Study Guide

Economy and Society

Of Colonial America


NOTE: If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, you should do well on this section of the first exam.  The material below consists of important material from the lecture.  Questions on the test will be largely taken from this material.



Terms (definition and significance):


Triangular Trade Routes


Great Awakening


John Wesley


George Whitefield


Jonathan Edwards


New England


Middle Colonies


Southern Colonies




salutary neglect



Questions to Think About:


What where the three regions of the British colonies on the east coast of North America?  What environmental traits of the land formed these regions?


How did each of the three regions of British North America specialize economically?


What is the history of population growth in British North America during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? 


What type and nationality of people migrated to British North America?


What was the class structure of British North America and the opportunities for social mobility?


What was the condition of religion among the peoples of British North America?