One Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-One
Pixelated Squares Aligned Precisely
In the
⎆ & ⏎
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands
Of Far-Away Arkansas
A Woman Strikes a Pose
in the
Warm Sea
° ° °
Coney Island NYC | 11 August 2016
Know This:
Her pure presence
the standing water
S H E willfully provokes
and then » over the edge
& swearing
emotional commotion
ashes in the eye
their comingled fire
— hag + man —
raises up the D E M O N
gives sustenance 2 lunacy
the first time ever
the man invokes
° ° °
invokes the name of Yeshua
commands: Go Away! Go Now!
S H E D I D ,
the hag
go away to a Profane Suite
where S H E hangs gray gloom
fog the fog of Madness
The Rebel, oscillating, mutters
from a perch in his Opposite Loft:
she'll Kill me, the cronish hag,
Kill me stroke ° heart attack Kill me
yes but
make it » the Other Side
household destroyed
curled in a fetal ball
N O ! not this time
deflect the disturbance
assaults be gone all gone
& doable too
grace, delivered gracefully
from an unknowable distant haven
nameless powerful resonant mystery
° ° °
ask » open to all
[ is it sinful to act alone ? ]
[ is it permissible to doubt ? ]
The Madness was hot upon him.
but then
a Benevolent Watcher is heard to shout:
Go to the Well.
Fetch the leaden Ladle.
Drink deeply of the Water of Life.
Raise up a shield
for the sure arrival
of your hankish hag.
Portrait of a Cannonball
• • •
death from above
by concave irregular polygon
• • •
Corvus Studio | Hiems 2025
first envisioned by
Robertus de Fluctibus | 1626
Meteorologia Cosmica
Night Riders
1 Horse + 3 Torches
A Hatred Lasting for Generations
a prophet speaks
“the evening sacrifice commences with bursting forth of praise 'n worship — let your name be lifted up O Lord tongues, harmony of song clapping of hands impartation of familiars fill the place O Lord fill it with your glory & the prophet prophesizes his prophecy ... given in order & now ... the set man claps his hands together Praise God we're here to have fellowship but mainly we're here to come into the presence of the Lord we're here to Redeem The Tithe pray for the anointing let ourselves be lost Redeem The Tithe”
A Journal
Harry Pierce | 4 March 1988
The Romance of Rosy Ridge
[and on & on & on]
Ballet Dancer
Corvus Studio | Winter 2025
Chorus Girl with Guitar
To Catch a Singing Star
It Pays to Go Hollywood
Corvus Studio | Winter 2025
1 0 8 + 1 = p r i m e
Given the Music of the Spheres
bells, too — a wonderful surprise —
she with studious eyes wishes
for her first solo bow
it never comes,
her chrisom-clad bow —
just echoes and the River
Ancient Voices of Children.
Strings on her instrument
stretch as a papier-mâché mirage
while …
up front …
brilliant acclaimed Stars
dance to the music of Stravinsky,
stretched strange by the émigré conductor,
tears dying before they can fall.
3 easy pieces
stretching 1hundred&8 years
not so easy
hard lesson to learn
The Equation
A FlatScreen Universe
“ ♖ livlihood ♖ justice ♖ police ♖ armed forces ♖ ”
resistance becomes nigh impossible
“ indoctrinate + manipulate ⤏⤏⤏ false consciousness ”
Let some in earshot dare
" name the otherwise unnameable "
… knowing …
nothing no one shall be absolved
⚵ manipulate ⚵ manipulate ⚵ manipulate ⚵
thank you
H. Marcuse | 1964
Stability ⍕ Synergy ⍕ Structure
1 Chunk of Complexity
Corvus Studio | The Ozark Highlands
[ 3P-Op Merged ]
Waste Time. Tie Knots.
Circle ’round the melting pots.
Twist it strong.
Go to hellkins back again.
Melt the edge ⇶ destructive fires
mean as Hell intent
mean intent.
Unrarefied talk.
ears mute,
language not known
cries of broken winders
shattered —
or the foreigners,
circle-ing 'neath Gateway Arch.
What good ancient knowledge
the tying together of things?
Way too
⋽ messy ⋽ disinterested ⋽ wasted
Egyptian, Babylonian, Celtic
random strings of heritage
gone gone gone.
