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The Bad Grade Primer.

NOTE FROM MRS. BOWLES: The Level One Academic Writing and Grammar instructor, Sera Streiff-Vena, sent these paragraphs from Level One, who are learning how to write process paragraphs, so here's some "bad" advice from their class.

How to Have a Bad Grade.

By Moctar Diop

First of all, don't do the homework, and come late all the time. Second, don't buy the books. Third, sleep in class, and talk too much. Next, whisper during class, and speak in your language.

After that, don't participate in class, and don't take notes. Then don't try to understand the lesson, and never go to the language lab. Finally, disturb the teacher, and copy and cheat on the test. This is how to have a bad grade in class.

Worse and Worse.

By Lucero Quiroz

If you want to be an excellent bad student, you don't need to be a smart person. You only need to follow this advice. First, you need to have bad or terrible preparation for the class. To get to this point, don't do the homework, don't study, don't read about the topic before class, and never go to the language lab.

But don't forget that you don't need to buy the books. Second, your attendance must be horrible. You need to come late everyday, or miss class one or two times per week. Finally, your participation must be null. You can sleep in class or talk too much, but in your native language. When the teacher asks you something, don't participate, and never take notes about the class. If you follow all this good advice, in two weeks maybe your teacher will want to kill you!!

How to Get a Bad Grade
in English Class.

By Issoufou Tahirou

If you want to get bad grades in English class at school, there are many areas to consider. The first is preparation: don't do the homework, don't study, don't read the topic before class, don't buy your books, and never go to the language laboratory. Second is the participation in class: sleep in class, talk too much, speak in your language, whisper during class, don't participate, don't take notes in class, don't try to understand the lessons, and disturb the teacher. Then we have attendance. In this part, you have to come late and miss class. Finally, we can speak about behavior. You have to copy and cheat on the test. However, I think that it's evil to get bad grades in class because education is important for every person. It's good to get a good grade in class, not bad.

How to Have a Bad Grade.

By Pap Diof

It's easy to have a bad grade if you do like this. First, don't do your homework, or read the topic before class. Never go to the language lab. Second, don't participate in class, or try to understand. Then speak in your language. Third, never go to the language lab, and don't take notes in class. Finally, the most important bad thing is to drive the teacher crazy, and copy and cheat on the test. It's easy to have a bad grade if you do all of this.

How to Have a Bad Grade in Class.

By Charles Ouedraogo

If somebody wants to have a bad grade in class, it's not difficult. First, come late to class everyday (for example, ten minutes after the teacher). First of all, miss the class every time. Most important, don't speak English in class. Second, sleep in class, and disturb the teacher. Third, don't try to understand the lessons, and copy and cheat on the test. Next, don't participate in class, and talk too much. After that, don't do your homework. Finally, don't learn the lessons before the class. You will have a bad grade if you do all these things.

Nobody Likes a Bad Grade.

By Aliou Diouf

Nobody likes a bad grade. I think a student must do all the assignments if he wants to get a good grade.

First, a good student has to be prepared before the class. Never come to class without your books or without doing all the homework. After that, try to have good attendance. Coming late all the time can affect your attendance grade. Also, try to participate in class without whispering or speaking your own language. Finally, try to keep your papers and your stuff in a portfolio to see your progress. If a student wants to get a good grade, he will do this. Nobody likes a bad grade!

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