Woher kommst du?
Februar 2004
Studenten und Studentinnen!
Test on Monday.
I hope you are ready for the test on Chapter One. Kapitel Eins Prüfung is printed and ready to go. In the listening section, you will have a dictation section and questions to answer in German. In the structure section, you will create sentences using sentence elements, rearrange elements in a sentence, and translate from English to German. In the writing section, you will write a conversation between a professor and a student, and in the reading section, you will complete a true/false section about the Smith Family. Good luck and see you soon!
Brady and Lindsey have formed a study group and meet on Thursdays at 5:30 in the library. Thanks, Brady, for organizing this.
Der deutsche Verein.
The German Club meets on every second and fourth Tuesday of the month during x-period (1:40-2:30) in Irby 204. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 24. Our theme is holidays since the Mardi Gras party is the same day. Everyone is invited. Dues are $5.00 per semester. Students who join receive a PPP (Participation Points Pass)!
den 23. Februar bis
den 27. Februar.
Monday is the chapter test. On Wednesday, we'll begin Kapitel Zwei about foods. Because this is mid-term, you won't have any homework in your workbook or a vocabulary test.
Montag, den 23.
¤ Kapitel Eins Prüfung.
Chapter One Test.
Mittwoch, den 25.
¤ Zum Lesen und Üben: Seiten 50-54.
To read and practice: Pages 50-54.
Freitag, den 27.
¤ Zum Lesen und Üben: Seiten 54-57.
To read and practice: Pages 54-57.
¤ Schriftliche Arbeit: Übungen C und E, Seite 55, und Hören Sie zu, Seite 57.
Written work: Exercises C and E, page 55, and Listening, page 57..
Don't forget that you can practice the vocabulary at American Association of Teachers of German website. Play around with the exercises and see how you like it.
*This is the first step toward THE One World Language.
Step Nine Hundred One: *Your question mark sliced in half and painted!
Planet Deutsch is ruled by Planetary WebMistress Frau Freddie Bowles, an instructor of German language and English as a Second Language at the University of Central Arkansas. An independent entity in the CornDancer consortium of planets, Planet Deutsch is dedicated to the study and exploration of the German language and culture. CornDancer is a developmental website for the mind and spirit maintained by the circle of sharers at Cricket Song, a haven of goodwill on the Planet Earth. Submissions are invited.