The Will to Survive
This gnarled little tree at the boat launch ramp at the Saline River bridge on U.S. Highway 63 north of Warren, Arkansas, is making its stand to survive and grow out of a bed of rip-rap. On close inspection, you can see where the top of the tree was broken off at one time, but apparently the genetic will to survive overwhelmed the seemingly disastrous injury — and now new growth is alive, well, and thriving. There's a clear message to us here from a tree who doesn't give a hoot whether anyone ever sees it or even knows that it exists.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Pine Buff, Arkansas
On my way to Felsenthal on Saturday (May 28) to shoot the Felsenthal Breamfest, I stopped at the bridge over the Saline River on U.S. Highway 63 north of Warren. At the river’s edge I spotted the tree above making a valiant stand to survive under harsh circumstances. The tree sends a message, and finding it sends a message that one can benefit by occasionally leaving the planned path and looking around.
A Different Kind of Smoker
(Let the Fire Burn!)
For my trip back home from Felsenthal, I took a route that I had not taken before and found this old firetruck converted to a mobile BBQ pit. While it may not be earth shaking, it is an entertaining sight. We can all use a smattering of unexpected entertainment, be it visual or by another delivery system. See a different view of the truck at Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.
This Time The Serious Eye
Leaving Warren, I jumped back on Highway 63 with the intentions of leaving it just north of the aforementioned bridge. That route takes one past this barn, which I have shot before, but not seriously. This time, for a change, I gave it the attention it deserves.
A Good Picture-Takin'
After taking the east-bound gravel road north of the Saline River bridge and subsequent wandering, I eventually wound up on Lincoln County Road 21, where I found this split level barn.
I set up to shoot it and after I had fired a few shots, I heard a dog barking. The owner of the barn and his dog had taken up positions on their front porch and watched the photographic proceedings. I call out to him and said something to the effect of “you don’t see many barns like this and it needs a good picture-takin.” He agreed.
After I fired off the last frame, I sauntered up to the front porch and made my peace with the owner and his canine companion. Turns out his father and grandfather built the barn in 1948. About that time, one of the owner’s friends comes riding up on a fine looking big Harley Davidson. After a bit of conversation regarding my history with motorcycles, he suggested that I step astride it to see how it felt. Which was good.

No Excuses This Time
After leaving the split level barn, I continued to Arkansas Highway 11 and turned east to Cornerville, where I turned north on a county road that eventually runs in to Arkansas Highway 114. A turn west on 114 will take you back to 63 for the trip home.
This old barn is on Highway 114. I have been putting off to shoot it for far too long. There was no excuse that day. The light was good and I straddled the tripod through a bob-wahr fence, aka barbed wire, and fired away.
While I was shooting, a gentleman of about my vintage stopped by the truck as he was taking his afternoon walk. After the visit, I punched on to 63 and returned home and was welcomed by thee dogs, three cats, and one spouse.
I took pause to renew my belief that deviating from one's plans or making a random turn or two frequently yields the best kind of benefits: the unexpected ones.
But wait, there's more —
see another view
of the firetruck,
an old theater,
a father and son
wetting hooks together
and a fun fern.
See ‘em at Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.