977 x 1499
A Template for the World Wide Web
Corvus Studio | 10 December 2024
17 x 1616 red
431 163
17 x 1616 red
863 157
17 x 929 blue
191 397
17 x 929 blue
181 1193
17 x 929 blue
191 1597
977 x 1499 w/o grid
977 x 1129 w/ grid
Our Stereochemical Hound
Born in the Labortary
Rising to a Moment of Fame
Corvus Studio | 28 November 2024
Our hound is born in the universe of experimental organic chemistry.
In the laboratory, she somehow became a thing known as twisted ABO — & the scientists are impressed! They say she may be able to help them synthesize things.
as the scientists announced on a prominent platform, our Stereochemical Hound wins First Prize in the Anti-Bredt Olefin category — a rare breed for sure. We're happy for this fine little creature.
A Twist Away
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Grape Soda
All the Way
Southampton PA
Corvus Studio | Late Autumn 2024
“The contradictions are everywhere,” Matteo Villa said.
“It's a complicated issue,” Vivian Cox Fraser said.
“There were too many of them,” Afonya said.
Thursday 15 January 1980
Little Keith Laughs & Cries
Seawyth at Borth
I wasn't lying, you see, so I couldn't trip myself up.
One day the right woman will come along & Little Keith will have both a mother and a father.
When I left nick, the parson said your house is like a shed.
When they was layin’ there screwin,’ Little Keith was on the bed, bouncin’ up & down.
No dope. My God, my gawd, I’ll just have to gas myself.
The barrister — he was a real bastard. He was sayin’ what all he thought a father should be, that little Keith should see father as being the provider, making the money, planning for the holiday.
I told the magistrate that a father should laugh with his little one when he wants to laugh, stand by him when he wants to cry.
When they find 4 million quid of dope, they wouldn't burn it, would they? It's like finding an open check.
Little Keith's all right when I've got somebody in bed with me, on the rare occasion some chick stays with me. He enjoys it, really.
It's not worth having children if you can't be honest with them.
I got total custody. I have a social worker who comes and takes a peek, but I've told her how I feel about social workers, about systems.
The chances of Wendy getting him are next to nothing. The picture that was painted of Wendy in court ……… I don't think anyone would let her go near him.
I wrote to Little Keith when I was in nick.
They don't go just by what is happening now, but what will be best for the future.
It's different back then, cause your thoughts get crowded by prison bars. This one guy promised to beat Wendy's boyfriend.
I always sign my things love and peace, or peace and sunshine, all these things.
Little Keith's not short of anything, not anything.
Hummm. A mum? Well yea.
Who do we know that has any dope? No one in Borth. It's a bad state of affairs.
Shall we go up the road?
You're in the chalet, aren't you?
No, not yet. I'm still moving around.
Look at this postcard of a robin. I said I send you this card because I thought you might have forgotten what one looked like.
No problem. The next dole check always comes.
The baby’s playing on the floor at the other side of the door, and if you choose to break it in, it's your responsibility.
The Welsh have been goin’ ‘round burning holiday houses, haven't they?
I live here. There's no way I'm going to leave here. If they threw me out, I'd come back and burn it down. No one else will live here.
8 quid a week.
What’s Welsh for I can see rainbows in your eyes, darlin’?
I’ll be in the pub ‘tween now ‘n then. You can always buy me a drink.
I’m just like you, spinning around in circles, going nowhere. They’ll be comin’ ‘round soon to see what’s happenin’ now that the sun’s gone down.
Prometheus the Robber
A Fiery Crash in Service of Humanity
719 B.C. • 1953 • 2024
— History can be cruel — Despite all of this — The modern field — Desire to roll — He used his — and here, — In this book — We are currently — It is now — These records are — I would add — [then do] — There are many — In an attempt — The transformation — If much gets — Big Ideas — What is — Gain a grip — Understand — I begin in — [not me] — In the — In — Both — A Golden Age! — Individual scientists — For all the — While we are —
The book you hold in your hands.
We can begin anywhere.
d h g h e m
Universal Pictures | 25 May 1953
bridegroom | chameleon | homicide
Antelope of the Great Plains
Intimations of a Petroglyph
Southwest USA
dark marker on craquelure
Ketchup. Blood.
“I grabbed a towel and started wiping the ketchup off the wall to help the valet out,” Cassidy said.
“There's blood all over these walls. I feel very uncomfortable. I'm going to leave,” Jake said.
“I think now it’s all calm and quiet, but it’s not calm and quiet. When it gets dark, the devils come out, the ones there, over the border,” Kateryna said.
