September 26, 2004
On The Horizon.
Our First Group Presentation.
Hello teacher candidates,
We begin the last week of September with the first group presentation on Vygotsky. What perfect timing as we finish Chapter Two on Wednesday. On Friday, the second group presents on Multiple Intelligences, which is discussed in Chapter Four, so the timing is fairly close for that reading as well.
It's only two more weeks before the Mid-Term exam on Friday, October 15, and I can imagine that you are thinking about the test and how you can prepare for it. You've probably figured out by now that terminology is an important part of each chapter, so you will definitely have a section on terms. You should also be able to identify elements of Piaget's theories and Vygotsky's theories from Chapter Two. The "quiz" last Friday is a good indicator of how I will ask question about theories.
Chapter Three addresses different ideas about personal, social, and moral development, so you need to be able to differentiate what Erikson and Kohlberg say about those areas. Chapter Four introduces Gardner and Sternberg's positions on intelligence. You should be familiar with their positions, too. For Chapter Five you should be able to define Multicultural Education and to identify what composes a contemporary mulitcultural classroom.
If you can answer the questions at the beginning and end of each chapter and recognize the important terminology, you should do fine on the exam. A good way to review is to go to the website for the book and take the practice tests and review the flashcards.
Don't forget that you have a homework assignment for Wednesday from Chapter Two. I have also given you several handouts for your field observations. These are to be included in your field observation reports.
Unfortunately, there has been an abundance of absences for this class. I realize that the demands of university life can be overwhelming when combined with work and social pressures. It is obvious that CIED 3033 is not a priority for some of you now and that is your choice. Please realize, however, that you jeopardize your chances for a good grade because you are missing vital information and deadlines.
Your next reflection is due on Friday, October 8, and the Mid-Term exam is on Friday, October 15.
See you in class,
Ms. Bowles
*This is the next step toward THE One World Language.
Step Sixteen: *Your pet theory given a vaccination.

Planet Gnosis is ruled by Freddie A. Bowles, a professional educator and fellow at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets, Planet Gnosis is dedicated to the exploration of education and teaching. CornDancer is a developmental website for the mind and spirit maintained by webmistress Freddie A. Bowles of the Planet Earth. Submissions are invited.