Progress Report: 9-09-00
First off, I would like to apologize to my readers for my blatant lack of progress.
I am writing an article that I believed would be done very quickly,
but it has developed into much more than what I expected. Expect the new article out within the next few days.
Adventures in NT-Land
For those of you who haven't kept up with me, I'm a bit of a Linux nut.
Well, the other day I committed a social faux pas: I installed Windows NT 4.0 on one of my computers.
After a bit of mental arm twisting, Ebenezer convinced me to go ahead with the install.
His thinking was that I needed to be up-to-par on all operating systems and software,
regardless of my OS preferences. I guess I'll bite the bullet on this one and admit he's right
(you won't hear this often, that's for sure). I might begin to write a separate section for my adventures in NT-Land.
You never know.
Well, I guess that's enough about my happenings as of now. Prepare for the wonders of my goals!
- First: Hope the Linux gods don't smite me for installing NT.
- Second: Continue my programming and try to develop my coding skills.
- Third: Finish the article I'm writing now.
- Fourth: Begin another article.
- Fifth: Continue trying to find that large sum of money.