Stacy • Heart • Love
A Mysterious Thing
Bridge o'er the River Kiamichi
Pushmataha County in Oklahoma USA
18 March 2016
River Man
First Mate on a Work Boat
The Cumberland River at Nashville
— The Monarch in Flight —
For Repast, She Visits the Garden.
• • •
The Rural Ozark Highlands of Western Arkansas
5 October 2024
Long is the course. Food oft scarce.
pausing at a welcoming waystation,
she dines on nectar-laden flowers of the Lantana,
powering another leg
of a determined Monarch's relentless migrant's flight.
Now at the edge of Arkansas,
soon o'er eastern Oklahoma,
all the way high above Texas,
to rest,
at the last,
in the warmth of Old Mexico.
Two Monarchs visited yesterday.
We wonder: Are they mated?
Fare thee well, you high flying beauties!
May your continuing journey be safe and eventful.
The Directions Man
Turned Around, We Asked for Help.
He obliged.
Rural Pennsylvania near State Hwy 92
13 August 2009
Caught between Worlds End & Millview
like the riot squad
we need somewhere to go
Autumn Leaf & Bandana
Tulip Poplar outside Corvus Studio
in the
Rural Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
30 September 2024
Clone with Confidence
“We also offer solutions for automation, site-directed mutagenesis, as well as your favorite restriction enzyme, ligase or competent cell products. When you are looking to clone with confidence, think of NEB.”
Woe be to those of us with incompetent cell products.
A Brothel
Saigon South Viet Nam
Ho Chi Minh City
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
It was war. One had to make her way. Family above all else.
The Rape of Orithyia
Swept Away by Boreas
In a Fit of Icy-Cold Passion
Marshville in Missouri USA
20 May 2017
There is no rime nor is there reason.
Hear the ringing of the chimes?
The raging of the waves?
All is lost. All is lost.
Gone forever.
The Wedding Party
Somewhere Blue on the Summer Equinox
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
8 September 2024
Some Say
The Crushed Fragments
Draw Cosmic Energy
Into the Busy Soil.
The Paramagnetic Rock
Bonds Deep.
The Industry Went Outta Biz.
The Rural Ozark Highlands
4 August 2024
This is the moment.
All we have.
Could be worse.
Time Inserts a Stopping Point
• Like the Mayfly •
00 | ? | Back Then
Nothing Lasts. Nothing Lasts at All.
Crow with 5 Boxes
The Ozark Highlands of Western Arkansas
26 August 2024
We Hoot You Down!
Strega La Vecchia
Be Released upon the Foe.
Central Europe | August 2024
The Old Religion
She was purported to be
“one of the blackest sorceresses of all time” • • • but she is long gone, existing as a work of art, purloined & printed on a Holy Tarot card.
her practitioners remain.
When doth the Black Art become the White Art? Can we condemn the sorcery of technology when she repels aerial attacks from the invader? Why not salute the brave La Vecchia and her youthful acolyte practitioners? Spell, repel, it all be the same.
When? Ever?
Mother Goddess shall protect her own.
• • •
The in-between exists as The Grey Illusion.
• • •
A Merciless Legion's drones are driven down to the soil & fall, dehorned, upon the wastelands of the village,
and not as many die there,
& let be it known
the drones fail & flounder
by way of power from an Old Religion,
the anti-missiles, replenished by Anaka, Spirit of Necessity,
[ maybe some other Familiar or 2 ]
must alway' be an instrument of the Black Art, drowning eternally in the blood of Humankind.
So be it. Work, Bucha Witches. Work hard to protect those precious things you believe are worth your blood. Repel your invader.
Lady M of Saint Louis,
Strega La Vecchia,
sends a txt, tells us [ here at the Hacienda ] THAT her Art is a learned family thing, goin’ way back afar than the meddlesome drones. The drones. Drones be damned. The Olden Times are Now.
All Stop
‘We Are Not Going Back’
Yonkers, New York | 1 May 2016
A Great Tower
Manhattan NYC USA | 10 August 2016
The Direction Home
Here Once Lived
the Powerful & the Rich
Broken Bow in Oklahoma U S A | 13 May 2008
The Argument against Equal Income
the young man wished life could be a non-stop movie show and he the changeling celluloid hero
if everyone were a star there would be no stars and if each citizen earned equal income then ladders to the heavens would fall strivers would have no ascending rungs to climb and therefore when the fried chicken dinner was served with mashed potatoes and white gravy too
the wishbone was nowhere to be found no wishes were snapped and the city lights hid the first stars none of the twinklers appeared to the desperate wishers
the land became a mist without wishes & the young man's undiscovered soul & his shattered innocence became a terrible intertwined force it strangled his sense of hope SO THAT solitude encroached enveloped erased & he wondered:
Why should I be among the legion of survivors?
