21                                    Death of Soto in Arkansas.

            Aug. 26                                    Orellana sails from the mouth of the Amazon River into the Atlantic Ocean.


            Sept. 10                                   Survivors of Soto expedition reach Panuco, Mexico.


1562                                             Jean Ribaut attempts first French settlement at Port Royal.

                                                            John Hawkins’ first slaving expedition to the West Indies.


1564                                             Second French attempt to establish at North American settlement at St. John’s River.

                                                            John Hawkins’ second slaving expedition to the West Indies.


1565                                             Spanish forces attack and destroy the French settlements in the Florida region.


            Oct. 2                                      John Hawkins leave Plymouth on his third slaving voyage to the West Indies.


            Sept. 23                                   Battle at San Juan de Ulua between the English of John Hawkins and the Spanish.


            June 24                                    Spanish forces capture Vilcabamba.


            Dec. 13                                    Drake departs Plymouth on his voyage of circumnavigation.


            Sept. 26                                   Drake returns to Plymouth after sailing around the world.


1584-1590                            Sir Walter Ralegh’s Roanoke Colony.


            May-June                                 Ralegh’s first voyage to Guiana.


1617-1618                            Ralegh’s second voyage to Guiana.