History 2302
United States History
from 1877
Fall Semester, 2004
Credit: three semester hours
Instructor: Dr. Ronald Fritze
Office: Irby 421
Office Hours: 3:30-5:30 MW and 12:00-1:00 and 2:00-4:00 F and by appointment.
Divine et al., America: Past and Present
Ignatius Donnelly, Caesar's Column
For Website at Planet Clio, go to: This site has the syllabus posted along with instructions for assignments.
Class Objectives:
1. Students should develop an educated familiarity with the basic chronology of American history.
2. Students should develop a college-level knowledge of the important personalities, events, and trends of American history.
3. Students should develop an understanding of the importance of history to understanding the present.
Exams and Quizzes:
There will be three major exams each worth 100 points (one third of the course grade). Each exam will cover the material in the lectures and the textbook. The third exam will serve as the final and will not be comprehensive. Each exam will consist of 100 objective questions.
In-Class Papers:
There will be two in-class essay/quiz papers. One will be on Caesar's Column and the other will be on Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the associated reading. Study questions will be provided. Each written assignment will be worth 50 points.
The course consists of a total of 400 points. 360 and above will be an A, 300 and above will be a B, 260 and above will be a C, etc.
Class Attendance:
Class attendance is a necessary part of the educational process in this class. More than three unexcused absences will result in the possibility of the instructor dropping the student from the class roll. After three unexcused and/or excused absences, all further absences will need written or documented excuses. Chronic tardiness is also discouraged. The instructor reserves the right to deal with it on a case-by-case basis.
Missed Exams:
Major exams can be made up at 4:00, 1 December. You are to come to my office at Irby 421 to make arrangements. Only people who have secured an excused absence from me will be able to take the exam. Those without an excuse will receive a zero. If this date for the make-up is not good for you, don't miss the work in the first place. If you miss both major exams you will need to drop the course as you are obviously too busy to be taking this class. Unless there are severe weather conditions or some other extraordinary circumstances, if you are late, do not come into the classroom.
Student Reminder:
Students should consult their student handbook and familiarize themselves with university policies concerning academic honesty, Americans with disabilities, and sexual harassment.
A U G U S T |
23 |
Introduction and the End of the Frontier (chs. 16-17) |
25 |
The End of the Frontier |
30 |
Industrial America (ch. 18) |
S E P T E M B E R |
1 |
Industrial America (ch. 19) |
8 |
Political Life in the Gilded Age (ch. 20) |
13 |
Progressive Era (ch. 22-23) |
15 |
Caesar's Column, quiz and discussion |
20 |
America's Rise to World Power (ch. 21) |
22 |
America's Rise to World Power |
27 |
29 |
World War One (ch. 24) |
O C T O B E R |
4 |
The Twenties (ch. 25) |
6 |
The Twenties |
11 |
Crash and the Great Depression |
13 |
New Deal (ch. 26) |
18 |
New Deal |
20 |
Foreign Policy, 1920-1941 |
25 |
Foreign Policy, 1920-1941 (ch. 27) |
27 |
World War II |
N O V E M B E R |
1 |
Unit III |
3 |
Cold War and Containment (ch. 28) |
8 |
Politics and Society in the 1950s (ch. 29) |
10 |
Politics and Society in the 1950s |
15 |
Invasion of the Body Snatchers |
17 |
IBS quiz and discussion |
22 |
The 1960s: Great Society and Civil Rights (ch. 30) |
29 |
Vietnam War and After |
D E C E M B E R |
1 |
Vietnam War and After (ch. 31 and 32) |
8 |
FINAL 7:30 MW class, final at 7:00 |
10 |
FINAL 2:00 MW class, final at 10:00am. |
Other Important Dates
24 September is the last day to drop or withdraw without penalty.
19 November is the last day to drop or withdraw with WP or WF.
PLANET CLIO is ruled by Dr. Ronald Fritze,
Professor of History at the University of Central Arkansas.
An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets,
Planet Clio is dedicated to the study and exploration of history.
is a privately owned, non-commercial developmental website
for the mind and spirit
maintained by webmistress Freddie A. Bowles of the Planet Earth.
Submissions are invited.