Mein Haus Ist Klein.
12. März 2003
L E T ' S T A L K A B O U T
Studenten und Studentinnen!
Don't forget that oral interviews are this week. Several students came by on Monday and successfully completed this much-anticipated task. One of the suggestions was to have the langauge lab homework due on Mondays since Alex works on Friday afternoons. This change would give you the opportunity to have more personal help. Thanks for the suggestion.
The only homework you have this week is a writing activity for Friday, March 14. You will describe your "German" home for your "German" personality. For example, I would describe my wonderful Schloss in Wien. You have to imagine what kind of living quarters your German personality has and describe it. The directions for this activity are in your textbook on pages 67-68. You can use the vocabulary from the chapter, but you can also check out the Sims site, try the AATG site, or use the translation site to simply look up some words. Be sure and include the article so that you can find the right gender of the word.
Our next test, Chapter Three, is scheduled for Monday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day. I'll make sure I use green paper to copy the test!
Another reminder is that you can view the Fokus Deutsch videos and transcripts. Vocabulary aides for each chapter are contained in Planet Deutsch's new Learning Resources under the Vocabulary heading. Check the menu bar to the left. I encourage you to visit all the Learning Resources pages. We are slowly building the content so that all German language learners can take advantage of this helpful site.
Build a House in Germany!
Last semester one of the 1320 students, Lisa Durkin, sent a link to the German Sims site. We had a lot of fun reading about the house she created for her Sims family. Give it a try. It's a good vocabulary activity.
Another Idiom.
To show reliance, one can use the following idiom that relates to our topic of houses.
auf jemanden Häuser bauen können
to be able to rely on someone (literally to be able to build a house on someone)
Steffi, Lotte, und Helmut kommen bestimmt. Auf die kann man Häuser bauen.
Steffi, Lotte, and Helmut will certainly come. You can count on them.
Extra Punkte Gelegenheit!
You have a chance to earn some bonus points if you answer these questions about Chapter Three by Friday, March 14, 2:00 p.m. Email your answers to by the deadline.
1. Wer hat der Shock des Lebens?
2. Ja oder Nein: Lars hat die Wohnung in Köln ein wenig beschreiben.
3. Ja oder Nein: Marion kennt viele Nachbarn in Boston.
Hausaufgabe für Woche Neun
Mittwoch, den 12. März.
Keine Hausaufgabe. Wir werden über Grammatik sprechen.
Freitag, den 14 . März.
Schriftliche Arbeit: Seiten 67-68 im Text.
Lesen: Seiten 62-66 im Text.
Textarbeit: A, Seite 63 und A-B, Seiten 66-67.
Montag, den 17. März.
Kapitel Drei Exam.
Don't forget that you can practice the vocabulary at American Association of Teachers of German website. Play around with the exercises and see how you like it.
*This is the first step toward THE One World Language.
Tritt Zwei. Step Two: Subordination in a submarine!