photo of the week


Back in September of 2009, I made a weekend swing on the less traveled roads of east Mississippi, primarily looking for old water towers, but not turning down targets of opportunity.  This old store was one of them.  I cannot recall the exact location, but when I spied the structure, I thought then — and still think now — that the faded sign may be a misnomer.  It appears that this establishment has reached, or is knocking on the door, of its limitations as a viable store — and that the range of offerings ran all the way from standard snacks to household ‘sumpinanothers.’

From EM to AO to LA

Sunday, February 7, 2016
Pine Buff, Arkansas

We are dredging through the archives, starting in EM (East Mississippi), making a fast trip to AO (Arkansas Ozarks), and finally landing in here in LA (lower Arkansas), clearly demonstrating that each area offers something cool to see.


A Photographer's Favorite

This is Haw Creek Falls, perhaps one of Arkansas most-photographed scenic wonders.  Your wheels never leave highways or improved hard-surface roads to get there.  The falls are part of a national campground.  This is the most-view.  To get this view, you need to back up from the water’s edge or carry in a ladder.  The water is a bit low.  Under ideal conditions, the falls reach the width of what you see in the picture.  The first time I shot the falls (on film), those were the conditions.


Chocolate for Buttercups

South of Pine Bluff on US Highway 63, this old barn and some adjacent former chicken houses sit on top of this hill.  The nutrient-laden downflow from the barn and chicken houses enriches the side of the hill with elements that buttercups absolutely love.  Think chocolate for buttercups.  At the right angle, the old barn seems to be floating in buttercups that are reveling in buttercup nirvana.  It provides us mere mortals with a neat view.

If you look around, you will find interesting, intriguing visuals and some of Mother Nature’s handiwork.  It’s a matter of going and looking.


see more
But wait, there's more....
at Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.
We look at more from the archives,
including a champion Gingko tree
with its finest plumage,
a second look at Haw Creek Falls,
and a beside-the-Mississippi-River scene in Woldenberg Park in New Orleans. Click, go and look.

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