The Tenth Epistle.
January 7, 2001.

The Right Set of Keys.

To open a locked door, you need the right key — if you are an honest man. From Annapolis, Maryland, in America to Zaire in Africa — anywhere in the universe, on all levels of understanding — it is recognized at a primal level that one cannot open a locked door with the wrong key....

The Ninth Epistle.
December 31, 2000.

Breaking The Curse.

Let's discuss the possibilities and the wonders of Breaking The Curse. What curse? Before we identify the curse, let's consider the second verse of our text, Galatians 3:14. Keep in mind that Paul is talking to the Galatians, a loose confederation of the descendents of nomadic Celtic warriors and other tribes in the region now known as Turkey. Paul wants to know why the Galatians departed from the teachings of the gospel of grace and began to cling to old Mosaic law....

The Eighth Epistle.
December 17, 2000.

A Place for You.

Let's start this conversation by looking at a couple of concerns that root or ground us into a sense of belonging. It is important to civilization to know that we belong and that we are advancing....

The Seventh Epistle.
December 10, 2000.

Beyond the Flesh.

What we are faced with, today, is the desire of a dying mentality, the worldview, to be recognized and validated. First of all, God Bless you for giving an ear to this faith-responsive epistle....

The Sixth Epistle.
December 3, 2000.

See God.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe he is the son of The Living God? ....

The Fifth Epistle.
November 26, 2000.

God Sees.

When I was a child I used to play in the dirt. My sister and I would make mud pies and mud cakes. Yes, we would even ask some of the grown ups if they would like to have a piece of our backyard delicacies....

The Fourth Epistle.
November 19, 2000.

Fashionable Christians.

Our subject today, in submission to the unction of the Holy Spirit, is Fashionable Christians. We explore this subject in our continuing work to redirect the faith response of the Christian community. We have established through scripture that Christians have been mis-educated, but what does this mean in a practical sense? ....

The Third Epistle.
November 12, 2000.

God's Knowledge
Is Limitless.

Upon reading and reflecting on those verses, I submitted to the unction of the Spirit to exegete in the following manner. The twelfth chapter of Daniel, in its entirety, is ominous and links us to a prophetic inference in Revelation. Daniel spoke to the intellects and those of the king's court....

The Second Epistle.
November 5, 2000.

Why God
Loves Us.

Let's talk about love. Love in the real sense, the spiritual sense. Any other type of love is simply that, a type of love. But spiritual love is agape love....

The First Epistle.
October 29, 2000.

Through Faith,
God's Answers
Are Revealed.

My dear readers and searchers for truth:
While living in this earth suit in Memphis, I continue to observe a pointless, on-going struggle to find peace and harmony among the races. This idea of racial balance will exist as long as we make it an issue. At one time I felt that the election of an African American mayor in Memphis would bring matters to a boiling point, meaning that the people would somehow, subtly, decide that if they were going to be under African American leadership, then the race issue should become a relic of misguided emotional associations....

|©2001 by David Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles |
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