Jessica Skordal T O P I C : Homecoming DistractionsJessica Poses the Question. . . .October 16, 2007How does a high school teacher deal with days like homecoming? The students are excited about the upcoming events and focused on everything but the classroom. Should a teacher simply assign an assignment that will occupy them, but not really help them? Or should a teacher assign an assignment that is important and risk the students not absorbing the information? Shane Hampton answers....November 25, 2007Jessica, on days where there is lack of concentration in the students, for example homecoming, as you stated, it may be appropriate to show movies or films. Students really pay attention to movies. Show a film that is guided toward your lesson material. For example, during my unit in American History, I showed "The Cowboy" by John Wayne to introduce the cattle ranching aspect of westward expansion. You may want to have a movie guide or some questions, and relate this material to the lesson material.