Each web page published this summer is achived here after the page loses its timeliness. Consulting archived pages can be useful in reviewing for exams, writing class papers, or reflecting on the meaning and value of the course.
Web pages for past semesters are also archived.
June 5, 2005
We Continue Our Exploration....
Can you believe we are about to enter the third week of summer classes? It's been a swiftly paced course of study, hasn't it? I regret that we don't have more time...
May 31, 2005
A Responsibility and a Delight.
Welcome, summer students, to your own public website. The knowledge you gain about language acquisition this summer will be shared with our readers on the World Wide Web! What a responsibility....
April 24, 2005
Review Questions.
Here are the guided questions for the reading discussions beginning with Chapter Three. You may use these to help you prepare for the final exam....
April 9, 2005
Crunch Time.
We've entered the "crunch" time of the semester, as one of you wrote in an E-mail recently. As students, each of us has many demands weighing on our time. The semester shortens quickly....
March 29, 2005
The Other Side of Spring Break.
We're on the other side of Spring Break now, which means a lot of demands on everyone's time. I'm off for San Antonio in just a few hours....
March 15, 2005
Objects, Events and People....
Spring Break is upon us. The countdown has begun, but we have a few days of instructional time guarding the starting gate. Our most pressing demand....
February 24, 2005
Quiz on Chapters 3 and 4.
February is on the wane — only one weekend left in the month. How fitting that one of our sections should close it out with a quiz!
February 5, 2005
Reading Groups Are Initiated.
Section 002, the Tuesday and Thursday class, has initiated the Reading Group page with the first reports from Chapter One. Notice the links on the left sidebar. Each class has its own pages....
January 17, 2005
Welcome! Class begins.
My goal is to create a setting in which everyone wants to participate. I believe each one of you can become an engaged, curious, and motivated learner....
*This is the next step toward THE One World Language.
Step Eighty-Two: *Your pet theory incarcerated in the dog pound.

Planet Gnosis is ruled by Freddie A. Bowles, a professional educator and fellow at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets, Planet Gnosis is dedicated to the exploration of education and teaching. CornDancer is a developmental website for the mind and spirit maintained by webmistress Freddie A. Bowles of the Planet Earth. Submissions are invited.