• Watchers of the Damned •
yes but
Who Shall They Watch Tonight?
Corvus Studio | The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
The Crowd | 1928 | Warner Bros
The End Is Nigh
[ so they say ]
So Comes the Rule
Zero One Zero One Zero One
The Ozark Highlands | Twenty-Twenty Four
0 1
State Fair | 1933
[ now showing in bytes ’n bits ]
cow • race horse • bulldog
strange times
3 Deckhands at Rest
The Bow of the Cyril A Bahr
[ a workboat ]
On The Cumberland River
Tennessee in the Summertime | 1978
September 1
On the Tennessee, wide & calm, headin’ for Cairo » » »
off watch, stuck in a deckhand's deck-side room, the odors raunchy & the fears insecure, having just dropped eight barges from the tow at Paducah before rearranging the others, having eaten Little Bill's greasy fries ’n puppies ’n fish in a steamy galley, & having sat in the pilot house as Cap’n Thomas Albert Strong steered her through Lock 53 » »»
Admiring the colors ’n shapes of the lights on the wavy water before walking down below, far from the pilot house, I sought to snatch [ on the water's edge ] a few hours sleep afore dawn.
Fog forced us yesterday to tie-off 4 hours in darkness, and while tied to a tree on the right bank, we tossed a half-dozen sacks of stinking garbage into the river at Cap’n Strong’s suggestion. Then, with naught else to do, we [ some of us ] gathered in the pilot house to talk.
Cap’n told a tale of his pilot’s license exam at the office of the Coast Guard when, having successfully passed all but one part, he heard the tester ask about the last part: “If you saw one of your men throwing garbage into the river, or pumping the bilge water into the river, would you report him?”
“No, I sure wouldn't.”
Coast Guard tester:
“You mean you wouldn't report an obvious violation?”
“Now what kind of feller do you think I'd be, reportin' my own man? Naw, I wouldn't tell. I'm no snitch.”
Tester sez:
“Well, I can't pass you. You’ll have to come back and take the test again.”
Another Coast Guard tester in the exam room, an acquaintance of the Cap’n, sez:
“Aw, I know he’d tell, wouldn't you, Mr. Strong?
“Naw, I wouldn't tell.”
Other tester:
“Aw yea you'd tell.”
“Aw, allright. I'd probably report it. I'd get on the phone and call you right up.”
First tester:
“Will you swear on it?”
“Well, hell no. I don't swear on nothin. What you mean, swear on it!”
Second tester:
“But he'd report it. I know he would.”
First tester:
“Alright. I'll pass him.”
Warrior Crow
10 July 2024
Roger Corman's Gothic Bird
The Raven | Universal Pictures | 1963
A Dime for Your Thoughts
[ 1 9 4 3 ]
one is a torch & one is a branch of the oak tree & one is a branch of the olive tree didn't know 'till we looked it up and then on second glance we spy a pair of stars hallelujah!
That's Our Rocks
We have no sea,
no crashing waves,
and yet
we remember.
p a u s e
We stand & walk
on the ragged bed of an ancient sea,
She • • the Sea • • leaves to us
p a u s e
signs 'n symbols,
imprints in stone
of aqatic creatures [ from long ago ]
p a u s e
I love it!
Szovjet Tankok!
Fly Away!
So Demanded the Dreamy Doves
of the
Alliance of Free Democrats
° ° °
So Long Ago
° ° °
Györ in Magyar Land | November 1990
This is a long piece.
Too long to read for sure.
Give up now.
Szovjet Tankok couldn't fly — we knew that — but, nonetheless, they
one day
rumbled on worn tracks all the way home to Mother Russia.
Give up now.
“So,” he reports, “the day has begun.
A resounding exclamation.”
