a New LitTunes
Database of Songs
and Text Connections
Friday, September 21, 2012
Howdy! My name is Burgundy Anderson. I have been given the tremendous honor of being the first ever LitTunes intern! I decided that for my first project, I wanted
to create a new database of songs and books. I hope it will help students and teachers find new connections between music and literature.
I am a senior in high school, and last spring I student-taught eighth graders with one of my former teachers. This means that I have the unique perspective of a student and a teacher.
The books and play I put on the list are some of my favorite works. Most I read outside of school, but I wished that I had been able to read them with a teacher and classmates so we could discuss what was going on and talk about how we related to the characters. The ones I did read in class were chosen for the list because, even after extreme in-depth annotation, I still don’t completely understand them. But I’m starting to catch on — Fahrenheit 451, which I read in eighth grade, and then helped teach this past year, still surprises me with the things I find.
I chose all the music based not only on the connections to the books, characters, plots, and symbols, but also on the fact that the songs are very current, and most students will know them. OK, a few of the songs are a bit older, but they’re classics!
So please, feel free to use this list in your exploration of the connections between music and literature. Keep in mind that the songs and books can inspire interesting class discussions. And if you have any questions about the list or want to help me make it better, contact me by e-mail at burgundy@littunes.com.
Connections 2012 database
Download Burgundy's
Connections 2012 database
in Excel
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