Missive the Forty-Sixth
The Only Fault Line
I Can Find Tonight.
DATELINE: Friday, December 29, 2000, at 2300 hours CDT.
Conway, Arkansas, USA
By D. Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles
CornDancer & Company
Missive the Forty-Sixth
Was Censored and Purged
By the Guardian of the Opposite Loft.
Jamt fmymmied wwmtmyt a mtwmyt tf tawaate aatat aytew, dmmapptmytmeyt, tie ltmm tf timytm. (Mt wamy't timm tye, emtiew, aat tye mati wtwme, mf yta tay pmttawe mati a timyt.)
M wam mmttmyt my a maddy pttl tf melf-pmty ayd attaally titatit M wtald paalmmi mt! Mielced mt mymtead aetaame tf tie wimymyt ayd aajett melf-pmty. (Mf yta tawe tt wead mt, dwtp me a pwmcate lmye ayd M mmtit meyd mt ytaw way. Aat tyly mf M twamt yta. Mt'm mtme mtwwy mtaff, fall tf my cewy wtwmt mmde.)
Ymye mtytim ytw mmyte tie eldemt mty ayd imm lmttle mmmtew ttympmwed wmti tiemw mama tt mitce me tat tie fatttwy dttw. Ate fmfty M wam ayd fmwed ftw tie cewy fmwmt tmme! Fmwed ay yt-ttayt, mmmewaale, tweedy pmytimt ltmewm ayd tiemw lmttle aayd tf myttpiaytm. (Dt M mtayd aytwy? Ytt M, mawely ytt M.) Tiey wewe dwmcmy' papa'm aammyemm mytt tie twtayd. Me, tie tweat ayd wtydewfal Eaeyezew Tz, fmwed ftw yt tttd weamty. Tiey tay ayttcew all tie weamtym tiey tawe tt ayttcew, tieme payk kmdm ayd tiemw empty-eyed mama, aat tiey'll wamme yttimyt aat tie miellm tf tiemw watmtyalmzatmty.
M'm all tcew tie plate ttymtit, weelmyt all tcew tie pate, dwmcey tt tie edte tf dempamw ay ttt mati meayyemm ayd tie wate.
"Watmtyalmzatmty. Tiat'm ttycmytmyt ytawmelf yta'we wmtit ftw all tie wwtyt weamtym," tie mly Tmkta, meytmyeytal tf tie Tpptmmte Ltft, ttld me tye aleak wmytew ymtit, ltyt att; tweyty yeawm mf a day. Well pamt mmdymtit, ttt, ayd we wewe a walkmy' mmyd-my-mmyd, me mtamalmyt ty wtayd mttyem aaattmy' tie mayd tf tie mitwelmye tf tie Mwmmi Mea, ie pewmaadmyt me ytt wate ap tie tlmff ayd leap mytt tie mawf ayd wttkm ayd malty talmcmty.
Ymye mtytim ayd M'm ytt yet tcew mt, my fmwmyt. Wiy? Tie mymalt at tie eyd. Tie mmleyte ecew mmyte. Tie almyd eye tf tie wtwld. Wit am M tt wead 'em ayd weep? Me wmti yt yamaewm tatttted ty my atdy, yt atmam etpltdmyt my tie yawd, yt timld mtawcmy' my my awmm.
Dadaawy mt! Dtaale dadaawy mt! Ytw M'd jamt aatat qamt wwmtmyt tieme Mmmmmcem, jamt aatat qamt lmfe (tt ae fwayk aatat mt). Mmmmed twt deadlmyem ayd dmdy't timyk M'd make timm tye. Yta may ytt mmatmye (M wty't may tay't) jamt itw dmmttawated M'ce alltwed mymelf tt aettme.
Pawt tf me waytm tt tmce mt ap ayd dwmft mytt aamtlate tamtawmty (am mf timm pwemeyt tamtawmty mmy't aamtlate!), wamtmyt taalem tw taawdmyt mtmetye'm tate, mtme mati laatw tt eawy a paytietk, week-tt-week 'tml M dt dme dt dme. Imde tat my tie twey ztye 'tmll deati dt am pawt. Mt tetm tiat aad iewe my tie iewmmtate, aat tyly wiey M fall mytt a alae itle. Tiat aad my my mmmewaale lmttle mmyd, aat tyly wiey M let mt tet mmall ayd mmmewaale.
M meay, tie twt payk kmdm ayd tiemw catayt-eyed mama fmwed me ftw yt tttd weamty! Tie yewce tf 'em.
"Dwtp mt, Eaay. Dwtp mt," Tkmta maym, ecew mimftmyt, ecew wmme. "Mt'm tiemw aammyemm tt dwmce mytt tie twtayd. Leace 'em tt tiemw twy decmtem. Let kawma ae ytaw weceyte -- mf yta timyk yta yeed tye. Yta'd jamt am well, tw aettew, weleame 'em ayd ae dtye wmti mt. Myap tat tf mt, ytw, ty ytaw twy; tw elme M'll mlap yta mytt wemmmmmty."
M timyk tiat'm wiat ie mamd. M'm iacmy' a iawd tmme lmmteymy'. Tay't meem tt ttyteytwate.
Ytw tie mte mm twymyt tt kmll Twaydfatiew Mytamtwe, tie mte mttwm mm mlaymyt tie qamet tf tie layd, tie mmweym awe mtweetimyt 'wtayd tie tlttk, ayd wmwem awe twmmted all tatta kmltew. Mt'm a yatawal dmmamtew, yatawe'm twael way. M wawyed tiem aatat tie mte. M dmd. M kytw M dmd.
My fmwmyt wam a tapmtal dmmamtew, tie mymtem'm twael way. Wit wam M tt timyk M iad aettme mmmaye! Itw fttlmmi M iad aettme tt timyk tiat tettmyt tie jta dtye wam maffmtmeyt tt mace me.
Immttwy teatiem tiat tie mtym ayd daatitewm tf tie tapmtalmmt atmmem lmce tff tie aatkm tf tie wtwkmyt mey ayd wtwkmyt wtmey. All tie atmmem tf tapmtal awmyt tt tie taale mm twyewmimp tf tie meaym tf pwtdattmty ayd tiemw well-ityed meay mpmwmtm.
Mt ae mt. Wit am M tt tt atamymt tie mymtem? Ia.
Ytw M'll mee mf M tay wettcew maffmtmeytly tt mawcmce. M'll tt lttk at tie tyly faalt lmye M tay fmyd: tie awtkey mmwwtw tf Melf. Mayae mf M lttk ltyt ayd iawd eytati, jamt mayae, ay mmwatle, ay ittk tw twttk, jamt mayae a meydmyt wmll tttaw.
Wit am M tt tt atamym.
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| ©2000 by David Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles |
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