Having witnessed Éthosz és Pátosz at the Györ Ballet, the Visitor raises the two hands of approval for the Artist Markó & joins a resounding rhythmic applause from the hardened hands of patrons • • • in a full house • • • on a cold night • • • applause for the creation of a tale by dancers and musicians, stagehands, too — everyone making it up, all verve and vigilance and sureity
the Visitor bemoans Markó’s messages: the firmly entrenched spirit of submission, the dead-on-arrival aspiration to experience just one realization of a mystery the Magyars call freedom
s z a b a d sá g
the ultimate escape from the Oppressor.
Hunched over, unwilling to fill-in the hole, all too ready to gloss over the Void with coats of fresh, old, familiar dyes
THEYcut out the Red Star to reveal a mere hole. Cut it out! Nothing there but another wall.
“They will do nothing with freedom," the Visitor, cynical, said. "They'll become, instead, consumers and materialists.”
We see
the mature Ballet Master, a comrade of good standing,
turning the crank again,
the crank which grinds with a weary elegance.
We see
Markó's worn and practiced form, & we absolve [ to see ] the electricity firing through his muscle and bone … Markó, ignited again to create an episode in the tired march of collectivist history, & the recycling refrain, o'er & oe'r & oe'r, the refrain » individual fate » individual fate
[ some such thing they repeat themselves all the time how did we ever get here? ].
The Visitor
wanted enthusiastic resolution of the moment
N O W damit
wanted a portal into the Risen Promise, the New Land of Great Adventures in Revolution,
freshly won.
Wasn't the Soviet encampment nearby? the Stern Doorman whispered. When would the garrison roll away? Not yet, all whisper. But soon. Soon.
i n s t e a d
Markó, callous, hands to the Visitor a severed Self,
displayed on a plate of thick,
cracked ceramic. [ the East Germans, Károly said, make outstanding ceramics ]
The curtain of iron dissolves in the acids of bodies, dead and mangled in the heights above the Blue Danube all the way back in ’56 — o'er 3 decades of socialist dissolution would pass afore the Magyars, a dozen million strong, decide to step out of the hole left by the Red Star and enter into partnership with a seductive new entity named The West. [ that's a lot of wind, lotta wind ]
After the Curtain of Iron dissolves
[ shaka when the walls fell ]
another curtain, massive, swaying slowly, ever wavering, scarlet in hue, rises up to claim the Void,
and it becomes, this NEW CURTAIN,
swaddle for necktied politicians,
purpose for uniformed enforcers, especially those recruited from within the tribe,
the whorish dolls with their collaborative jewels and corrupt jowls,
and the Slavic conquerors in their hats of trophy fur, their jack boots and their grubbing manners,
and everyone's hopeful intellectual apologist with they justifications, and they refined vodkas, and they heaving hot breath.
At the end, as in the beginning, are the dancers, hunched over strands of peoples, shuffling with practiced grace toward the light at the end of the tunnel.
That's true. The Visitor witnessed it. Károly was watching nearby, taking his mental notes. “Seriously, though,” the Matron say. » » » Who is watching who doesn't matter most days. The tunnel is just ahead. Markó's Stage Mæstroes are projecting it onto the curved wall, a yellow light shown a’comin´ from the far end. Yeth, it works, dis old canard: The Light at the End of the Tunnel.
Judit Gombár scenic designer
Dear After The Change,
My hope WAS THAT Markó conceived and wrote down Éthosz és Pátosz before the slipping away of the Old System.
She, my true love, and I, her true love, discussed impressions WHICH the creator's artistry had seared on wet plates, like a beam, a beam, & we came to tentative conclusions: Markó's ballet is a post-revolution statement about a great Magyar tribe too weary to dance in joyous celebration, a people too familiar with The Oppressor's shadow TO BE ABLE to race away into warm rays of freedom. O man that's so much bulls**t. & sometimes bulls**t is true.
Instead, we have an elevated survivor, for whom the vanquished Old System built a palace in Györ for the propagation of his Art • • • Markó, standing alone ’neath the spotlight • • • dredges of the old ways swirling in murky eddies 'round the dancing man's gifted feet.
Was it an accident that Markó left one of his dancing shoes on the stage? The shoe rested askew in the shadows as the old master drifted, minus a slipper, into the dark dénouement.
Was it the Gnostic masque of dissimulation THAT ALLOWED HIM to prosper under Occupation, or was it Markó’s raw talent rising above it all • • • or was it shrewd and cynical collaboration?
But there he danced, the mature warrior, solitary, alone, mocking, mocking and somber.
