
My Favorite Links
- www.dust.org
An excellent example of the powers of good making its way through the world. This page has been inspired by
everything from eating butter under a table to Modest Mouse, a true must-see for the hardcore moo fans.
- www.thinkgeek.com
Who ever came up with this site MUST be making some friends. These guys sell almost EVERYTHING! Geek cloths,
geek toys, and even geek drinks( ie jolt ). If you don't want to buy stuff, you should still have a look at the
site, the stuff they have is pretty funny.
- www.mslinux.org
This is an excellent parady sight for M$ making their own distrobution of Linux. The first time I saw this
site, I almost had a heart-attack( I actually believed it for a little bit ).
- www.geocities.com/punkThirty
This is a website for Thirty - my band. We're a pop-punk four piece that enjoy that finer things in life such as Lounge music
and The Waffle House. The site is currently down for redisign( Don't look at me, Ben is the one doing the band site ).
- ArkanSuck
This is a resource site for the Arkansas mucic scene. It contains a listing of almost every underground band in Arkansas,
a message board, a list of clubs in Arkansas and other places that will host shows, etc. etc.