Physics and Astronomy

College Physics
Physics Lab
Class Resources
Descriptive Astronomy
Astronomy Lab
Class Resources
in Physics

Planet Psi Newsroom
Scientific Notation
Planet Deutsch
Planet Russkij
Planet IEP
Planète Française

Cricket Song
Saturday's Guests

Todd Marshall

Joe's Jokes

Group Project Information.

You will be assigned to a group. As a group you will pick a topic, then complete the project in three steps.

1. Prepare a poster presentation.
2. Write a research paper.
3. Prepare 5 fill-in-the-blank questions that can be answered from the information on your poster.

The object of your project is to present something about astronomy that you find interesting and would like more information about. You have a wide range of things to choose from, but avoid choosing a topic that is too broad. I must approve your topic before you can proceed. Each group must have a unique topic. In case of duplication the first group approved gets the topic.

Poster Specifications

One piece of 20" x 30" craft board, or 22' x 28" heavy poster board (poster must be able to stand by itself when propped against a wall). If poster is too large, 10% will be deducted from your grade. (It isn't fair for your group to have more space to display information when the others followed the directions.)

Any text must be legible from 5 feet away (i.e., minimum 16-pt font).

Your poster should present clearly and concisely the main ideas from your report through text, photos, and/or artwork. This is the only method we are using to convey your information to the rest of the class, so be as thorough as you can.

The names of the group members should be written on the back of the poster in alphabetical order, not on the front.

The questions themselves should not appear on the poster.

Poster Session

A poster session will be held during lab on Tuesday, Students will circulate, examining the posters for the answers to the questions that have been provided by each group. This exercise will be the lab grade for that day.

Sources of Information

Books (in addition to your text)


Journals and magazines: Sky and Telescope, Science, Journal of the American Astronomical Society, etc., etc., etc. There are search programs on the UCA library web site that can help you find appropriate articles.

Internet (evaluate these carefully!!)

Report Specifications

Title page:
* Title
* Date
* Authors (in alphabetical order)

* Your report must be at least five pages to as many page as it takes (probably 8-10), double-spaced, (not counting title page, any figures, or bibliography).
* 12-pt font (no larger, no smaller), 1" margins.
* You may use any style form that you like.
* Sources cited within the text need only refer to a source in the bibliography. You don't need to have footnotes on each page.
* Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for the entire project.
* Bibliography.
* You must have at least one reference from each of the categories listed under sources of information above.
* Staple report at upper left-hand corner. No covers, please.


Each group must prepare five (5) fill-in-the-blank questions that can be answered by your fellow students when they view your poster. The questions and answers will be turned in on a separate sheet of paper, which must have the title of the project and the authors at the top of the page. The answers to the questions should be found fairly easily on your poster (but not too easily, because the object is to get your fellow students to read the info presented). The questions themselves should not be written on your poster.


NOTE: The deadlines are tentative and may be modified.

10/7 Project explained. Groups assigned. Groups brainstorm to come up with topics they want to research. List is approved for topics to research.
10/7 - 10/28 Each student does independent research on topics of interest.
10/28 Share results of preliminary research. Make final decision on topic and get approval. Work with group to do preliminary outline, plan poster and decide on further research.
10/28-11/10 Work on project (do not count on being able to work on project again in lab).
Monday, 11/10 Written reports, posters and questions due.
Tuesday, 11/11 Poster session.


NOTE: Grading standards are tentative and subject to modification.

Preliminary work.......10%


Dr. Heather
Autumn, 2003


Dark Universe

BBC reports that the future looks darker and darker: Astronomers have confirmed by a new method one of the saddest stories of the Universe — one day the stars in the sky will all stop twinkling.

Ozone Satellite

A satellite designed to monitor the depletion of the ozone layer — with an emphasis on changes occurring over Canada and the Arctic — was launched on August 12.

Fate of the Hubble

The New York Times enthusiastically endorses the Hubble Space Telescope, but at what cost? Read the editorial about the future of U.S. space exploration.

New Life Form

NASA scientists have discovered a new extreme-loving microorganism in California's exotic Mono Lake. Astrobiologist Richard Hoover likens it to life on Mars.