On one level of a many-layered work of Art, Markó encapsulated the history of his tribe — submission, brief flights of freedom, violent suppression, incendiary refusal to assimilate — so much, too much for a visitor from way away to witness without falling into passion and bewilderment. Wasn't Markó showing the Oppressor a display of contempt Rossisky could not comprehend?
There at the end, Markó, like his thirty-three Magyar dancers on stage, struck an unbowed, heart-broken stance amidst the diminishing applause. The Dance was done on the Györ stage. In the year nineteen ninety, winter just ahead. With the enemy retreating. The time of After The Change begins.
With L.V.X., I remain,
your most humble • • • • £
A Boy Dreams of a Prize
One Quarter Wagered
At the Tonka Dragline Arcade
Arkansas State Fair | Little Rock
October 1971
4-Leaf Clover with Circles
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
Rural Washington County Arkansas
3 May 2024
The am fades away
fades I broke
[ as in ]
ain't got no money
I broke
am away
away am doo fly
[ T. S. ]
Erté and the Petunia
One Wards Away Evil Spirits,
Opening a Gateway 4 Butterflies 'n Bees.
As for the Other Stylish Other,
It Be Said … He Made Be … Jazz Moderne.
[ a beautiful thing ]
Corvus Studio | Today in the U.S.A.
A Creation of the Botanists
at Pan American Seed
Acquired at a Garden Nursery in the City
Given an Identity Way Back in 1803
Antoine Laurent de Jussieu.
Psyche on the Sugarberry
Ridin' the Breeze of Zephyrus,
She Flies due East toward Shy Eros.
[ Big Trouble Is Dead Ahead ]
We spy a self in the heartwood
the spalted grain draws a tale
of a woman caught in the snares of love
ridin' the West Wind to Paradise
[ or to a living hell ]
Celtris laevigata
Certified All-’round
Coated with Vegetable-and/or LAC-Resin Based Wax.
wunst u get 2 it » it b tasty
Chobani with Bandana
Strawberry • Banana • Dog Bones
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands
“Junior was a wheeler-dealer. He lived to buy cheap and turn a profit. And he took many victims that way, including his sons and other family members. But they just couldn't tell him no. Dropping knives was something he practiced to acquire more knives from his friends and family. He loved everyone and was loved by all, including those nephews with minor cuts to their toes.”
The Dioxygen Generation
[ a - tom - o - city indivisible absolutely ]
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands
26 March 2024
We ought to stick to our plans — the museum, the movie, the riverboat — ride the crest of an age nearing extinction & bellowing in a continuous clatter
Room! Room! More room!
A man walks up, says Pardon me chap Save me a seat When I return & get back let’s converse, speak about the obvious it's the only way … the Great Masses, by in large mind you, THEY use their talk as THEY use their precious planet:
C R U D E L Y .
“Think I ought to flash those workers out there?” say she. “Moon ’em?”
Workers have gathered on the beams rising above them. She looks, they look, she sez, “I could come up here by myself.”
“But Nureyv is so close. He's forty years old. He might be dancing his last year.” She pauses, doubts it. “Don't you remember in June when we were makin’ love & I told you I wanted to sleep with Michael.” He remembered. Sure. Salacious stuff a plenty [ yes but ] he swears to secrecy, holds to the oath.
Naw you wouldn't want to do that, he tells her.
She reads a newspaper offer of whole houses to buy, only one thousand five hundred dollars on the spot & it's yours! He said we'd be urban pioneers. We'd stake out our space, erect defenses.
She »» “Get four or five dogs.”
He »» Yes. And wear guns & knives, ’n have knives sticking outta our car. To last around here, we'd need to look like we’re bad.
Just like that, flashes of Da Nang, lookin’ into the tops of de buildings, fearing bulletmen from distant towers, mad snipers … ’n you … just being at the unfortunate time ’n place. Pure coincidence. Pure chance. Pure death.
Fawning, he grows darkly, flesh crawls. Paranoia. Green clumps of bacteria dig into every pore. He removes his body from public view she can go where she damn well please on the beams even the beams.
The Journals of Harry Pierce
Volume II | Some Time Past
Orange Crush with Dog & Sun
[ Please Remember to Breathe ]
Corvus Studio in the Ozark Highlands
Crow the Messenger Bird
Her Wing Is Broken
She Finds Sanctuary
3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
10 March 2024
She arrived as a surprise, a most welcome creature, now residing in the Sun Room of Corvus Studio. Six days and five nights now she remains, adjusting.
