Open Book,
Click Link,
Browse 'n Think.
Skipping like a propelled stone o'er the fluid surface of idea, remembrance, event, reflection, movement, trivia — is this an appropriate metaphor for how we read, how we think?
Life's pace moves faster and faster . . . as if humankind is nearing a convergence. The Sage from the Land of Nod purports to live in the time of The Quickening. Shall we dwell there with him? Do you catch a page here, a chapter there; glance at snippets crawling across a television screen, or lines scrolling up 'n down the monitor. Do you race like the rat in the maze of deficit attention? In an instant, however whatever wherever and now — you arrive at this singular place — Planet Deutsch, Lesesaal, a byted Reading Room devoted to Germany. You stay a moment. Skip on.

The stone skips to a time past, the strange age of the Weimar between the two Great Wars of the Twentieth Century. It skips to paintings, cinema, the degenerates. There is a Splash. You pause at another thoroughly swirling vortex in the passage.
During the two decades between the two Great Wars of the Twentieth Century, Germany struggled to recover and rebuild, to reconcile itself with the close-by Europeans and distant Americans who had defeated them, and to express through politics and art the strange vision of remembered defeat and longed-for triumph.
Deutsches Reich?
Avant Dix, Garde Beckmann
Rat der Volksbeauftragten
The Collections of the German Historical Museum
Is Denglisch good? Bad? Worthy of the full attention of Language Enforcers? How pure should a language be? Doesn't a language thrive and mature by embracing, rejecting or accommodating words from other tongues? Do you think German words are simply too dad-burned long? Does the appropriation of English accelerate German tongues and inspire its speakers to match the fast-paced chatter of the now?
Denglish is one of many ingredients tossed by the sly chef into her babbling cauldron of linguistic, syntactic, and grammatical brew. Surely the brew should be sampled by students of Earth's languages. Here at Planet VOX, we chronicle explorations into language and propose new ones. We have a menu, an agenda. Having survived the sampling, we drink deeply. Planet Deutsch is our VOX subsite devoted to German.

*This is the first step toward THE One World Language.
Tritt Zwei. Step Two: Subordination in a submarine!
Planet Deutsch is ruled by Planetary WebMistress Frau Freddie Bowles, an instructor at the University of Arkansas in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets, Planet Deutsch is dedicated to the study and exploration of the German language and culture. CornDancer is a developmental website for the mind and spirit maintained by the circle of sharers at Cricket Song, a haven of goodwill on the Planet Earth. Submissions are invited.