Dwight E. Langston
Irby 207D
Spring Semester, 2005
(aka 051)
Office Hours:
MWF 8-8:50 a.m.;
MWF 10:00-11:50 a.m.;
MWF 1-2:50 p.m.;
TTh 8-9:15 a.m.;
TTh 10:50-12:00 p.m.;
other times by arrangement.
*This is the first step toward THE One World Language.
Step Six: *Your modifiers 'neath a pontoon bridge!
Planet Deutsch is ruled by Planetary WebMistress Frau Freddie Bowles, formerly an instructor of German language and English as a Second Language at the University of Central Arkansas and now an instructor of curriculum and development at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets, Planet Deutsch is dedicated to the study and exploration of the German language and culture. CornDancer is a developmental website for the mind and spirit maintained by the circle of sharers at Cricket Song, a haven of goodwill on the Planet Earth. Submissions are invited.