Long I sought a relationship with a crow, calling out to one or another of the swift fliers as they raced o'er the trees on errands unbeknownst to us. They went their way & we ours & then, afterward, we acknowldged their separateness and admired their power to rise high into the heavens.
Cherokee Woman and Child brought Crow to us, having rescued her from an urban setting of uncertainty and danger. Her right wing is broken. The wound on her right leg begins to heal after treatment by the Medicine Woman of the Hacienda.
“How do you know she is a she?” asked Child about the Messenger.
Don't know. Chose one or the other, male or female. You have a fifty-fifty chance to get it right. Should we be mistaken, Crow's gender to us shall change in an instant. Crow shall be AndroGynous from that moment forward. For now, let us call her she.
Crow brings an important message, unfolding hour by hour in the long twilight. Messages of import come, once in a decade or so, at the swirling nexus of our ongoing Union, a bonding wrought by Blood and tempered by Time.
The messages come, even now, because I listen and act — and frankly, to digress, I like the Capitals because they speak an old language of appropriate emphasis and value. This hast li'l to do with Crow but it’s text mere text on a Scroll without end.
For Crow, we create a safe, nurturing space, evolving through patient labor and observation. Crow listens as I sing to her & learns to navigate the strange space. & Love guides. We begin to reach an agreement. She is hungry and thirsty, needs a place to stay. We oblige.
Thank you, Crow, for your presence. You set us on a different course on the cusp of another Springtime in the ancient hills of the Ozarks. You remind an old traveler of the Unity shared by Bird & Man, natural elements of a Mystery & a Quest.
As for those things, mysteries and quests, musn't we find our own way, alone mostly, though sometimes tightly linked to the new and the vital? Yes, for sure. When the Message comes, abide. Agreement ist not necessary. As for the rest, we shall see. We shall see.
Shayla Hyde The Enchanted
A Professional Wrestler
Sherman, Texas | 18 March 2016
Shayla worked in a factory
She wasn't history
She's just a number
One day she gets her final pay
And away she goes far away
Blondie 1979
Ford Truck with Rust
Radiator • Hood • Ornament • Grille
An Eastern Oklahoma Backroad | 16 April 2016
We ‘real’ Americans
let us permit ourselves
some hearty episodes
Let us rant and shout.
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Target on Dada's Dandy
Mute Him! Crush the Voiceless! Now!
Paris in France by Way of the Ozark Highlands
1920 & 2024
Idiots? Morons? What's da Dif'erence?
For You to Love Something,
[ or someone ]
You need to see her
[[ or him ]]
[[[ or they ]]]
and hear
for a long time
[ ages even ]
his face, her words
they heart
& Spirit
[ all ]
the captured bytes circa 2024 of a placard created long time ago by Francis Picabia 1879-1953 for a Dada event in Paris France 1920 so Corvus Studio created a fresh expression of an old movement whose ideas reverberate and penetrate the volksgeist NOW or so you might wonder & for you to like something you must have seen it and heard it for a long time a bunch of idiots & you ask is idiot more offensive than moron to political correctness question mark the guy standing dere with a target o'er his privates is André Breton
more here dan meets de eye but who hast de time
Leaping into the Flames,
She Dances
Leap Day 2024
The Fire Burns Hot ’n Bright
3 Dog Acres in the Ozark Highlands
Dancing Flame #5
too many people
too many yachts & private jets
too many wars
“Let him cry. Let him cry. Maybe some of the gin will run out of his eyes.”
Reuleaux's Triangle
The All-Seeing Eye of Providence
Saint Rose of Lima
Most Precious Blood Catholic Church
San Luis, Colorado | 3 June 2009
When She Passed
The Sweet Aroma of Cradled Roses
Wafted through the Sad City
[ they say the blossoms fell from the sky ]
[ [ healing the leper ] ]
Sangre de Cristo
0 for an O
The Lights Remain
Long After The Fire Is Gone
Early 21st Century | Oklahoma USA
Eye of The Horse
[ Study A ]
Angel Dog Farm | West Fork, Arkansas
5 November 2023
They don't know.
They don't know how deep this is.
It's everywhere.
They're coming.
They're coming. They're coming!
And they're going to destroy the fricking country.
At some point people are going to have to realize that there is something to lose here. There is something to lose.
