Study Guide

Progressive Era, 1900-1919


NOTE: If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, you should do well on this section of the first exam.  The material below consists of important material from the lecture.  Questions on the test will be largely taken from this material.


Terms (definition and significance):


social justice


municipal government reform


Robert LaFollette


Ida Tarbell


Upton Sinclair








direct primaries


sociological jurisprudence


Louis Brandeis


17th Amendment


Carrie Catt


Jeanette Rankin


18th Amendment


Booker T. Washington


W. E. B. Dubois


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


National Urban League


Square Deal


Mark Hanna


Trust Busting


“Rule of reason”


Industrial Workers of the World


Payne-Aldrich Tariff of 1909


Ballinger-Pinchot Affair


Bull Moose Party


New Freedom


Underwood Tariff


16th Amendment


Federal Reserve Act of 1913


Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914



Questions to Think About:


What was progressivism?


Who and where were the progressives?


What were the problems that progressivism was trying to solve?


What were some of progressivism’s achievement politically, economically, and socially.


What was the nature of Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency?


What was the nature of Taft’s presidency?


What was the nature of Wilson’s presidency?