Woher kommst du?
Februar 2004
Studenten und Studentinnen!
Test Update.
Kapitel Eins Prüfung is printed and ready to go. In the listening section, you will have a dictation section and questions to answer in German. In the structure section, you will create sentences using sentence elements, rearrange elements in a sentence, and translate from English to German. In the writing section, you will write a conversation between a professor and a student, and in the reading section, you will complete a true/false section about the Smith Family.
Let's talk about the homework. What do you do when I give you an assignment that you are unsure of? First of all, don't give up! Look closely at the patterns and examples and try to imitate them as closely as possible. When I assign you a task that we've NOT discussed, I'm trying to find out if you can solve the exercises by yourselves by reading the explanations in the text.
If you are still uncertain about the exercise, you have some other ways to solve the problem. Go to the Language Lab and ask for Max, who has studied German. E-mail me and ask for help. I check my mail each evening, or find me in Irby during my office hours, or drop by Harrin during my advising hours. If I'm not helping a student there, you can pop in and ask me your questions.
Finally, don't get discouraged. I'm not grading such homework for correctness. I'm looking for your ability to solve problems and make an effort, so give it your best shot!
Don't forget that Brady has offered to form a study group. It's much easier to remember something if you have someone to study with.
Der deutsche Verein.
The German Club meets on every second and fourth Tuesday of the month during x-period (1:40-2:30) in Irby 204. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 24. Our theme is holidays since the Mardi Gras party is the same day. Everyone is invited. Dues are $5.00 per semester. Students who join receive a PPP (Participation Points Pass)!
den 16. Februar bis
den 20. Februar.
On Monday, we'll take the vocabulary quiz and practice the verbs. On Wednesday, we'll look at the subject and object cases. Workbook pages 17-21 are due, too. On Friday, we'll finish the chapter and review for the chapter test on Monday, February 23.
Montag, den 16.
¤ Wortschatzquiz: Seite 31.
Vocabulary quiz: Page 31.
¤ Zum Lesen und Üben: Seiten 38-42.
To read and practice: Pages 38-42.
Mittwoch, den 18.
¤ Zum Lesen und Üben: Seiten 43-44.
To read and practice: Pages 43-44.
¤ Schriftliches: Übungen L, Seite 44, und Hören Sie zu, Seite 48. Arbeitsheft: Seiten 17-21.
Written: Practices L, page 44, and Listening, page 48. Workbook: Pages 17-21.
Freitag, den 20.
¤ Zum Lesen und Üben: Seiten 45-49.
To read and practice: Pages 45-49.
¤ Textarbeit: Übungen A-C, Seiten 46-47.
Bookwork: Exercises A-C, Pages 46-47.
Learning Tip for Family Vocabulary.
On the American Association of Teachers of German website, scroll down the page and find Familie, Wortschatz, 1, self-correcting
basic family vocabulary
. You can take a multiple-choice quiz about greetings and check your answers immediately.
Don't forget that you can practice the vocabulary at American Association of Teachers of German website. Play around with the exercises and see how you like it.
*This is the first step toward THE One World Language.
Step Twenty-Seven: *Your understatement posted on the front page!
Planet Deutsch is ruled by Planetary WebMistress Frau Freddie Bowles, an instructor of German language and English as a Second Language at the University of Central Arkansas. An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets, Planet Deutsch is dedicated to the study and exploration of the German language and culture. CornDancer is a developmental website for the mind and spirit maintained by the circle of sharers at Cricket Song, a haven of goodwill on the Planet Earth. Submissions are invited.