
Writing a
Bio Poem
in the
Cohort classes for the Master of Arts in Teaching Program (MAT) at the University of Arkansas begin in the summer semester with two classes: Issues and Principles of Teaching and Special Methods of Instruction. Both classes focus on theory and practice. The Issues and Principles course looks at general theories of learning, and the Special Methods classes examine content-specific methodologies and theories in each of the five core areas: English, Foreign Language, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Students in both courses are introduced to the Danielson Framework of Teaching, a model used by many states, including Arkansas, to evaluate teacher performance. The framework serves other purposes as well. It is used with our MAT students to assess their performance during a year-long internship in two different school settings.
The framework also serves as a means for novice interns to reflect on and consider how teaching is much more than providing content knowledge to a diverse group of learners, who may or may not share a passion for English, Foreign Language, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Danielson’s framework provides a comprehensive map of four domains needed to be a successful practitioner in the educational context:
- Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
- Domain 2: Classroom Environment
- Domain 3: Instruction
- Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
The Bio Poem assignment in Special Methods serves many purposes. For in-service teachers, it provides biographical information about the student and information about the student’s proficiency in the target language — information useful for all of Danielson’s domains. Students can share their poems to establish a sense of community in the classroom. They can peer-edit each other’s poems for an instructional task. They can publish them to share with parents and community.
For future teachers, writing a Bio Poem serves many of the same purposes — establishing a learning community, peer editing, publishing for sharing with community — but it also provides a model for use in their own classrooms. My MAT students are asked to think about how to differentiate the assignment to reach all levels of proficiency, from beginners to advanced. I also ask that they translate their poem into their first language to gain an appreciation of how translation can change the intent and meaning between the first language and the target language.
Incorporating poetry into the foreign language class offers many advantages. I am a poetry aficionada, so I am on a mission to convince my students that they are all poets. Any poetry assignment can serve as a linguistic assessment, but it can be even more beneficial. Poetry in the classroom can become a means to other ends: building a learning community, getting to know your students, and developing an appreciation, perhaps a love for literature's most poignant genre.
Here are the Bio Poems written by my students in the Special Methods of Instruction in Foreign Languages 2014-2015 cohort. Thanks, future teachers, for allowing us to share your work with the community. Well done!
Dr. Bowles
24 July 2014
Schöpferisch, motiviert, liebevoll, freundlich
Tochter von John und Eva;
Schwester von drei Brüder und eine Schwester;
Tante von fünf Neffen und eine Nichte
Liebhaberin von japanische Animation,
Spaghetti Bolognese und Sprachen
Die fühlt sich Hoffnung, Liebe und manchmal Müdigkeit
Die braucht Gott, Jesus Christus und Luft
Die hat Angst vor nichts,
niemand und Käse, der verbrannt wird
Die gibt Zeit, Geduld und Käsekuchen
Die möchte Japan (noch einmal)
und Liechtenstein besuchen,
und Robin Williams kennenlernen
Bewohnerin von Springdale, Arkansas, USA

Creative, motivated, loving, friendly
Daughter of John and Eva;
Sister of three brothers and one sister;
Aunt of five nephews and one niece
Lover of Japanese animation, spaghetti and languages
Who feels hope, love, and sometimes tired
Who needs God, Jesus Christ and air
Who fears nothing, nobody and burnt cheese
Who gives time, patience and cheesecake
Who would like to see Japan (again),
Liechtenstein and Robin Williams
Resident of Springdale, Arkansas, USA
Sincero, inspirador, trabajador, generoso
Hijo de una maravillosa madre,
novio de una bella joven,
hermano de una pequeña
Amante de Dios,
Fanático al fútbol y amante del desarrollo humano
Quien siente felicidad, satisfacción y seriedad en su vida
Quien necesita amor, salud y fe para sobrevivir
Quien teme a obstáculos, tristeza y al mal
Quien da apoyo, amistad y lealtad
Quien le gustaría ver mas oportunidades
para estudiantes inmigrantes,
una sociedad optimista y un mundo más justo
Residente de Rogers, Arkansas

Sincere, inspiring, hardworking, generous
Son of a wonderful mother,
boyfriend of a beautiful young lady,
brother of a little one
Lover of God, soccer, and human development
Who feels happiness, satisfaction,
and seriousness in his life
Who needs love, health, and faith to survive
Who fears obstacles, sadness, and the evil
Who gives support, friendship, and loyalty
Who would like to see
more opportunities for immigrant students,
an optimistic society, and a more fairness in the world
Resident of Rogers, Arkansas
Bondadosa, segura de sí misma, calma, y comprensiva
Madre de una bella princesa Mila
Amante de mi familia, la vida, y la naturaleza
Quien se siente bendecida, amada, y feliz
Quien necesita sentirse segura, amada, y apreciada
Quien teme el odio, prejuicio, y la injusticia
Quien ofrece concejos amistosos,
compasión, y comodidad
Quien le gustaría ver lugares extranjeros,
el fin de la violencia, y un futuro mejor para mi hija
Residente del nordeste de Arkansas
Caring, confident, calm, sympathetic
Mother of a beautiful princess Mila
Lover of family, life, and nature
Who feels incredibly blessed, loved, and content
Who needs to feel safe, loved, and appreciated
Who fears hatred, prejudice, and injustice
Who gives friendly advice, compassion and comfort
Who would like to see foreign lands,
an end to violence,
and a brighter future for my daughter
Resident of North West Arkansas
Amigable, comprensible, curiosa y precavida
Pariente de dos hermanos y dos hijos
Amante de la música, comida y familia
Quien siente amor, compasiún y tristeza
Quien necesita dinero, salud y amor
Quien le teme a las aguas profundas,
alacranes y ratones
Quien da tiempo, consejos y amistad
Quien le gustaría ver la Muralla China,
las pirámides de Egipto
y la torre Eiffel de Francia
Residente de Rogers Arkansas
Friendly, understanding, curious and cautious
Relative of two brothers and two sons
Lover of music, food, and family
Who feels love, compassion, and sadness
Who needs money, health, and love
Who fears deep water, scorpions, and mice
Who gives time, advice, and friendship
Who would like to see the Great Wall of China,
the pyramids in Egypt,
and the Eiffel Tower in France
Resident of Rogers Arkansas
Follow the rooster to the 2013 Poems.
Click the sand dollar to find the 2012 Poems.
Harvest the seashell to discover the 2011 Poems.
Listen to the sea and find the 2010 Poems.
Another point miscomprehended by people who are clumsy at languages is that one does not need to learn a whole language in order to understand some one or some dozen poems. It is often enough to understand thoroughly the poem, and every one of the few dozen or few hundred words that compose it.
— Ezra Pound, "How to Read," 1929
Planet Gnosis is directed by Dr. Freddie A. Bowles,
Associate Professor of Foreign Language Education
in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
Planet Gnosis is dedicated
to the exploration of education and teaching.
It is a cybersite of CornDancer.com,
a developmental web for the Mind and Spirit.
Submissions are invited.