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This page
a short bio
and a list
of articles
written for

My name is Chad Miller. Welcome to my subsite on These pages are designed to reflect the advancements I have made in the world of computing while participating in this developmental project and others at CornDancer & Company. I'm not the brightest in the computer field, nor am I the most knowledgeable, but I plan on making a career in computer technology, and the only way I can see to further my knowledge and expertise is to put my plans into action.

My goals at Corndancer are straightforward: to gain experience in any field that may present itself to me while working as an intern at CornDancer & Company. Whether it be web design, LAN installations, programming, database management, or anything else.... It has to be done by someone and that someone might as well be me.

Computing is no longer a future ideal in our society -- it is here in the present. Our lives are surrounded by it and our workplaces are filled with it. If anyone plans on having (or keeping) a good job, then they better know how to use it.


This section contains articles on areas I am currently researching.

Linux: An Overview.

Linux Box Security: 101.

19 Basic Linux Commands.

Developmental Level: Partial Draft
Page launched:
July 18, 2000
Most recent revision:
August 27, 2000