Study Guide

Industrial America:

The Rise Of Big Business


NOTE: If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, you should do well on this section of the first exam.  The material below consists of important material from the lecture.  Questions on the test will be largely taken from this material.


Terms (definition and significance):


“Yankee Ingenuity”


Captains of Industry


holding company




Bessemer and Open Hearth techniques


Mesabi Range


Andrew Carnegie


vertical integration


Edwin Drake


John D. Rockefeller


Standard Oil Company


Standard Oil Trust


standardization of parts


Westinghouse air brakes


Pullman cars


George Pullman


transcontinental railroad


Panic of 1873

Depression of 1893


J. P. Morgan


boss politics


political patronage


spoils system


National Labor Union


Knights of Labor


Uriah Stephens


Molly Maguires


Railroad Strikes of 1877


American Federation of Labor


Samuel Gompers


Haymarket Square Riot 1886




John Peter Altgeld


Homestead Strike


Henry Clay Frick


Pinkerton Detectives


Pullman Strike


American Railway Workers Union


Eugene V. Debs


Questions to Think About:

What were the six reasons for American industrial success?


What is a monopoly and what were the different types of monopoly?


What was the role of inventiveness in the industrial revolution?


Describe the rise of the steel industry.


Describe the rise of the oil industry.


Describe the railroad industry.


What was the nature and characteristics of urbanization in the US?


What was the trend of population growth in the US?


What was the role and nature of immigration in late nineteenth century US?


How did American workers fare during the rise of big business?


What is the history of the union movement from 1860-1900?