[ we might need a four-leaf clover to survive all this ]
a sea of blue ’n gold
a dream not known to us
equus! equus!
suddenly, they all uttered: it's february
“Even in smoky cities, in the dawn of the lengthening days, the noisy sparrows come out from under the blackened eaves, and, as they shake the soot from off their wings, give utterance to the delight they feel in notes that sound like the grating jar of a knife-grinder's wheel.”
“Numa let fall upon it the doom which was unavoidable. When Augustus chose to add a thirty-first day to August, that the month named from him might not lack in the dignity enjoyed by six other months of the year, he took it from February, which could least spare it.”
The Old Man
sits in an old wagon,
softly sliding thru the water,
his wagon drawn by a pair of mighty fishes
secure by the Old Man's side
rest a plough and harness,
sharpened & regenerated & restored
to till the cold soil
he holds tools to prune the trees
hankers to
wish away the dreary waste of Winter
spies the 2 fishes swim away.
R. Chambers | 1863
The Journals of Harry Pierce
Volume I | 1949
with special salutations to
Herbert Spenser’s
The Mask of Mutability
A Woman Smiles
She Was Nice & Loved the Marines
Somewhere 'tween Bristow in Oklahoma
3 Dog Acres in the Far West of Arkansas
5 December 2015
An Inner Glow Attracts
“I am happy that the Bread proved so welcome. I wish you would be so good as to leave off dreaming, or that you would mend your Dreams.”
§“She was, I am informed, a most lovely woman, with talents of the first order; they were united as fondly by love as by community of feeling and taste, and lived in so much happiness.”
§“He is found in possession of special powers for the purpose of negotiating with the hapless Mohammed Ali, Nawab of Arcot — otherwise known as the Nabob of the Carnatic and the Nabob Wallah Jaw or Wallaja, and later known as the Heavyweight Champion of the World.”
The Letters of Warren Hastings
to His Wife Marian
British Occupied Calcutta | 1780 to 1785
Dancing Flame #4
The Heart of a Matter
[ transformed ]
3 Dog Acres | 17 January 2024
[ ne'r it did ever quit hurtin’ ]
Some Of Us Remember
We Recall
4 Youngsters on the Front Porch
Helena, Arkansas | 1981
“she was thanking you that you have come here and you represent the American People and she was crying from happiness grateful that you think of us that you want to help us it made me sure that it's always better to be good than to be bad because even this morning I felt some bad thoughts concerning our visit to a certain family”
[ ‘when you've stood’ ]
you're going to have to stand again, even when you can't stand, but sometimes you need someone to help you stand
we present our demands as clearly, as intelligently, as calmly as possible »»» these people in the end had one answer for us:
don't be fooled by people who tell you to wait ’till Monday »»» the option that is presented to us says
come on back-in and harness yourself like a mule until the sun comes down »»» I don't think we are mules
this is a peaceful fight to get rightness done »±« we can let it pass by and fight all of these fights individually »±«
enemies come in groups »±« these people down at the school board »±« some people say we should not hate & I think it's wrong to hate »‡« it is not wrong to fight
they use the system for segregation »±« he said if you throw it out THEN white folks ain't going to stay »±« we have a pitiful situation on our hands we are forever struggling at each other's throats
if we keep pointing our fingers at one another
when the boat sinks the last thing we'll see is our fingers and we'll all be drowned
they say no to a Black history program when we know it will give our children a sense of self • who they are • we must know who we are
if we refuse to stand we are going to be under the foot of the ruling class in this community • why should we try to be like them • everything is copied from white folks • I think we want to be cowards and hide • I'm going to stand up for my child and my community •
it is the time to build »‡«
it is the time »‡«
if we do not
put forth our effort
to build our temple of preservation
we will send out evil
your child spends more time in that classroom than in the church, or in your home
we need to rebuild that temple
proud • brave • strong
daddy's precious little girl!
In Memory of Nashid
An Illustrated Man
He Tended the Gasoline Station
Somewhere in New Jersey | August 2009
Star Man
Alive in the Paw of a Dog
it is
[ imprinted in freshly dusted snow ]
[ [ upon the iris 2 ] ]
3 Dog Acres
The Ozark Highlands of Arkansas
9 January 2024
Another Solemn Day of Passage
An Eastern Red Cedar at Christmastide
[ or so it seems ]
the ? is
How Do We Get There
not even knowing
how we got here in the first place
o me o my
knowin’ all our sins are identified
the books chiseled
little holes in the floor
not too late is it
pray tell